Football links between the UK and china
As the hosts of the next two Olympic Games, the UK and China are quickly forming a relation ship. British football clubs have begun to develop links and joint activities with clubs in the Chinese football leagues. Here are some of the main events so far.
In 2006, Sheffield United Football Club bought 90% of the Chengdu Five Bull Football Club. It was the first foreign club to own more than 50% of a Chinese club. The club now has a new name: Chengdu Sheffield United.
Stockport County Foot
初一上 悦读联播 完整版
welcome to Southwark School! When you go to a new school, it can be scary. You worry about your studies. You worry about your studies. You also worry about making friends. You worry that no one will like you. But do not worry to much. Most of the time some people are friendly and some people are not. Usually there are some people you like at once. These people often like you too. How do people make friends? What makes a person a friend? Here‘s what one student says:
―My name is Helen. Amy and Sally are my best
初一上 悦读联播 完整版
welcome to Southwark School! When you go to a new school, it can be scary. You worry about your studies. You worry about your studies. You also worry about making friends. You worry that no one will like you. But do not worry to much. Most of the time some people are friendly and some people are not. Usually there are some people you like at once. These people often like you too. How do people make friends? What makes a person a friend? Here‘s what one student says:
―My name is Helen. Amy and Sally are my best
初一上 悦读联播 完整版
welcome to Southwark School! When you go to a new school, it can be scary. You worry about your studies. You worry about your studies. You also worry about making friends. You worry that no one will like you. But do not worry to much. Most of the time some people are friendly and some people are not. Usually there are some people you like at once. These people often like you too. How do people make friends? What makes a person a friend? Here‘s what one student says:
―My name is Helen. Amy and Sally are my best
初一上 悦读联播 完整版
welcome to Southwark School! When you go to a new school, it can be scary. You worry about your studies. You worry about your studies. You also worry about making friends. You worry that no one will like you. But do not worry to much. Most of the time some people are friendly and some people are not. Usually there are some people you like at once. These people often like you too. How do people make friends? What makes a person a friend? Here‘s what one student says:
―My name is Helen. Amy and Sally are my best
初二是竞争激烈的学年,要使自己能够不落 后并且进入领先的行列,就要付出更多的努力,千 万不能掉以轻心。 无论从中考还是更长远的成长生涯来看,这
如果把初中比喻成一个历时三年的马拉松, 每一个学生都是长跑运动员的话,那么从初二下 学期开始,同学们将进入这场长跑的“生理极限” 阶段。 初二下这个“生理极限” 来源于各科难度 已开始达到中考高端,对学生能力的要求非常集 中和明显。主要体现有以下几点:
1、数学将在初二上学期全等证明及辅助 线构造的基础上,升级为四边形的几何证 明与辅助线构造,不仅是形式上的变化,
2、英语将继续深化语法难度,新加入的“完成 时态”和“状语从句”,将会在选择、完型两类 题型中掀起风暴,而且也是中考英语的核心部分。
另外,在阅读方面,文章的篇幅普遍加大,对 阅读词汇量的要求大大增加。
1、画函数y=2x+1的图象,并根据图象回答下列问题 (1)求方程2x+1=0的解; (2)求不等式2x+1<0的解集; (3)当y≤3时,求x的取值范围; (4)当—1≤x≤2时,求y的取值范围; (5)求图像与坐标轴围成三角形的面积。
3、如图,直线OC、BC的函数关系式分别是y1=x和y2=-2x+6,动点P(x,0)在OB上运动(0 (1)求点C的坐标,并回答当x取何值时y1>y2? (2)设△COB中位于直线m左侧部分的面积为s,求出s与x之间函数关系式. (3)当x为何值时,直线m平分△COB的面积? 4、某服装厂现有A种布料70m,B种布料52m,现计划用这两种布料生产M、N两种型号的时装80套。已知做一套M型号的时装需要A种布料0.6m,B种布料0.9m,可获利45元;做一套N型号的时装需要A种布料1.1m,B种布料0.4 m,可获利50元。若设生产N型号的时装套数为x,用这批布料生产这两种型号的时装所获的总利润为y元。 (1)求y与x的函数关系式,并求出x的取值范围; (2)该服装厂在生产这批时装中,当生产N型号的时装多少套时,所获利润最大
UNIT 5笔记
1、If you do,you'll have a great time.
eg.①I'll stay at home if it rains tomorrow.=If it rains tomorrow,I'll stay at home.
②If you play computer too long,your mother will be angry. (2)have a great time 玩得高兴,过得愉快
have a good/nice/wonderful time have fun enjoy oneself eg.①She has a great time every day. ②What a good time they had last night. 2、What is Mark going to organize? (1)该句为一般将来时的特殊疑问句
(2)organize v.“组织、安排”eg.I must try to organize my life better. or
UNIT 2笔记
1、I aruged with my best friend.
argue 为动词 过去式aruged 现在分词arguing 名词 arugement have an arguement with sb. 与某人争吵 argue with sb. About sth. 为某事与某人争辩 eg.①She often argues with her husband.
②They are arguing again.Do you know what argument is about this time?
2、My clothes are out of style.
out of style=not popular 前面加be out of 不再、失去 eg.①This pair of shoes is out of style. ②He's wearing a suit that is out of style. ③My father is out of work. 3、I don't want to surprise him.
surprise 作名词,吃惊 eg.He gav
My life in twenty years In twenty years, I think I will be tall and have short hair. I will live in Beijing. I will be a teacher in a primary school. I will be very nice to every children and I won’t give them too much homework. As a teacher, I will have long vacations every summer and winter. So I will have a lot of free time to spend with my family. My parents live traveling, so I will go traveling with them often. I like reading and swimming ,too. So I will spend more time reading and going swimming. I like pet