

Grade Three book one unit three

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PEP Book Ⅰ Unit Three Let’s paint

(The second period)

执教者:邓健敏 时间:第七周星期三下午第二节 上课地点:三(2)班课室

※Ⅰ.Teaching objectives

1.Knowledge objectives

(1)Be able to listen and read the words:blue、green、yellow、red、purple. (2)Practice the words through the actions“show me……”. 2.Skill objectives 辨色彩,感受生活。 3.Affective objectives:

(1)通过游戏活动和歌谣培养学生说英语、学英语的兴趣。 (2)爱色彩,热爱自然,保护环境。

※Ⅱ.Teaching key points and difficult points

Key points: 1.听、说、认、读五个颜色单词

2.会说唱Let’s do,并会听音做出相应的动作。

Difficult points:“green”一词的字母组合“gr”的发音较难把握,

Grade Three book one unit three

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PEP Book Ⅰ Unit Three Let’s paint

(The second period)

执教者:邓健敏 时间:第七周星期三下午第二节 上课地点:三(2)班课室

※Ⅰ.Teaching objectives

1.Knowledge objectives

(1)Be able to listen and read the words:blue、green、yellow、red、purple. (2)Practice the words through the actions“show me……”. 2.Skill objectives 辨色彩,感受生活。 3.Affective objectives:

(1)通过游戏活动和歌谣培养学生说英语、学英语的兴趣。 (2)爱色彩,热爱自然,保护环境。

※Ⅱ.Teaching key points and difficult points

Key points: 1.听、说、认、读五个颜色单词

2.会说唱Let’s do,并会听音做出相应的动作。

Difficult points:“green”一词的字母组合“gr”的发音较难把握,

A Test for Module Three Unit Three 2005

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A Test for Module Three Unit Three 2005/11 Class_________ Name ____________ No. _________ Mark____________

Part Two Vocabulary and Grammar

I. Choose the best answer:

( ) 1. We must ______ running taps.

A. put out B. take off C. turn off D. put down

( ) 2. There is only _____ drinking water in the world.

A. a little B. little C. few d. a few

( ) 3. The shark is one of the ______ in the sea.

A. more dangerous an animal B. most dangerous animals

C. more dangerous animals D. most dangerous animal

A Test for Module Three Unit Three 2005

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A Test for Module Three Unit Three 2005/11 Class_________ Name ____________ No. _________ Mark____________

Part Two Vocabulary and Grammar

I. Choose the best answer:

( ) 1. We must ______ running taps.

A. put out B. take off C. turn off D. put down

( ) 2. There is only _____ drinking water in the world.

A. a little B. little C. few d. a few

( ) 3. The shark is one of the ______ in the sea.

A. more dangerous an animal B. most dangerous animals

C. more dangerous animals D. most dangerous animal

Three Passions

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Three Passions Bertrand Russell1


Bertrand Russell伯特兰·亚瑟·威廉·罗素(1872-1970),20世纪著名的资产阶级思想家和社会活动家,一生著作达40余部,论文或其他文章更多。他在多方面的建树深刻地影响了西方哲学。

1872年5月18日,罗素出生于英国威尔士拉芬斯克洛夫(Ravenscroft)的一个贵族家庭,祖父约翰·罗素勋爵(Lord John Russell)在1840年代曾两次出任英国首相,父亲安伯雷子爵(Viscount Amberley)在当时是一名极端开放的无神论者,甚至允许自己的妻子与孩子的家庭教师发生关系。罗素的母亲也出身贵族,她在罗素2岁时便去世了,2年后,罗素的父亲也去世。罗素是这个辉格党家庭的第二个儿子,他的教父是哲学家约翰·斯图亚特·弥尔。祖父祖母自愿承担了抚养孩子的责任。



Translation - for - Senior - Three

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Translation for Senior Three (4)


1. 在你离开宾馆前,必须到服务台办理退房手续。(check)

Before you leave the hotel, you must check out at the service desk. ※ check the door locks / the correct answers / the shopping list ※ check in (at) 签到,登记

※ check out (of) 付账后离开旅馆 ※ write a check 开支票 ※ at the service desk

2. 他们请了一个私人侦探来帮助他们找到他们的儿子。(call)

They called in a private investigator to help them find their son. ※ call at some place 到??作短暂访问;停靠 call on sb. 访问;拜访 call for 需要;接某人一块走

call in 叫??进来;叫??进去 call up 打电话;唤醒;召集 call off

Three keys to a happy life

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Three keys to a happy life

A:Hi,Mr. feng you look unhappy ,what’ up ?

B:Thinking my life is so boring ,I want to be a happy man ,but it seems too hard for me

A:well ,in my opinion ,if you want to have a happy life ,you should be friendly to everyone ,if you be friendly to someone ,I believe he will be friendly to you just like you did

B:But how can I be friendly to everyone ?

A:In fact ,it’s not difficult for us to be friendly ,if you meet someone ,you should simile to him ;he will think you are kind enough and also be fri

Three-dimensional visualization

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Received: 30 November 2014

accepted: 26 May 2015

Published: 27 July 2015Three-dimensional visualization of the microvasculature of bile duct ligation-induced liver fibrosis in rats by x-ray phase-contrast imaging computed tomography

Ruijiao Xuan1,*, Xinyan Zhao2,*, Doudou Hu2, Jianbo Jian1, Tailing Wang3 & Chunhong Hu1X-ray phase-contrast imaging (PCI) can substantially enhance contrast, and is particularly useful in differentiating biological soft tissues with small density differences. Combined with com

lesson 8 Three Cups of Tea

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Lesson 8 Three Cups of Tea

Background information

1. about the author Greg Mortenson

Greg Mortenson is the co-founder of nonprofit Central Asia Institute, founder of Pennies For Peace, and co-author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Three Cups of Tea, and author of the bestseller Stones into Schools.

In 2009, Mortenson received Pakistan?s highest civil award, Sitara-e-Pakistan (“Star of Pakistan”) for his dedicated and humanitarian effort to promote education and literacy in rural areas for fifteen years.

Several bi-part

Three Passions I Have Lived for

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Three Passions I Have Lived for

Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly(压倒的,无法抵抗的) strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither(到此处)and thither, in a wayward course over a deep ocean of anguish(心理上的极度的痛苦), reaching to the very verge of despair. I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy —ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of my life for a few hour