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篇二:2014年新版九年级上册英语Unit 5课文+翻译

Unit 5

Section A

1b Listen and match the products with what they are made of and where they were made. Susan: Hi, Anita. I bought three shirts for 29 dollars yesterday!

Anita: Oh, really? What are they made of though? Sometimes the cheap ones are made of materials that don’t feel very good.

Susan: A hundred percent cotton. They’re nice and soft, and they were made in America. Anita: Oh, OK. By the way, where did you buy those chopsticks? They’re really cool!

Susan: O h, I got them

译林版七年级上册英语课文翻译Unit 1 This is me!

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译林版七年级上册英语课文翻译Unit1 This is me ! 第6页部分

1 0h, I love e-dogs.哦,我喜欢电子狗。

2 I'm Eddie. What's your name?我是埃迪。你叫什么名字? My name is Hobo.我的名字叫霍波。 3 Are you my master?你是我的主人吗 Yes, I am.是的,我是。 4 Good. Now read this book.好。现在读这本书。 How to Look After Your E-dog如何照顾你的电子狗 New school, new friends 新学校,新朋友

This is the first day at Sunshine Middle School. Let's get to know some of the new students. 这是阳光中学的第一天。让我们了解一些新学生。

Task: Introduce yourself to your classmates.任务:把你自己介绍给你的同学们。 Unit1 Welcome to the unit A部分课文翻译

The new students in Class


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WORD格式 可编辑

1. Eddie,more money is needed for charity. You have some pocket money left. Let's go and donate it.

埃迪,慈善机构需要更多的钱。你还剩下一些零花钱。让我们去把它捐了吧。 2. Now? It's time for lunch. 现在吗?到吃午饭的时间了。

3. Don't worry. We can have a big lunch after that. 别担心。捐钱之后我们可以吃一顿丰盛的午餐。

4. Hobo,let me have lunch first. I'm too weak to walk any further. 霍波,让我先吃午饭吧。我太虚弱,走不动了。

Come on,Eddie. We only have five kilometres left. 加油,埃迪。我们只剩下五千米了。 How charities help people 慈善机构如何帮助人们

The Class 1,Grade 8 students want to learn about

译林版七年级上册英语课文翻译Unit 1 This is me!

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译林版七年级上册英语课文翻译Unit1 This is me ! 第6页部分

1 0h, I love e-dogs.哦,我喜欢电子狗。

2 I'm Eddie. What's your name?我是埃迪。你叫什么名字? My name is Hobo.我的名字叫霍波。 3 Are you my master?你是我的主人吗 Yes, I am.是的,我是。 4 Good. Now read this book.好。现在读这本书。 How to Look After Your E-dog如何照顾你的电子狗 New school, new friends 新学校,新朋友

This is the first day at Sunshine Middle School. Let's get to know some of the new students. 这是阳光中学的第一天。让我们了解一些新学生。

Task: Introduce yourself to your classmates.任务:把你自己介绍给你的同学们。 Unit1 Welcome to the unit A部分课文翻译

The new students in Class

牛津译林版九年级英语上册复习导学案 - 图文

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课 题 9上Unit 1 主 备 课 型 Fu Jinhuan Revision 主核 Ma Haixia 5.25 使用者 【学习目标】 Lu Li 使用日期 1.Revise the words, phrases and grammar in Unit1. 2. Can do some exercises. 第一次集体备课(通案) 【导入新课】 The Ss should read the words in the unit , review the grammar part. 【板书课题】9上Unit 1 【学习目标】 1.Revise the words, phrases and grammar in Unit1. 2. Can do some exercises. 第二次备课(个案) Understand studying aims. the 【自学指导】 Task 1 Revise the important phrases 1.share... with与某人分享 2.eat up吃光 3.keep in good order按照顺序放好

译林版七年级上册英语Unit4 第42页部分课文翻译

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译林版七年级上册英语Unit4 My day第42页部分课文翻译

1 Wake up, Eddie!醒醒,埃迪!

2 Is it time for breakfast?到早饭时间了吗?

3 Shall we go walking in the hills?我们到山间去散步好吗?

No. I seldom go out. After breakfast, I sleep, and then I have lunch. After lunch, l always need a good rest. 不。我很少出去。早饭后,我睡觉,然后我吃午饭。午饭后,我总是需要好好休息。

4 Some dogs just don t know how to have fun. 有些狗就是不知道怎样娱乐。 School life学校生活

Millie writes to her online friend about her school life. She also writes about her likes and dislikes at school. 米莉给她的网友写关于她的学校生活。她也写了关于她在学校的喜恶。

Task: Tell your fr

牛津译林版九年级上册英语(新)学案:Unit 6 Task

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9A Unit 6 Task

班级: 姓名: 得分:


1.学会在正式写作前先列出提纲。 2.学习会简单的电视剧本。


知道下列短语的意思: 一.预学导航

receive a message with guns in their hands be pushed into a minibus open the back door of sth. 二.预习成果 翻译下列词组

1.收到一条信息____________________________________________ 2.打开某物的后门 ____________________________________________ 3.打电话给警察____________________________________________ 4.穿警服的三名男子____________________________________________ 5.手中拿着枪____________________________________________ 6.被推进一辆

中考英语(牛津译林版)复习学案:九年级上册 Unit 1 Revision

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课题:9A Unit1 Revision

班级 姓名 学号


考点1 eat up 吃光,吃完

[点拨] eat up为“动词+副词”结构,其中,up意为“彻底地,完全地”。

(eat- - ) eat sth. up eat up sth. 把它(们)吃光eat 考点2 keep all her things in good order 使她所有东西保持井然有序 使??保持井然有序 考点3 come up with想出(主意)

[点拨] come up with与 同义。 考点4 show off炫耀

[迁移] great in? 对??显示出(很大的)兴趣 show sb sth=show sth sb 向某人展示某物 带领某人参观某地 sb. sp. 在展览


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译林版英语七年级上册单词表 (带音标)

第一课单词 e-dog ['i:d?? n. 电子狗 master ['mɑ:st?] n. 主人 year [j?:, ji?] n. 年、岁 grade [greid] n. 年级 reading ['ri:di?] n. 阅读

club [kl?b] n. 俱乐部、兴趣小组 after ['ɑ:ft?] conj. 在...以后 slim [slim] adj. 苗条的,细长的 long [l??] adj. 长的

music ['mju:zik] n. 音乐

hard [hɑ:d] adv. 努力地 adj. 硬的 困难的 short [??:t] adj. 短的,矮的 swimming ['swimi?]n. 游泳 wear [wxy] v. 穿、戴

glasses ['gla:siz] n. 眼镜 enjoy [in'd??i]v. 享受,喜欢 polite [p?'lait]adj. 有礼貌的

helpful ['helpful]adj. 有帮助的,有益的 hob


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