<TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" borderColor=#000000 height=40 cellPadding=1 width=250 align=center border=1> <TBODY> <TR> <TD>
<DIV align=center>单实线边框表格</DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
前几天收到一位同行的一个文档,是MySQL High Performance 2的读书笔记, 97页,6w多字。在描述完知识点后,有疑问的地方列出问题,希望和我讨论。看完以后非常敬佩,自感自己无法做到这么细心。为表敬意,承诺会一一回答里面的问题。对于无法简单回复的问题,就想通过博客的方式写出来,便于讨论。
服务器变量table_locks_immediate和 table_locks_waited#?它们保持多大的比例是合适的?
table_locks_immediate表示可以立即获取锁的查询次数, table_locks_waited表示不能立即获取锁的次数;
Session 1
Session 2
lock tables t1 read;
update t1 set y=1 where id=1;
上面这个例子很简单,session 1加了表所,但是session 2要更新,获取表锁失败。
篇一:Table Manners
People who go to a formal Western dinner party for the first time may be surprised by table manners in Western culture. Knowing them will help you make a good impression. Having good table manners means knowing, for example, how to use knives and forks, when to drink a toast and how to behave at the table. Beside your napkin you will find a small bread roll and three glasses—one for white wine, one for the red wine, and one for water. There are two pairs of knives and forks on the table, forks on the left an
篇一:Chinese Table Manners
Chinese Table Manners A multitude of etiquette considerations occur also when dining in China. There are some special differences from manners in western countries. a. A round dining table is more popular than a rectangular or square one. As many people who can be seated comfortably around it conveniently face one another. The guest of honor is always seated to the right of the host; the next in line will sit on his left. Guests should be seated after the host's invitation, and it is discourteo
MODIS Product Table
MODIS Product Table
These links will direct you to specific information and access points for each of the MODIS Land Products distributed from LP DAAC.
Shortname Platform MODIS Product Raster Type MCD12Q1MCD43A1MCD43A2MCD43A3MCD43A4
Res (m) Temporal Granularity Combined Combined Combined Combined Combined
Land Cover Type BRDF-Albedo Model
Parameters BRDF-Albedo Quality
Nadir BRDF-Adjusted
Reflectance BRDF-Albedo Model
Parameters BRDF-Albedo Quality
Nadir BRDF- Adjusted
Reflectance BRDF-Albedo Model
MATLAB table数据结构
关于作者 ? table简介
o 为什么需要table数据结构 o 通过导入数据构造table对象
o 调用table构造函数来构造table对象 o 通过转换函数构造table对象
? 访问table中的数据
MATLAB常用基本数据类型有:整型,浮点型,字符型,函数句柄,元胞数组和结构体数组。除了这些基本数据类型,MATLAB还有很多其它的数据类型不为人熟悉,这些数据类型在编程中也非常有用。MATLAB高级数据类型系列旨在向大家介绍它们:比如containers.Map, tables,enumeration和time series等等,它们为什么有用,用来解决什么问题,并且怎样在科学工程计算中怎么使用。上篇我们提到了映射表结构(containers.Map )。本篇将介绍另一中新的MATLAB数据类型--table。 table简介
MathWorks在MATLAB R2013b中引入了一种新的数据结构叫做table 。table类似统计 工具箱中的dataset ,其引入的目的就是用来取代dataset的数据类型。因为表状的数据在工程计算中越来越长久,有
MODIS Products Table
MODIS Products Table
These links will direct you to specific information and access points for each of the MODIS Land
Products distributed from LP DAAC.
Radiation Budget Variables Land Surface Reflectance Shortname Platform MODIS Product Raster Type MOD09GAMYD09GARes (m) Temporal Granularity Terra Aqua Surface Reflectance Bands 1–7 Surface Reflectance Bands 1–7 Surface Reflectance Bands 1–2 Surface Reflectance Bands 1–2 Surface Reflectance Bands 1–7 Surface Reflec
Qt核心剖析: 寻找 QObject 的源代码
本来打算把《Qt学习之路》作为一个类似教程的东西,所以就不打算把一些关系到源代码的内容放在那个系列之中啦。因此今天就先来看一个新的开始吧!这个系列估计不会进展很快,因为最近公司里面要做 flex 的项目演示,所以时间不是很多啦,并且源代码也不是那么容易看的。豆子也不是 C/C++ 出身,因此看起来也会有些麻烦。
当然,这么一个系列肯定少不了站在巨人的肩膀上去看问题。下面列出一些类似的系列: 部落格
西方餐桌礼仪Table Manners
Table Manners and Table Etiquette in the WestTable manners refers to the etiquette used while eating, which may also include the appropriate use of utensils. Different cultures observe different rules for table manners. Many table manners evolved out of practicality.
Table Manners and Table Etiquette in the WestFor example, it is generally impolite to put elbows on tables, since doing so creates a risk of tipping over bowls and cups. Each family or group sets its own standards for how strictly these rules are
SAP中QM - Table
QM Table Chart
一. Basic
QMAT MM01 QM Insp. Master 检验类型 - 物料参数
QS41 Insp. Catalog code group
QPGT Catalog codes QPCT
QS51 Select set for plant Select set
QS21: Insp. Charc. Master
QS32 Insp. Method:
QDP1 Sampling schame
QPAM QPAC QPMK QPMT QPMZ QMBT QMTT QDPK :header QDPP: item QDPKT:texts QDV1 Sampling procedure QDSV QDSVT QDSA : samping type QDDR :header QDR1 Dynamic rules QDDRT: text QDPS : ITEM QDEB QDEBT