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1.London is a very cosmopolitan city伦敦是个非常国际化的大城市。

2. Her mother grew up in the hectic urbon environment.她的母亲是在一种喧嚣的都市环境中长大的。

3 .New York is supposed to be very touristy.纽约被认为是一个充满旅游特色的城市。

4 .The city where I lived a few years ago was dynamic one.我几年前住过的那个城市是一个充满活力的城市。

5. Thetrain was crowded.那班火车非常拥挤。

6. The English often drink tea.英国人经常喝茶。

7 .The earth moves around the sun.地球围绕太阳转。

8 .Last year, I often went to the library of that university.去年我常去那所大学的图书馆。

9 .He left ten minutes ago.他十分钟前离开了。

10. Where did you got last night.昨晚你去哪


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The individuals who have contributed are far too many to mention. 2、半夜里,嘈杂声把我们吵醒了。

The noise woke us up in the middle of the night. 3、他不应该对我说的话感到生气,那仅仅是个玩笑而已。

He shouldn’t have been angry at what I said, it was nothing more than a joke. 4、我们邀请了所以的朋友去野餐,但是由于下雨只来了其中5位。

We invited all our friends to the picnic ,but it rained and only 5 of them showed up. 5、婚姻被视为一件严肃的事。

Marriage is viewed as a serious matter. 6、令我失望的是,这部电影并不像我期待得那么好。

To my disappointment ,the movie didn’t live up to my expec


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The individuals who have contributed are far too many to mention. 2、半夜里,嘈杂声把我们吵醒了。

The noise woke us up in the middle of the night. 3、他不应该对我说的话感到生气,那仅仅是个玩笑而已。

He shouldn’t have been angry at what I said, it was nothing more than a joke. 4、我们邀请了所以的朋友去野餐,但是由于下雨只来了其中5位。

We invited all our friends to the picnic ,but it rained and only 5 of them showed up. 5、婚姻被视为一件严肃的事。

Marriage is viewed as a serious matter. 6、令我失望的是,这部电影并不像我期待得那么好。

To my disappointment ,the movie didn’t live up to my expec


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善良之心, 久久相依

当时我没有意识到,是爸爸帮我保持平衡 奥古斯塔斯 ? J ? 布洛克

1 随着我渐渐长大,当别人看见我和爸爸在一起,我会觉得很尴尬。他身材矮小,走起路来跛得很厉害。我们一起走时,他要把手搭在我的肩上才能保持平衡,人们就会盯着我们看。对这种不必要的注意我觉得非常难堪。他也许曾注意到,或着觉得烦恼,但他从来没有流露出来。2 要协调我们的步伐并不容易,他(的步子)一瘸一拐的,我(走起来)则缺乏耐心。因此,我们走路的时候并不怎么说话。但出发时,他总是说:“你定步伐,我会尽量跟上。”3 我们通常在家和地铁之间来往,这是他上班的必由之路。不论生病还是碰到恶劣的天气他都去上班,几乎没有旷过一天工。即使别人无法上班,他也要去办公室。对他来说这是一种自豪。4 当地上有冰或雪的时候,即使有人帮忙他也无法走路。这时,我或者我的姐妹就用孩子玩的雪撬拉着他,穿过纽约布鲁克林的街道,直到地铁的入口处。一到那儿,他就能紧紧抓住扶手一直走下去, 地铁道里比较暖和,下面的楼梯不结冰。曼哈顿的地铁站正好是他办公楼的地下室,因此除了从布鲁克林我们去接他的地方到回家为止,他都不用再出去。5 一个成年男子要有多

新编大学基础英语综合教程4教案unit 5 - 图文

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Lesson 1 Hitting the Headlines

Learning Objectives:

1. Discussing newspaper headlines and matching to photos. 2. Matching stories to headlines. 3. Reading news stories for detail. 4. Listening to news reports for detail.

5. Revising & practising passive constructions. 6. Writing and presenting a news report..


1. Work in pairs. Look at the sentences (1–5) and discuss these questions. 1) Where do you think they come from?

2) What do you notice about the language used?

(1) Where do you think they come from?


新编大学基础英语综合教程4教案unit 5 - 图文

【bwwdw.com - 博文网】

Lesson 1 Hitting the Headlines

Learning Objectives:

1. Discussing newspaper headlines and matching to photos. 2. Matching stories to headlines. 3. Reading news stories for detail. 4. Listening to news reports for detail.

5. Revising & practising passive constructions. 6. Writing and presenting a news report..


1. Work in pairs. Look at the sentences (1–5) and discuss these questions. 1) Where do you think they come from?

2) What do you notice about the language used?

(1) Where do you think they come from?


新编大学基础英语综合教程4教案unit 5 - 图文

【bwwdw.com - 博文网】

Lesson 1 Hitting the Headlines

Learning Objectives:

1. Discussing newspaper headlines and matching to photos. 2. Matching stories to headlines. 3. Reading news stories for detail. 4. Listening to news reports for detail.

5. Revising & practising passive constructions. 6. Writing and presenting a news report..


1. Work in pairs. Look at the sentences (1–5) and discuss these questions. 1) Where do you think they come from?

2) What do you notice about the language used?

(1) Where do you think they come from?


新编大学基础英语综合教程4 教案unit6 - 图文

【bwwdw.com - 博文网】

Lesson 1 Dedication

Learning Objectives:

1. Describing people and identifying common factors. 2. Defining words and discussing the connotations. 3. Reading a text about a man with an obsession. 4. Discussing body transformations.


1. Work in pairs. Look at the photos and discuss these questions. 1) What does each picture show?

2) How would you describe the people in the pictures? 3) What do you think they might have in common?

4) Do you think you are like any of these people? If so, in what way?

Vocabulary : Ta

新编大学基础英语综合教程4 教案unit6 - 图文

【bwwdw.com - 博文网】

Lesson 1 Dedication

Learning Objectives:

1. Describing people and identifying common factors. 2. Defining words and discussing the connotations. 3. Reading a text about a man with an obsession. 4. Discussing body transformations.


1. Work in pairs. Look at the photos and discuss these questions. 1) What does each picture show?

2) How would you describe the people in the pictures? 3) What do you think they might have in common?

4) Do you think you are like any of these people? If so, in what way?

Vocabulary : Ta


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Unit 4PA梦断魂萦



