eggs though rich in nourishments

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Although though 的用法

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总结Although、though、even though、even if 的用法和区别 Although---conj.尽管;虽然;但是;然而




1. 用作连词although较正式,语气强;though较常用,两者可随意换用。如:Though/Although he was tired, he went on working.

Though /Although it was raining,we went there. 虽然下着雨,但我们还是去了那儿。 Though/Although it was barely four o’clock, the lights were already on. 尽管才四点钟,灯已经亮了。

Though /Although we are poor, we are still happy. 我们虽然穷,仍然很快活. even though和even if两者均可用于引导让步状语从句,区别是:

1. even if 引导的从句是往往是假设性的,相当于汉语的“即使”“纵然”“就算”“哪怕”。如: They’ll s

Eggs, Twinkies, and Ethnic Stereotypes

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非常好的英语阅读文章Eggs, Twinkies, and Ethnic Stereotyes

Who am I?

For Asian-American students, the answer is a diligent, hardworking and intelligent young person. But living up to this reputation has secretly haunted me.

The labeling starts in elementary school. It’s not uncommon for a teacher to remark, “You’re Asian, you’re supposed to do well in math.” The underlying message is, “You’re Asian and you’re supposed to be smarter.”

Not to say being labeled intelligent isn’t flattering, because it is, or not to deny that basking in the l

though/although和in spite of

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329 though/although和in spite of


两个相反的或对照的陈述语,如He had no qualifications(他没有资格证明)和 He got the job(他得到了工作),可用下列方法合并到一个句子里:

A 可如上面第 327节所示,用but,however或 nevertheless:

He had no qualifications but he got the job.


He had no qualifications;however he got the job/he got the job,howev- er. 他没有资格证明,但仍然得到了这份工作。

He had no qualifications;nevertheless he got the job.


B 可以使用 though/although:

He got the job although he had no qualifications.

Although he had no qualifications he got the

Even though globalization affects the world

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Even though globalization affects the world’s economies in a positive way, its negative side should not be forgotten. Discuss.

In the present age, globalization is playing an increasingly important role in our lives. But in the meantime whether it is a blessing or a curse has sparked a heated debate. Some people argue that globalization has a fundamentally beneficial influence on our lives, while many others contend that it has a detrimental effect as well.

A convincing argument can be made about globalization not only playin

Even though globalization affects the world

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Even though globalization affects the world’s economies in a positive way, its negative side should not be forgotten. Discuss.

In the present age, globalization is playing an increasingly important role in our lives. But in the meantime whether it is a blessing or a curse has sparked a heated debate. Some people argue that globalization has a fundamentally beneficial influence on our lives, while many others contend that it has a detrimental effect as well.

A convincing argument can be made about globalization not only playin

Though the definition of the public school is vague

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Though the definition of the public school is vague, the kind of person the public school meat to form is a faithful follower of traditional British upper-middle and upper class. The public school is a traditional school in Britain for leadership education, thus it aimed to develop leaders by take the social cultural into account in their curriculum, select essences from different traditions‘ and remold them for a novel purpose and so on.

Naturally, these public schools‘ spirits includes democracy, character training and pe


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篇一:Gap between the Rich and the Poor in China

Gap between the Rich and the Poor in China

Now there is a widespread concern(广泛关注) in china over the widening gap between the rich and the poor. We are surprised to learn that a pop singer can make over a hundred thousand Yuan for one performance overnight, while it may take an average farmer his lifetime to earn that much.

The cause lies in three aspects. First, the gap is the result of the economic reform(经济体制改革). Some seize the opportunities and become millionaires by working ha


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篇一:Gap between the Rich and the Poor in China

Gap between the Rich and the Poor in China

Now there is a widespread concern(广泛关注) in china over the widening gap between the rich and the poor. We are surprised to learn that a pop singer can make over a hundred thousand Yuan for one performance overnight, while it may take an average farmer his lifetime to earn that much.

The cause lies in three aspects. First, the gap is the result of the economic reform(经济体制改革). Some seize the opportunities and become millionaires by working ha

Catalog of Galaxy Morphology in Four Rich Clusters Luminosit

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a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0501448v 1 20 J a n 2005Catalog of Galaxy Morphology in Four Rich Clusters :

Luminosity Evolution of Disk Galaxies at 0.33

Am′e lie Saintonge 2,David Schade

Dominion Astrophysical Observatory,Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics,National Research

Council of Canada,Victoria,BC,V9E 2E7,Canada


Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy,University of Colorado,Boulder,CO,80309

H.K.C.Yee and R.G.Carlberg

Department of Astronomy,University of Toronto,Toronto,ON,M5S 3H8,Canada


Hubble Space Tel

Unity4.6中文教程之UGUI - Rich - Text详解

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Unity4.6中文教程之UGUI Rich Text详解


7、Rich Text

UI元素和文本网格的文本可以合并多个字体样式和大小。对 UI系统和传统的 GUI系统都支持富文本。Text、 GUIStyle、GUIText和 TextMesh的类有丰富文本设置指导unity寻找tags标记的文本。Debug.Log函数也可以使用这些标记来提高代码的错误报告。tags不会显示,但显示样式的更改会应用于文本。

7.1 Markup format

标记markup系统由 HTML 启发,但也不打算成为严格地符合标准的 HTML。其基本思想是可以里面一对匹配的标记tags括起来的一段文本:- (not是黑体)

We are not amused

如示例所示,标签tags只是一张的“尖括号“字符, < 和 >。在text内的标签表示其名称(即在这种情况下只是 b)。注意结束标记具有和开始相同的名称,但添加斜杠/字符。标签不直接