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Guiyang, capital of Guizhou Province, is located in the southwest of China, on the eastern side of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. It is a transfer point between most China cities, and the various ethnic minorities’ villages in the province. It is said that in ancient times, the city was surrounded by dense bamboo groves, and was famous for producing a musical instrument known as Zhu. Hence the city is also called Zhu for short.

Surrounded by mountains and forests, the city has pretty well environment. As in other Spring Citie


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Zhaozhou Bridge

The well-known Zhaozhou Bridge, also known as Anji Bridge or Dashi Bridge, is a large stone-arched bridge located on the Xiaohe River in Zhaozhou County, Hebei Province . It is the largest and oldest stone-arched bridge in the world. Construction

It took 11 years to complete the bridge -- from the first to the 11th year of the Daye reign (605-616) of the Sui Dynasty (581-618). Bridge designer Li Chun built the Zhaozhou Bridge south of Beijing with a stone arch made of massive limestone wedges reinforced wi


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This is a brief introdution of Xiangyang City in Hubei Province. there are many places that I don't write. Forgive me!


因地处襄水之阳而得名,楚为北津戌至今已有2800多年的历史,居长江最大支流汉江的中游,南襄盆地南部,是国家历史文化名城,湖北省省域副中心城市 ,湖北西部支点城市,全国重要的铁路交通枢纽和汽车工业基地,“中国优秀旅游城市”、“中国魅力城市”、“






For many of the water is located in xiangyang Yang named, chu tianjin for north Qu has been 2800 years of history, the biggest tributary of the Yangtze river, middle, south including basin in the south, is a


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The Theory of Australia’s Geography and Economic

(二). The brief of Australia’s Economic

1. Murrumbidee ----Australia's most fertile oasis irrigation area Murrumbidgee is an important tributary of the Murray river about 400 km, from east to west into the Murray river. On the both sides of the river are the excellent natural conditions, suitable climate, is a variety of food crops, fruits, vegetables and farm excellent ecological environment. The whole irrigation area is equipped with hydropower stations, reservoirs flood and f

全球迪士尼乐园简介 英文

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Walt had two daughters.They liked to go to amusement parks.Walt wanted to make a beautiful amusement park.Adults and children would like it.He thought, “My park will be exciting and alive, and it will be clean and safe.”His idea came true with Disneyland.In 1955,he opened a wonderful land of make-believe in California.Real boats,castles,trains,mountains and rivers were all in one beautiful park.Many people came to Disneyland.Years later,Disney World was built.Walt Disney now had another five wonderful parks of fun in Flori


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Jack London was a very famous realistic writer of the United States, whose name at birth was John Griffith London. He was also a strong sailor and a war correspondent. He was born on January 12, 1876 in San Francisco, California. It is believed that he is the illegitimate son of an astrologer whose name was William Chaney. His family was very poor----no fixed occupations, and no fixed residence, either. So Jack had to leave school to make a living and support his family. Jack’s extensive life experiences inc


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一、公司概况Brief Introduction


Founded in 1990, Suning Appliance is the leading company in the industry of 3C(consumer appliance, computer and communication products) home appliance retail chain in China. Up to 2009, Suning has built up a chain network nearly 1,500 stores, covering more than


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Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year. It


starts on the 1 and ends on the 15 of lunar January. Spring Festival celebrates the coming of spring. Several days before the New Year, every family prepares rich food, buys new clothes, and cleans the house. Many families buy or write Spring Festival couplets and put them on the door. People believe that everything must be new and clean for th


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意大利是一个南欧国家,国土大部在欧 洲伸入地中海的亚平宁半岛上,西北—东南 走同,形状狭长,西部的 是撒丁王国的旧地 撒丁岛,南部的西西里岛是意国另一个大的 岛屿,把这个岛和意大利本土一块看,恰像 一 个脚在踢球

中文名称:意大利共和国 英文名称:The Republic of Italy 简称:意大利(Italy) 所属洲:欧洲 首都:罗马 罗马(Rome)主要城市:米兰,都灵,佛罗伦萨,那不勒斯 国庆日:1946年6月2日 国歌:马梅利之歌 国家代码:ITA 官方语言:意大利语 货币:欧元(EUR) 时区:+1,东一时区 政治体制:议会制 共和制国家领袖:总统乔治· 纳波利塔诺,总理马里奥· 蒙蒂 道路通行:靠右行驶



颜色表现的三种主要的含义: 绿色 = 希望 白色 = 信念 红色 = 仁慈 以食物代表为 绿色 = 罗勒 白色 = 莫扎瑞拉起士 红色 = 番茄 绿色=米兰公国的旗帜,其图象为绿 底加双头蛇标志。 白色=西西里王国,其图象为白底加 西西里三曲腿标志。 红色=威尼斯城邦,其图象为红底加 圣马可狮标志。 其标志也表示为三个王国统一的意 大利王国。



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In the center of the vast Chinese nation lies the Mountain of Songshan, one of the country’s holiest

spots and home to the Shaolin 1)Monastery, the birthplace of kung fu.

The Buddhist monks of Shaolin were 2)pacifists, who mastered a deadly art using kicks, weapons and well-placed 3)punches. They were able to kill a man with the palm of a hand. These deadly skills are 4)in line with thei