prader willi syndrome
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32 7
疑难病杂志 20 07年 6月第 6卷第 6期
C i D n o o C sJn 07 V l6N . hnJ商cadC m l a,ue 0, o。 o6 2
Pae. l综合征 1 rdr l Wii例董建芳孙海鹏
【关键词】 Pa r i综合征; r e Wl d- h病例报告【中图分类号】 R1; 31【 9R7 . 7 2 4文献标识码】 B【文章编号】 1 1 65(0 )— 32 0 6— 4 2 70 07— 1 7 0 0 6患儿,,1岁。主因多饮多尿,阴部不适 1,女 1会 5d于 20 04年 1 0月 1 1 5E人院。患儿为第 1胎第 1,产因胎盘老化,
Diacylglycerol oil for the metabolic syndrome
Nutrition Journal
BioMed Central
Open Access
Diacylglycerol oil for the metabolic syndrome
HidekatsuYanai*1, YoshiharuTomono1, KumieIto1, NobuyukiFurutani1,
HiroshiYoshida2 and NorioTada1
Address: 1Department of Internal Medicine, The Jikei University School of Medicine, Chiba, Japan and 2Department of Laboratory Medicine, The Jikei University School of Medicine, Chiba, Japan
Email: HidekatsuYanai*;;;; Hiroshi
Sick Building Syndrome(病态建筑综合症)
英文课程汇报主题: 病态建筑综合症
Sick Building Syndrome
英文课程汇报主题: 病态建筑综合症
OutlineDefinition of SBS Symptoms Causes Prevention and Methods References
英文课程汇报主题: 病态建筑综合症
Definition of SBS Now, there are two widespread and widely-accepted ways to define SBS. One definition made by WHO (World Health Organization) is that at least 20% of staff inside will show some symptoms and their complaints will last for more than two weeks. Moreover, their symptoms will be alleviated or disappear when they leave this building. Another one made by ASHRAE 62— 19