A Course in English Language Teaching
主 讲:姚向礼
教 材:《英语教学法教程》 主 编:王蔷
绪论 外语教学法主要流派
Teaching approaches & Methods
Approaches & methods of Language Teaching
① 拉丁语教学法,指(15-16世纪)为欧洲语言的极盛 时期,学校里教授作为外语之拉丁语的直觉模仿法。它在(15——16世纪)为语法模仿法:16世纪末到17世纪,由于民族语渗入学校,拉丁语教学法主要为词汇模仿法。先后提出了自觉性原则和直观性原则。这一时期的两大代表人物①惜提哈(ratch1571-163500))②夸美纽斯教学法Conienius(1592_1670)
① 德国论点是通过经验与分析去学习一切。认为只从理论途径得到的
Unit 1 Language and Learning
1. Language:” Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.” It can be understood in the following six aspects:
Language as system; Language as symbolic; Language as arbitrary; Language as vocal; Language as human;
Language as communication 2. Structural view:
The structural view sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems: from phonological, morphological, lexical, etc. to sentences.
3. The functional view:
The functional view sees lan
英语教学法教程试题库 辅修
Unit 1
Part I Read the following statements or questions and choose the best answer for each statement or question.
1. Much of human behavior is influenced by their_____ _____
A. experiences B. wisdom C. knowledge D. parents
2. What is the basis for syllabus design, teaching methodology, teaching and assessment procedures in the classroom?
A. teaching attitude B. definitions of language C. structural view of language D. functional view
3. What does the structural view of language s
作 业
According to Ur (1996), a good presentation should include both oral and written, and both ___.
A.reading and writing
B.listening and reading
C.vocabulary and grammar
D.form and meaning
According to Ur, in grammar practice, factors which contribute to success practice include pre-learning, volume and repetition, success-orientation, heterogeneity, ___.
A.teacher assistance and interest
B.inductive method and deductive method
C.mechanical practice and meaningful practice
D.speaking, and writ
第一节 传统外语教学法流派及其教学原则与方法
据历史记载,最早谈论外语教学方法的是欧洲教育家马科斯.昆体良(Marcus Fabins Quintilian A.D.35—95)。他出生于西班牙,后去罗马教授希腊语。他的教学由四个步骤组成:朗读伊索寓言;写下该故事;口头讲述某段故事;写一篇短文。据说这一方法流传很长一段时间。然而,16世纪前外语教师的工作大部分仅为词汇和句子的讲解而已。直到19世纪初,有关外语教学的方法尚未形成系统的观点和理论。
Unit 1
Knowledge: sth that can be learned
Skills: sth that only can be gained through practice or training, Language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing
Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication。 Views on language:
1、Structural view (language competence) —The founder: Saussure
—The structural view of language sees language as a linguistic system made up of various
subsystems:1、the sound system(phonology) 2、sound combinations(morphology)3、 meaning for communic
华南师范大学 本科 网络教育 英语师范 期末测试题库 练习题目
第1题 (2.0) 分 In the inductive method of teaching grammar, the teacher induces the learners to realise grammar rules ___. A、by telling them the rules B、by explaining in an explicit way C、with explicit explanation D、without any explicit explanation 第2题 (2.0) 分
In the traditional classroom, very often, too much attention has been paid to ___, with little or no attention paid to pract language skills. A、linguistic competence B、linguistic knowledge C、language use D、language functions 第3题 (2.0) 分 comm
编写:张 涛 审核:
课程编码 适用专业 考核形式 先修课程 一、课程性质与地位
1401305 英语 考试 教育学 课程名称 学时/学分 学时(含实验学时) 开课学期 英语教学法 36/2 36 7 本课程是英语专业高年级的一门专业选修课,旨通过该课程的学习,引导学生学习课程教学改革新理念,树立交际语言教学观;学习语言学、心理学、二语习得等外语教学理论和外语学习理论,学习不同的英语教学法思想,掌握英语课堂交际语言教学技能;组织学生参加英语教学实践活动、帮助学生理论联系实际教学,培养学生实践教学和反思教学能力,逐步提高对英语教学的认识能力,为学生将来从事英语教育事业奠定良好的理论和实践基础。
Achievement Test for “ Teaching English in the Primary School” I.
Choose the best answer (30%)
Directions: In this part, you are given fifteen questions which are followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Read the choices carefully and choose the one which can best answer the questions. (30 points, 2 points each)
( ) 1. Which type of approach can best describe the following learning
Discussion about how to solve certain problems A. autonomous learning B. interactive learn
Unit 1
Part I Read the following statements or questions and choose the best answer for each statement or question.
1. Much of human behavior is influenced by their_____A____ A. experiences B. wisdom C. knowledge D. parents
2. What is the basis for syllabus design, teaching methodology, teaching and assessment procedures in the classroom? B
A. teaching attitude B. definitions of language C. structural view of language D. functional view
3. What does the structural view of lang