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八年级英语检测题(Unit 3)

班级 姓名 等级


( )1.She is talented music but I am good sports.

A.in, at B.at, in C.at, at D.in, in

( )2. Li Hua s shoes are as as Zhang Hui s.

A.cheap B.cheaper C.the cheaper D.more cheap

( )3.—Are you relaxing yourself here ? —Yes. It is

A.fantastic B.boring C.Bad D.terrible

( )4.It s very important for him me laugh.

A.to make B.making C.makes

八年级Unit3 教案

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长宁镇中心学校( 八 )年级( 英语 )学科集体备课

备课组长签字: 教研组签字:

时间 课题 教学 内容 教学 目标 主备教师 张国莲 修改人员 Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. SectionA 1a---1c 1.会读会写本课7个单词 2.教学使用形容词的比较级比较人或事物的特征 教学 重点 教学 难点 学法 指导 教学使用形容词的比较级比较人或事物的特征 教学使用形容词的比较级比较人或事物的特征 1. Listening 2. 识记单词 3. 说。 教学过程 一、课前预习 写出下列各形容词的反义词. 1. short____________2.old____________ 3.busy____________ 4. thin____________5. calm____________6.early____________ 7. good____________8. hot____________ 9.cool______

八年级英语上 unit3 - 图文

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教师: 学生: 日期: 星期: 时段:

课 题 学习 unit3 内容 What are you doing for vocation ? be going to+动词原形这一结构也用于一般将来时 学习目标与分析 hear sb. do sth. /hear sb. doing sth. 学习重点 be going to+动词原形这一结构也用于一般将来时 学习方法 归纳,总结,讲练结合 学 习 内 容 与 过 程 教 师 分 析 与 批 改 1 教育是一项良心工程



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???线????○???? ???线????○????


2018年春人教版八年级下册英语单元测试:unit3 Could you

please clean your room


考试范围:xxx;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx 题号 得分 一 二 三 四 五 总分 ??○ __○?___?_?___??__?:?号?订考_订_?___??___??___??:级?○班_○?___?_?__?_?___??:名?装姓装_?__?_?___??___??_:校?○学○????????外内????????○○????????注意事项:

1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上


请点击修改第I卷的文字说明 评卷人 得分 一、单选题

1.This restaurant ______ delicious food ______ people.

A. provides; for B. provide; at C. provides; with D. provide; to 2.It’s difficult for me ______


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Unit 3 测试

时间:90分钟 总分: 100


1. I think a good friend should make me ____. A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh D. to laughing 2. Sandy is ______ at playing soccer than Simon.

A. better B. good C. well D. best 3. ______ they look different,they have some similarities.

A. But B. As C. Although D. When 4. Tom is ______ than I.

A. older five years B. five years older C. five years elder D. oldest by five years 5. My hair is longer than ______.

A. she B. her C. hers D. she's 6. Everyone ____ here,so Ann is feeling very _

人教版八年级英语Unit3 What are you doing for vacation

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Unit3 What are you doing for vacation? 教学设计第一课时

青铜峡市回民中学 马晓娟


1、教材的地位、特点及作用: 《新目标英语》教材的语言教育理念是:知识用于行动强调“语言应用”,培养“创新、实践能力”,发展“学习策略”。它采用任务型语言教学(Task-basedLanguageTeaching)模式。设计一个或几个与该单元话题有关的任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中,使用英语获取信息,用英语进行交流,培养运用英语解决实际问题的能力。



(二)(二)实用性强。每个单元的选材都来源于学生的学习和生活,与学生的年龄特征、认知结构、生活经验密切联系。 (三)注重交际。针对中国学生学英语普遍存在的“聋哑病”,教材设计了大量的听说读写材料。 (四)词汇量大. 2、教学目标: (1)语言目标: 掌握单词:babysitting, plan,at home;


人教版八年级英语上册教案 Unit 5

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Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?

Part 1: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计) Teaching Aims

● Learn some names about different kinds of shows ● Learn to talk about likes and dislikes Vocabulary Words soap, sitcom, stand, mind… Phrases talk show, sports show, game show, soap opera, think of… Expressions what do you think of sitcoms? I love them. What does he think of game shows? He doesn’t mind them. In fact he can’t stand them. How about --? I enjoyed … I can’t stand … Structures What do you think of soap operas / sports sh

人教版八年级英语上册教案 Unit 5

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Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?

Part 1: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计) Teaching Aims

● Learn some names about different kinds of shows ● Learn to talk about likes and dislikes Vocabulary Words soap, sitcom, stand, mind… Phrases talk show, sports show, game show, soap opera, think of… Expressions what do you think of sitcoms? I love them. What does he think of game shows? He doesn’t mind them. In fact he can’t stand them. How about --? I enjoyed … I can’t stand … Structures What do you think of soap operas / sports sh

人教版英语八年级上册Unit3 SectionB(2a-2e)优质课教案

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309教育资源库 www.309edu.com

Unit3 SectionB(2a-2e)优质课教案 一、教材分析

教材充分体现“以人为本”的科学发展观,即面向全体又关注并体现学生的个体差异。教材内容的安排符合学生的认知水平,联系学生的生活实际,注意激发学生的学习兴趣,促进学生综合平衡发展。重视语言学习策略的培养,帮助学生提高英语学习效率。教材让学生通过体验、实践、参与、探究和合作的方式感悟、发现并总结语言规律,有效学习语言知识,培养语言学习的策略和能力。Unit3主要是形容词比较级的学习和运用,在整套教材中占有重要地位。本节课是Unit3 Section B第二课时的内容,其中心话题围绕Talk about personal traits and compare people这个题材开展多种教学活动。Section B主要是语言的学习、巩固和运用阶段。这节课是以阅读为核心整体设计的。2a是阅读前的预热活动,2b-2c是读中理解活动。2b让学生快速阅读文章并理解其大意,2c让学生细读文章并获取细节信息,2d是阅读后的检测活动,让学生讲所读信息转化成正误判断题。2e是对阅读文章的拓展,让学生读后关注语言

人教版2013八年级上英语Unit3 SecionB 导学案

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Section B





1.care about 关心,在意 care for 喜欢;照料

My father doesn’t care for tea.

He has to care for his sister at home.

care 作不可数名词,“小心;注意;关怀”,常用短语:

take care=be careful take care of = look after

Take care when you walk cross the street.

We should take care of ourselves.

2.make sb. To do sth. 让某人做某事make 作使役动词,后面接省略to的不定式做宾语补足语。

Colors can change our moods(情绪)and make us feel happy or sad.

ugh at... 嘲笑某人

smile at... 向 微笑
