1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法
2 专业英语Specialty English
3 水利工程Hydraulic Engineering
4 土木工程Civil Engineering
5 地下工程Underground Engineering
6 岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering
7 道路工程Road (Highway) Engineering
8 桥梁工程Bridge Engineering
9 隧道工程Tunnel Engineering
10 工程力学Engineering Mechanics
11 交通工程Traffic Engineering
12 港口工程Port Engineering
13 安全性safety
17木结构timber structure
18 砌体结构masonry structure
19 混凝土结构concrete structure
20 钢结构steelstructure
21 钢-混凝土复合结构steel and concrete composite structure
22 素混凝土plain concrete
23 钢筋混凝土reinfor
序码 汉文名英文名注释 01.1 总 论 01.0001 建筑学architecture 01.0002 建筑物building
01.0003 人体测量学anthropometry 01.0004 人体尺寸human dimensions 01.0005 人体舒适human comfort 01.0006 人类行为human behavior 01.0044 模数协调modular coordination
01.0045 建筑工业化building industrialization 01.0046 工业化建筑体系industrialized
building system
01.0047 支撑体系support system 01.0048 填充体系infill system 01.0049 建筑安全building safety 01.0050 建筑防灾buildi
RI Radio – Inertial guidance system 无线电惯性制导系统 RI Radio Influence 无线电感应,射频感应 RI Radio Interface 无线通信接口 RI Radio Interference 无线电干扰
RI Radnet Inc. “快网”公司(美国,出品网络群件) RI Record Identifier 记录标识符 RI Reference Indicator 基准指示器 RI Related Information 相关信息 RI Repeat Indication 重复指示 RI Response Identifier 应答标识符 RI Ring Indicator 振铃指示器
RI Rockwell International 罗克威尔国际公司(跨国公司) RI Routing Indicator 路由选择指示器 RI Routing Information 路由选择信息 .ri Lotus 1-2-3的数据文件格式〖后缀〗
RIAA Recording Industry Association of America
RI Radio – Inertial guidance system 无线电惯性制导系统 RI Radio Influence 无线电感应,射频感应 RI Radio Interface 无线通信接口 RI Radio Interference 无线电干扰
RI Radnet Inc. “快网”公司(美国,出品网络群件) RI Record Identifier 记录标识符 RI Reference Indicator 基准指示器 RI Related Information 相关信息 RI Repeat Indication 重复指示 RI Response Identifier 应答标识符 RI Ring Indicator 振铃指示器
RI Rockwell International 罗克威尔国际公司(跨国公司) RI Routing Indicator 路由选择指示器 RI Routing Information 路由选择信息 .ri Lotus 1-2-3的数据文件格式〖后缀〗
RIAA Recording Industry Association of America
钢结构专业英语术语 2009-09-16 17:57
acceptable quality 合格质量
acceptance lot 验收批量
aciera 钢材
admixture 外加剂
against slip coefficient between friction surface of high-strength bolted connection 高强度螺栓摩擦面抗滑移系数
aggregate 骨料
air content 含气量
air-dried timber 气干材
allowable ratio of height to sectional thickness of masonry wall or
column 砌体墙、柱容许高厚比
allowable slenderness ratio of steel member 钢构件容许长细比
allowable slenderness ratio of timber compression member 受压木构件容许长细比
allowable stress range of fatigue 疲劳容许应力幅
allowable ultimate tensile strain o
1、Civil engineering, the oldest of the engineering specialties, is the planning, design, construction, 1. 土木工程作为最老的工程技术学科,是指对建筑环境的规划、设计、建设及管理。此处的
2、Civil engineers build roads, bridges, tunnels, dams, harbors, power plants, water and sewage systems, hospitals, schools, mass大宗, 大量 transit运行, 运输 , and other public facilities essential to modern society and large population concentrations. They also build privately owned facilities such as airports, railroads, pipelines, skyscrap
State-of-the-art report of bridge health monitoring
The damage diagnosis and healthmonitoring of bridge structures are active areas of research in recent years. Comparing with the aerospace engineering and mechanical engineering, civil engineering has the specialities of its own in practice. For example, because bridges, as well as most civil engineering structures, are large in size, and have quite lownatural frequencies and vibration levels, at low amplitudes, the dynamic responses of bridge structure are substan
第一单元 In terms of architecture, the structure of a building is and does much more than that. It is an inseparable part of the building form and to varying degrees is a generator of that form. Used skillfully, the building structure can establish or reinforce orders and rhythms among the architectural volumes and planes. It can be visually dominant or recessive. It can develop harmonies or conflicts. It can be both confining and emancipating. And, unfortunately in some cases, it cannot be ignored. It is physical.从建筑学方面来说,建
外 文 译 文
学 院 建筑工程学院 专业班级 土木工程2011级试点班 学生姓名 李金虎 学 号 2011442764
译 文 要 求
1. 外文翻译必须使用签字笔,手工工整书写,或用A4纸打印。
2. 所选的原文不少于10000印刷字符,其内容必须与课题或专业方向紧密相关,由指导教师提供,并注明详细出处。
3. 外文翻译书文本后附原文(或复印件)。
[1] 董祥. 土木工程专业英语. 2010(9):151-163
2设计考虑的问题 (1)简介
AAQS 环境空气质量标准
AARS 机载观测资料自动发送系统
abatement 减低; 降低; 减少
abiotic 无生命的; 非生物的
ABL 大气边界层
abrasive 磨料; 磨蚀剂; 有磨蚀作用的
absorber (of long-wave radiation) 长波辐射吸收剂
absorber vessel 吸收器; 吸收装置
absorbing ability 吸收能力
absorption 吸收作用
absorptive complex 吸收性复合体
abundance 丰度
ACCAD 世界气候应用及资料计划咨询委员会
acceptable daily intake 容许日摄入量
acceptance test 验收试验
accident management 事故管理
accidental spill 事故性溢漏
acetate moiety 乙酸根; 乙酸基
acetylene dichloride 对称二氯乙烯
acid fallout 酸性沈降物
acid fog 酸雾
acid mist 酸雾
acid rain 酸雨
acid sulphate soils 酸性硫酸盐土; 热带沼泽林土
deposit(ion) 酸性沈积