Unit One
Keys to the exercises
Text A
I. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. WriteT at the end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and Fif you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in thereading, write N in the parentheses.
1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. N 6. T
II.For each of the following questions, choose the most appropriate answer basedon your understanding of the text.
1. B 2. C 3. B 4
商务英语阅读2 - 翻译复习翻译
1. Globalization is the actual movement or potential to move across borders of nations in areas of trade, investment, technology, finance and labor.
2. Globalization has resulted in increasing financial flows and trade between countries, as each country tries to establish itself into the global economy.
3. The WTO is the main multilateral trading agreement, which provides a forum for countries to promote free trade and resolve
1. Globalization is the actual movement or potential to move across borders of nations in areas of trade, investment, technology, finance and labor.
2. Globalization has resulted in increasing financial flows and trade between countries, as each country tries to establish itself into the global economy.
3. The WTO is the main multilateral trading agreement, which provides a forum for countries to promote free trade and resolve
1. Globalization is the actual movement or potential to move across borders of nations in areas of trade, investment, technology, finance and labor.
2. Globalization has resulted in increasing financial flows and trade between countries, as each country tries to establish itself into the global economy.
3. The WTO is the main multilateral trading agreement, which provides a forum for countries to promote free trade and resolve
1. Globalization is the actual movement or potential to move across borders of nations in areas of trade, investment, technology, finance and labor.
2. Globalization has resulted in increasing financial flows and trade between countries, as each country tries to establish itself into the global economy.
3. The WTO is the main multilateral trading agreement, which provides a forum for countries to promote free trade and resolve
1. Globalization is the actual movement or potential to move across borders of nations in areas of trade, investment, technology, finance and labor.
2. Globalization has resulted in increasing financial flows and trade between countries, as each country tries to establish itself into the global economy.
3. The WTO is the main multilateral trading agreement, which provides a forum for countries to promote free trade and resolve
商务英语( 第二版)课文翻译
高级商务英语阅读 课文译文 第1 课 主课文译文 新长征
“中国制造”这个标记很久以前就不新鲜了,它贴在鞋子上、玩具上、服装上,以及为跨国 公司制造的其他商品上,世界各地到处可见。现在真正新鲜的是以中国品牌出售的中国制造 的商品。目前中国只有为数不多的几家公司拥有足够的财力和管理知识来打造国际名牌;其 余的绝大多数公司还在为在国内获得知名度而努力奋斗着。但是正在海外市场上试水的各大 先锋公司,很有可能把事情做大。
一些人认为,在创业精神饱满的本地管理层的协助下,或者在一些想在其产品系列里添加新 产品的外国公司的协助下,中国商品在极具竞争力的价格的基础上,若把卖点放在产品质量 和异国情调上,那末10 年之内,中国品牌将一个一个地走向全球。总部在香港的广告公司 中国精信(Grey China)的执行董事陈一木丹(Viveca Chan)说:“如果世界上只有一个国
短期之内,中国商品最有希望打入国际市场的当属中草药和特色食品,当然也包括那些体现 中国浪漫并具有异国情调的产品,例如化妆品、时装和音乐作品。中国总部设在上海的泰 勒·娜尔森·索福瑞(Taylor Nelson Sofres)
剑桥商务英语高级 第二版 课文翻译
BEC高级 课文Reading 翻译 TONY
Unit 1a Work Roles Reading 1 什么是定工制
定工制是一种设定工作岗位,发展员工能力,以适应不断变化的工作性质的先进手段。 通过使用工作色牌,公司可以确定关键任务所规定要求的具体责任范围,形成员工的工作责职描述。定工制替代通常静止不变的岗位说明书,它是一种更加灵活多变的短期简要工作布置。
员工领会了经理的简要工作布置后,即可应用它作为实施工作任务的参照标准。然后,通过反馈和检查程序,使经理能及时跟踪员工的实际工作状况,提供机会共同评估业绩,重新调整工作并决定员工的个人事业发展需求。 蓝色工作牌指的是员工必须按照事先确定的工作方式依照规定标准完成的任务。例如:按规格制作工程零件。
黄色工作牌指的是完成一个目标个人所要承当的责任。 例如:自行实施能够降低成本15%的各种做法。 核心工作色牌
绿色工作牌指的是根据他人的反应和需求完成内容不同的任务。例如:在酒店入住高峰期间帮助服务经理。 桔黄色工作牌 指的是完
Parts of Teaching Materials of Translation for International Business
Chapter I A Brief Introduction to Translation
Chapter Ⅱ Business English and Its Language Features Chapter Ⅲ. Criteria of Translation
Part I A brief Introducyion to Translation Standards Both at Home and Abroad
Part II Yan Fu and His Three-point Theory Part III Standard for Business English Translation Chapter Ⅳ The Process of Translation Part Ⅰ Process
Part Ⅱ Comprehension
1.Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply.
2.She is excited by the idea of online learning while he considers it meaningless and useless.
http://www.77cn.com.cnmunicating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot.
4.Today, more and more people have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need.
5.He wants her to give up working and stay