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觊觎 jìyú 龃龉 jǔyǔ 囹圄 língyǔ 魍魉 wǎngliǎng 纨绔 wánkù 鳜鱼 guìyú 耄耋 màodi? 饕餮 tāotia 痤疮 cu?chuāng 踟躇 chíchú

倥偬 kǒnɡzǒnɡ 另:倥侗念kōngt?ng 彳亍 chìchù 谄媚 chǎnmai

女红 nǚgōng 古同“工” 佝偻 gōul?u

龟裂 guīlia 微细的裂纹(如砂浆、混凝土、抹灰面上的);颜料、釉或油漆薄膜,由于老化和瓦解而产生的短而浅的裂纹

龟裂 jūnlia 田地因天旱而裂开许多缝子;皲裂。人的皮肤因为寒冷干燥而布满裂纹或出现裂口

蓓蕾 bailěi 遗憾的是在人名中经常被念作p?i。 蹀躞 di?xia 迤逦 yǐlǐ

呷茶 xiāchá 呷作动词,义为小口饮。呷作象声词时念作gā。 狡黠 jiǎoxiá 猥亵 wěixia

猥狎 wěixiá (怀疑是否有这个词) 委蛇 wēiyí 蟾蜍 chánchú 迷惘 míwǎnɡ 趔趄 liaqie 窥觑 kuīqù 肄业 yìya

徜徉 chánɡyá


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其实全拼还是可以打出许多 如 冇 唔 咭 之类的粤语字 不过有特殊的拼法 教你哋睇先:

本字 ( 用全拼摁的字母, 要摁翻页键的下数 / 本字喺该页的个数) 解释

例: 氹(dang,2/9)= 哄;例如:氹你开心=哄你开心


我唔喺要大家一定用全拼,但喺有时D字打唔到大家可以用全拼好快揾啫 .....



廿(nian,0/9)= <数> 二十 卅(sa,0/6)= <数> 三十

冇(mao,2/9)= 没有;例如:有冇钱?=有没有钱? 甴曱(gad zad ,0/1)= 蟑螂

叻(le,0/7)= 很棒;例如:佢啲成绩好叻啵=他的成绩很厉害呵 冚(hem,0/1)= 全部?;例如:冚家铲=全家死光光 氹(dang,2/9)= 哄;例如:氹你开心=哄你开心 攰(gui,5/8)= 累

佢(qu,3/8)= 他或她;例如:距系边个?=他是谁?

呃(e,2/0)= 骗;例如:呃神骗鬼

抦(bing,2/8)= 殴


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1.元音字母a在重读开音节中读/ei/例如make,name等;a在重读闭音节中读/?/,例如map,that等。 其他主要情况有如下几种:

(1) 在非重读相对开音节中,a的发音:



(4)ar常读/a:/,例:yard,carpet,garment,farm;但在辅音/w/ 之后常读作/?:/,例:war,warm,warn.


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篇一:Table Manners

People who go to a formal Western dinner party for the first time may be surprised by table manners in Western culture. Knowing them will help you make a good impression. Having good table manners means knowing, for example, how to use knives and forks, when to drink a toast and how to behave at the table. Beside your napkin you will find a small bread roll and three glasses—one for white wine, one for the red wine, and one for water. There are two pairs of knives and forks on the table, forks on the left an


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篇一:Chinese Table Manners

Chinese Table Manners A multitude of etiquette considerations occur also when dining in China. There are some special differences from manners in western countries. a. A round dining table is more popular than a rectangular or square one. As many people who can be seated comfortably around it conveniently face one another. The guest of honor is always seated to the right of the host; the next in line will sit on his left. Guests should be seated after the host's invitation, and it is discourteo

Chinese Traditional Culture

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Chinese Traditional Culture 1.Beijing Opera 2.Chinese Calligraphy and painting 3.Chinese Cuisine, Wine and Tea 4.Chinese Arta and Crafts 5. special Souvenirs


Peking OperaOriginated in Beijing 2 hundred years ago.On basis of Anhui opera and Hubei opera, and absorbing the strong points of Kun opera and Shanxi opera,it came into being.It has one thousand traditional plays among which 300 ones are constantly performed.Its featured style is that costumes , performing techniques


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觊觎 jìyú 龃龉 jǔyǔ 囹圄 língyǔ 魍魉 wǎngliǎng 纨绔 wánkù 鳜鱼 guìyú 耄耋 màodi? 饕餮 tāotia 痤疮 cu?chuāng 踟躇 chíchú

倥偬 kǒnɡzǒnɡ 另:倥侗念kōngt?ng 彳亍 chìchù 谄媚 chǎnmai

女红 nǚgōng 古同“工” 佝偻 gōul?u

龟裂 guīlia 微细的裂纹(如砂浆、混凝土、抹灰面上的);颜料、釉或油漆薄膜,由于老化和瓦解而产生的短而浅的裂纹

龟裂 jūnlia 田地因天旱而裂开许多缝子;皲裂。人的皮肤因为寒冷干燥而布满裂纹或出现裂口

蓓蕾 bailěi 遗憾的是在人名中经常被念作p?i。 蹀躞 di?xia 迤逦 yǐlǐ

呷茶 xiāchá 呷作动词,义为小口饮。呷作象声词时念作gā。 狡黠 jiǎoxiá 猥亵 wěixia

猥狎 wěixiá (怀疑是否有这个词) 委蛇 wēiyí 蟾蜍 chánchú 迷惘 míwǎnɡ 趔趄 liaqie 窥觑 kuīqù 肄业 yìya

徜徉 chánɡyá

Traditional Chinese Festival

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Chinese New Year is an important traditional Chinese holiday. In China, it is also known as the Spring Festival. Chinese New Year celebrations traditionally ran from Chinese New Year's Eve, the last day of the last month of the Chinese calendar, to the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month, making the festival the longest in the Chinese calendar. Because the Chinese calendar is lunisolar, the Chinese New Year is often referred to as the "Lunar New Year".

Within China, regional customs and traditions c

Traditional Chinese culture

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Traditional Chinese culture


1. There is an increasing attention to traditional culture 2. Three factors that account for people’s up-surging interest. 3. Students in college neglect the traditional Chinese culture.

4. It is necessary and beneficial to integrate Chinese culture into college education.

5. Call on people to attach importance to traditional culture. 6.My opinion.

The last decade witnessed an intriguing phenomenon that people are paying more and more attention to traditional Chinese culture. Bookshelves

Chinese word segmentation

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Chinese word segmentation has been a very important research topic not only because it is usually the very first step for Chinese text processing, but also because its high accuracy is a prerequisite for a high performance Chinese text processing such as C

Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC12), 18-20 Feb, 1998, 212-217

Chinese Word SegmentationLi Haizhou and Yuan Baosheng* Kent Ridge Digital Labs, SingaporeChinese word segmentation has been a very important research topic not only because it is usually the very fir