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Dining Out 在餐馆就餐

Dialogue Script1 对话原文1

Waitress: Good evening. Do you have a reservation? Wilson: Yes.The reservation is under Lin.

Waitress: Very good, Mr. Lin.Do you prefer smoking or non-smoking seating? Wilson: Non-smoking, please.

Waitress: If you follow me, I will Show you to your table. Wilson:Thank you.

Waitress: You're welcome.Your server will be with you right away to take your drink order.


1. 这段对话发生在顾客刚刚进餐馆时。Reservation见是“预定、预约”的意思,在好一点的餐馆里吃饭一般都需要提前预约,而当你进入一家餐馆时,侍者首先就会问你是否


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Unit 1 Establishing Business Relations ......................................................................... 1

Unit 2 Inquiry 询盘......................................................................................................... 6

Unit 3 Telephone Calls 打电话 ..................................................................................... 12

Unit 4 Visiting A Factory 参观工厂 .............................................................................. 19

Unit 5 About Products 产品问题 ...................


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(1).Introductios and Opening Conversations 介绍和开场白

People in the United States don't always shake hands when they are introduced to one another. However, in a formal or business situation people almost always shake hands.

1.A: Mary, this is Joe's brother David.

B; I'm very glad to meet you.

C: It's a pleasure to meet you.

B: How do you like Texas so far?

C: It's really different from what I expected.

B: Don't worry. You'll get used to it in no time.

2.A: Mrs. Smith, I'd like to in


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Unit2 Company Description

Student A: Miss Luara. Welcome to our Lenovo company.Nice to meet you.

Student B:Nice to meet you,too.

Student A: I would like to introduce our company to you and show you around our modern factory.I am sure you will be interested. May I give a presentation now?

Student B:Yes,of course.

Student A: As you know our company is located in Beijing,China. Our company is the world’s fourth-largest PC maker, has long dominated the Chinese market, the world’s second-largest.

Student B:I see.So,what l

商务英语情景对话 - 价格谈判篇 - 图文

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Tolerance makes space/One Step Back for Boundless Sky退一步海阔天空 小明:It's difficult for us to push the sale(加否定词表示‘无法销售’) of your digital cameras nowadays.

小红:What seems to be the problem? 小明:Price.Frankly, your price is on the high side. (charge top dollar要价最高/cost an arm and a leg 很贵,相当贵)小红:As you may have noticed,the price skyrockets in raw materials,so we're forced to adjust our prices accordingly. 小明:I'm sorry to say we have to close business at that price. Aren't we old friends?We've had a very good business relation

商务英语情景对话 - 价格谈判篇 - 图文

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Tolerance makes space/One Step Back for Boundless Sky退一步海阔天空 小明:It's difficult for us to push the sale(加否定词表示‘无法销售’) of your digital cameras nowadays.

小红:What seems to be the problem? 小明:Price.Frankly, your price is on the high side. (charge top dollar要价最高/cost an arm and a leg 很贵,相当贵)小红:As you may have noticed,the price skyrockets in raw materials,so we're forced to adjust our prices accordingly. 小明:I'm sorry to say we have to close business at that price. Aren't we old friends?We've had a very good business relation


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Reception 接待

1. What can I do for you? 你要些什么? 2. Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?(需要些什么?)

3.Do you find anything you like? 你找到你喜欢的吗?

4. Are you being helped?/Are you being served? 你需要帮忙吗? Is there anybody waiting on you? 有人招呼你吗? Choosing and buying选择与购买 Choosing 选择

1. I want a pair of shoes/a jacket. 我想买一双鞋/一件夹克。 2. I’d like to see some towels. 我想看看毛巾。

3. Show me that one, please.请把那个给我看看。

4. Let me have a look at this watch. 把这只表让我看看。 5. I’m just looking, thanks. 我只是看看,谢谢。

6. Would you show me


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目 录

Day today Office日常事务 1 Faxes传真

2 Telephone Calls电话

3 Making Telephone Appointments电话预约 4 Memos备忘录

5 Business Correspondence商业信函 6 Placing an Order下订单 Office Talk办公室谈话 7 Coworkers同事 8 Bosses老板

9 Brainstorming集体讨论 10 Commuting乘公交车上下班 11 The Working Lunch工作午餐 Business Trip商务旅行

12 International Business Travel国际商务旅行 13 Dressing for Business商务着装 14 Hotel Situations旅馆情景 15 Negotiating the Subway乘地铁 Client Reception接待客户 16 Receiving Clients接待客户 17 Entertaining Clients招待客户

18 Accommodating Foreign Clients接待国外客户 19 Factory Tours参观工


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Making a Doctor's Appointment

Doctor's Assistant: Good morning, Doctor Jensen's office. How may I help you?

Patient: Hello, I'd like to make an appointment to see Doctor Jensen, please.

Doctor's Assistant: Have you been in to see Doctor Jensen before?

Patient: Yes, I have. I had a physical last year.

Doctor's Assistant: Fine, what is your name?

Patient: This is Maria Sanchez.

Doctor's Assistant: Thank you Ms Sanchez, let me pull up your file.

Patient: I haven't been feeling very well lately.

Doctor's Assistant: Do you nee


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(1).Introductios and Opening Conversations 介绍和开场白

People in the United States don't always shake hands when they are introduced to one another. However, in a formal or business situation people almost always shake hands.

1.A: Mary, this is Joe's brother David.

B; I'm very glad to meet you.

C: It's a pleasure to meet you.

B: How do you like Texas so far?

C: It's really different from what I expected.

B: Don't worry. You'll get used to it in no time.

2.A: Mrs. Smith, I'd like to in