国际商务英语试卷2 课程代码:05844
Ⅰ. Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the right: (5%)
( ( ( ( (
)1. impeccable )2. reimburse )3. drawer )4. ad valorem duties )5. incentive A. the person who issues a draft, usually the exporter
B. that which incites, rouses or encourages a person C. faultless
D. duties levied on the basis of the price of the goods E. pay back to somebody for the expenses he has spent
Ⅱ. Translate the following words and expressions: (10%) (ⅰ) From English int
I 判断题
1. First impression is very important since you never get a second chance to make a first
impression. Hair should be well maintained. Unshaved look does not work for others. Ties should be correctly tied. Pants should not drag on the floor. Shoes should be polished and in good condition. T
2. Basically when you see someone whose name you can't remember, just wait him or her to
give their names first and then respond in kind. T
3. With the American style, you hold the
商务英语写作(2)( A卷 )
2012-2013 学年 第二学期
姓名 试题 分值 得分 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分 100分 学号 系级班别 评卷教师
考试日期:2013年 月 日(星期 ) 答题时间:90分钟。 考试地点: 考试形式:闭卷
Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks. (15%, 1 point for each blank)
分值 得分 15 (1) A successful employment process at least needs three kinds writing: , , and . (2) The purposes of advertisements can be concluded as follows: , , , and action.
(3) Doing a busines
商务英语写作(2)( A卷 )
2012-2013 学年 第二学期
姓名 试题 分值 得分 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分 100分 学号 系级班别 评卷教师
考试日期:2013年 月 日(星期 ) 答题时间:90分钟。 考试地点: 考试形式:闭卷
Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks. (15%, 1 point for each blank)
分值 得分 15 (1) A successful employment process at least needs three kinds writing: , , and . (2) The purposes of advertisements can be concluded as follows: , , , and action.
(3) Doing a busines
篇一:商务英语谈判考题 湖北三峡*************学院
2011年春季学期《商务英语谈判》试卷 适用班级__________________________
考试班级_______________ 姓名_____________ 学号________________ 1. case study you represent a shoe manufacturer. your latest product is the so-called “self-heating” boots. the boots themselves control the temperature inside automatically through friction and rubbing of your feet against the inner side shanghai,$58 a pair. now an american businessman wants to place an order for your shoes, but the price he counter-offers is only$48 a pair. now y
商务英语翻译试题(四)试卷及答案 - 4
Ⅰ 词汇测试题:(2题,每题10分,共20分)
1. 该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行解释。请将正确的选项标出,要求英英转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。(10分) (1) currency
A. the money in use in a particular country B. flow of price C. at present D. deposit in the bank (2) vary
A. to change or be different B. to choose C. to apply for D. to refuse (3) tumble
A. to be trapped in difficulty B. to fall quickly and without control C. to be tired of doing D. to become less in number or smaller (4) breach
A. an act of breaking a la
商务英语翻译试题(五)试卷及答案 - 5
1.(1-5)BAABA (6-10)AAADC 2.(1-5)ABAAB (6-10)DDCAA
Ⅰ 词汇测试题:(2题,每题10分,共20分)
1. 该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行解释。请将正确的选项标出,要求英英转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。(10分) (1) friction
A. an accepted opinion B. disagreement or unfriendliness C. a part of something D. a tale or a story (2) to assess
A. to judge or decide the amount, value of something B. to assign a task C. to possess something D. to support by giving money (3) valid
A. based on truth, able to be accepted B. not to be accepted C. t
教务处07版 第 1 页 共 5 页
The material is 10 the very finest quality and we can assure
《 商务英语 》课程A卷试卷
you that so far 11 quality goes you have nothing at all to fear 审
form the similar materials of other manufacturers either in this 人:
2007 ~200 8 学年 第1 学期
开课学院:人文学院 课程号:
country 12 aboard. We feel sure that you will realize that our
quoted price is very reasonable, but we are anxious to do 13 we
弊号学作 绝 拒 、 纪 考 肃 严 级、年信 守 实封 诚 、 争 竞 平班、公业专 线 院学(答案写到答题卷上)
Part On
教务处07版 第 1 页 共 5 页
The material is 10 the very finest quality and we can assure
《 商务英语 》课程A卷试卷
you that so far 11 quality goes you have nothing at all to fear 审
form the similar materials of other manufacturers either in this 人:
2007 ~200 8 学年 第1 学期
开课学院:人文学院 课程号:
country 12 aboard. We feel sure that you will realize that our
quoted price is very reasonable, but we are anxious to do 13 we
弊号学作 绝 拒 、 纪 考 肃 严 级、年信 守 实封 诚 、 争 竞 平班、公业专 线 院学(答案写到答题卷上)
Part On
经济与工商管理学院 课程:商务英语写作 姓名:
Dear Sir or Madam,
The products displayed at the Guangzhou 2004 Spring Trade Fair
impressed us very much, and we would like to build business relationship with you.
One of our prospective customers wants to purchase a number of
printing machines, we would appreciate it if you would like to send us a Proforma Invoice for 300 printing machi