冀教版六年级上册英语教案作者:winterflower Lesson 1 At the Airport 一、教学目标 (一)知识目标
2.使学生通过练习复习句子:What time is it? It’s ____.复习所学过的时间表达法。 (二)能力目标
2.培养以旧带新掌握一定的语言技巧的能力,练习该如何表达时间。 (三)情感目标
以情感培养人,培养学生珍惜时间的好习惯。 二、教学重点
掌握what time is it ? It’s_ 三、教学难点
学生能够准确的用英语表达时间。 四、教学用具
录音机,磁带 五、教学资源
2 : 10 two ten or ewo past ten. 4 : 30 four thirty or half past four. 9 : 00 nine o’clock or nine.
5 : 45 five forty-five or a quarter to six. 六、教学过程: Step 1 : Review
1) Play a game: “ The number game” t
冀教版六年级上册英语教案 Lesson 1 At the Airport 一、教学目标 (一)知识目标
2.使学生通过练习复习句子:What time is it? It‘s ____.复习所学过的时间表达法。 (二)能力目标
2.培养以旧带新掌握一定的语言技巧的能力,练习该如何表达时间。 (三)情感目标
以情感培养人,培养学生珍惜时间的好习惯。 二、教学重点
掌握what time is it ? It‘s_ 三、教学难点
学生能够准确的用英语表达时间。 四、教学用具 录音机,磁带 五、教学资源
2 : 10 two ten or ewo past ten. 4 : 30 four thirty or thousand . 2) Review some phrases :
1 What day is it ? What time is it ? Step 2 : Presentation and practice
2.Ask and answer: 1
Grade 6 Unit 1 The Olympic Games
Parts A
●Analysis of teaching material
The lesson is the new lesson, and it is the first part of the Unit 1. Therefore, it is important for students to learn how to read and speak English. I will pay attention to educate students interesting of learning English.
●Analysis of students
The students are the fourth year to learn English, therefore, they have passion about English. They like imitating and playing games. So I will pay attention to stimulate students interesting.
●Teaching arrange
Grade 6 Unit 1 The Olympic Games
Parts A
●Analysis of teaching material
The lesson is the new lesson, and it is the first part of the Unit 1. Therefore, it is important for students to learn how to read and speak English. I will pay attention to educate students interesting of learning English.
●Analysis of students
The students are the fourth year to learn English, therefore, they have passion about English. They like imitating and playing games. So I will pay attention to stimulate students interesting.
●Teaching arrange
六年级下册英语教案-Lesson 5 A Basketball Game(冀教版)
科 目 课 题 英语 班 级 教 师 时 间 课 型 新授 Lesson 5 A Basketball Game 1. 能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇: answer(回答;答案),ask(问), game(比赛;游戏), 学习目标 policeman(警察),very(很;非常) 2. 会用英语询问别人在过去某个时间做了什么。 - What did you do this evening? - We watched Bob play basketball. 重点:会用英语询问别人在过去某个时间做了什么。 - What did you ___ this evening? 重点难点 - We ___. 难点:1)会用英语表达在过去某个时间做了什么。 2)一般过去时态和一般现在时态的应用和区别。 学具准备 多媒体课件,电子白板 学 习 过 程 设 计 一、Class opening and review. Step1:Greeting. Step2:Free talk. Introduce myself. What color do you like? 情境导入 ( Orange blue red green … ) W
第一单元 美丽的早晨
教学内容: 唱歌《早晨的歌》 教学目标:
1、 能够用清晰、自然的声音准确的演唱《早晨的歌》,体验歌曲
2、 准确把握切分节奏和休止符的演唱效果。 教学过程
1、 导入:讲台上摆放闹钟、口哨、报纸、塑料布、沙锤、碰钟、
2、 学生表演,自评互评,教师给予鼓励性的评价。
3、 初听歌曲《早晨的歌》,鼓励学生随音乐的节拍展示自己的晨
4、 引导学生有表情的朗诵歌词,体会歌词的韵律感。 5、 指导学生用“啦”随琴进行旋律哼唱。
6、 教师有表情地范唱。
7、 组织学生讨论分析,怎样才能把这首歌唱得更动听、更感人。 8、 全班同学充满激情地演唱。
9、 播放有关大气污染的图片或者资料片,组织学生讨论:为了减
10、 教师总结,为了让我们的地球天蓝地绿水常清,让我们从我做
二、 Choose and fill in the blank(找出下列单词划线部分发音不同的一个,将题号填入括号内)。(10)
1.( ) A cold B no C open D hot
2.( ) A dry B dirty C thirty D twenty
3.( ) A is B this C these D those
4.( ) A table B make C lamp D cake
5.( ) A go B stop C home D hello
三、Complete the sentences (根据所给的中文提示,完成下列句子)。
1.Breakfast is (准备好的 ) .We can enjoy it .
2.The students are studing . The classroom is (安静的 ) .
3.The (冰箱 ) is cold
Unit 1
一、 单词:
live(单三)lives, want(单三)wants, half itchen house toilet bedroom, living room bathroom study (复数studies) fridge dish(复数dishes) 反义词:dry-wet, dirty-clean,
come(现在分词) coming mae(现在分词)maing coo(现在分词)-cooing watch(现在分词)-watching sit(现在分词)-sitting read(现在分词)-reading, write(现在分词)-writing do(现在分词)-doing play(现在分词)---playing,
二、 课文重难点:
1. at+较小的地点 如at school 、at home in+大地点 in China in Beijing 2. This is “这是….”用介绍他人。This is my friend, Li Ming.
3. want 想要 want to do …想干….. 如
龙文教育个性化辅导教案 教案内容: 重点句型: a
1.mrs wang and grandma are going to los angeles, the usa, this sunday to see aunt judy and uncle mike.
在本例中,划线部分看似使用了现在进行时,但它所表达的却是“将来”的含义。在现代英语中,常常用现在进行时is/ am/ are going to do 表示一般将来时。又如:
im leaving now . 我要出发了。
some foreigners are visiting our school tomorrow. 明天一些外宾将来我校参观。
2.aunt judy and uncle mike have lived in los angeles for six years.
have lived 是动词的现在完成时态。现在完成时表示从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在的
for six years 此处介词为for后
Unit 1 What did you do during the holidays? Period 1
一、Teaching aims
1. Enable the Ss listen, read, say and write the new words: learn words and sentences, play games, learn writing and practice listening. 2. Enable the Ss be familiar with the past tense.
3. Sentence: What did ...do during the summer holidays?
二、Teaching emphasis: Enable the Ss listen, read, say and write the new words and talk about the past events.
三、Teaching difficulties: Enable the Ss be familiar with the past tense. 四、Teaching tools: Tape, pictur