

阅读教程3蒋静怡Unit6 man and nature-2

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Unit 6 Man and Environmentby Helen


Unit 6-2

Teaching stepsStep Step Step Step 1 2 3 4 Lead-in Reading Activities Exercises Homework

英语阅读(三)Step One Lead-in

Unit 6-2

How much do you know about tropical


英语阅读(三)Step One Lead-in

Unit 6-2

英语阅读(三)Step One Lead-in

Unit 6-2

Reading Three

Tropical Forests and You

英语阅读(三)Step Two Reading Activities

Unit 6-2

Skim and Scan: Text StructurePartsPart One Part Two Part Three

Paras1-2 3-11 12

Main IdeaOur way of lives is tied to tropical forests in many ways. How our lives are tied to trop


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1. (P10)Nothing could be better.

英语表示最高级的方式很多,归纳起来,主要有以下七种: (1) 直接用最高级形容词或副词表示

Who picked the most apples? 谁摘的苹果最多?

First class is the most expensive way to travel. 坐头等舱是最贵的旅行方式。 It is quality of products that matters the most. 最重要的是产品质量。

Of course, the one that I like best cost the most. 当然,我最喜欢的那个最贵。 (2) 用“比较级+ than + any other +单数名词+比较范围”表示

Swallows fly faster than any other bird. 在所有鸟中,燕子飞得最快。

He swims faster than any other student in his class. 他比班上的其他任何学生都游得快。 More heat is lost through the head than a

必修3 unit2 come and eat here 一、二课文翻译

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必修3 UNIT2

COME AND EAT HERE (1) 到这里来用餐吧(1)

Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated. 王鹏做在他那空荡荡的餐馆里,感到很沮丧。

It had been a very strange morning. 这个上午真是怪的很。

Usually he got up early and prepared his menu of barbecued mutton kebabs,roast pork, stir-flied vegetables and fried rice. 通常他很早就起床,准备他的菜肴—烤羊肉串、烤猪肉、炒菜和炒饭。然后到午饭时分,这些菜都会卖完。

Then by lunchtime they would all be sold. By now his restaurant ought to be full of people. But not today! 到了这个时候,他的餐馆本该宾客盈门的,但今天却不是!

Why was that? What could have happened? 为什么会这样?发生了什么事? H

蒋静仪 阅读教程2 课后习题答案(含quotations)

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蒋静仪 阅读教程2 课后习题答案(含quotations)

Unit One Human Relationship

1. Interpretation of the quotations

① No man can be separated from the society and disconnected with other people as an island is isolated from the mankind. The inherent(内在的) oneness of mankind is just like a whole mass land. ②. when you deal with issues about yourself, try to be calm, reasonable and intelligent; but when you deal with issues about other people, you need to be affectionate, sincere and sympathetic. ③ Here is an easy-to-follow, buy established and unc


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? 如果从种种差异判别,特别是把人分成三、六、九等来看,外星人自然应列入“超人”之类。我想,这正是畅梢科幻小说里经常出没的人物形象。例如,在现实中,我们按人类常规不难设想出有的人简直能创造出隔山运木之类的奇迹。想想和人个头差不多的“蜘蛛侠”(外星超人)飞檐走壁;其力大无比,人们不堪一击,如此等等。还想想我们人类可说是拿外星人无计可施;虽说热核能武器威力无比,但外星人居然安然无恙,真令人难以置信。超人凭感官就能对物体进行透视,或者能直接看到根本不为我们一般人所知的信号,或者我们明知已有但得借助精密仪器才能看到的信号。自然,时下人们总认为这类超人天生就具有神奇的信息处理特异功能。把这些特征跟“超人”联系起来,对人们的道德观念会产生什么影响呢? 人们所议论的外星人的“超人”一面(毫无疑问这已引起爱思索的读者

蒋静仪 阅读教程2 课后习题答案(含quotations)资料

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蒋静仪 阅读教程2 课后习题答案(含quotations)

Unit One Human Relationship

1. Interpretation of the quotations

① No man can be separated from the society and disconnected with other people as an island is isolated from the mankind. The inherent(内在的) oneness of mankind is just like a whole mass land. ②. when you deal with issues about yourself, try to be calm, reasonable and intelligent; but when you deal with issues about other people, you need to be affectionate, sincere and sympathetic. ③ Here is an easy-to-follow, buy established and unco


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Unit 1

Something for stevie

I try not to be biased, but I had my doubts about hiring Stevie. His placement counselor assured me that he would be a good, reliable busboy. But I had never had a mentally

handicapped employee and wasn’t sure I wanted one. I wasn’t sure how my customers would react. Stevie was short, a little dumpy, with the smooth facial features and thick-tongued speech of Down’s syndrome.

I wasn’t worried about most of my trucker customers. Truckers don’t generally care who buses tables as long as the food i


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Unit 1

Something for stevie

I try not to be biased, but I had my doubts about hiring Stevie. His placement counselor assured me that he would be a good, reliable busboy. But I had never had a mentally

handicapped employee and wasn’t sure I wanted one. I wasn’t sure how my customers would react. Stevie was short, a little dumpy, with the smooth facial features and thick-tongued speech of Down’s syndrome.

I wasn’t worried about most of my trucker customers. Truckers don’t generally care who buses tables as long as the food i


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导学结合 沟通你我

磁 村 中 学 导 学 案 学科 主备日期 英语 3.12 课题 主备人 Unit2(3) 韩志伟 课型 修改日期 New 顺序号 修改人 1.知识目标:掌握本节课的重点单词、短语和句子 学 习 目 标 2.能力目标:引导学生学会在不同的情景下与陌生人闲谈;会写不同主题的 3.情感目标:通过听说读写的训练,使学生获得英语基础知识和初步的交际能力。 重 点 难 点 反义疑问句 反义疑问句 内 容 设 计 区 3. 师生看1a的图画,就图画上的问题完成对话,完成1b。 师:Do you like thrillers? 生:No, but I love comedies. 师: You’re Anna’s brother, aren’t you? 生: Yes, I am. Step Seven 教学SectionB-2a,2b 利用多媒体课件进行下列教学活动。 1. 播放录音,注意每个对话发生的地点,完成2a,教师核对答案。 2. 再次播放录音,将问题和答案匹配,教师核对答案。 3. 学生在完成2a、2b的听力任务后,可继续进行2b中的对


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I must practice hard! Very hard! I must be patient! I must be persistent!

Unit2 How often do you exercise?

【教师寄语】Failure is the mother of success. - Thomas Paine 失败乃成功之母

Section A

1. How often do you exercise? 你多久做一次运动? 【解析1】how often/ how long / how far/ how soon辨析 how often 多久一次 对次数和频率提问,如:always, usually, often. hardly ever, never, sometimes, everyday (week, month, year…),once a week, twice a month 等表示频度的副词或短语提问 how long 多长时间 ① 对“for+一段时间”或” , ②“since+时间段+ago”等时间短语提问 how far how soon 多远 多久 对距离提问 对“in+一段时间“提问 【2013广东4】—