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Unit 1

1. The candidates who wish to __________ from the examination must notify the secretary immediately.

A. resign 辞职;放弃 B. remove 移动;开除 C. suspend 延迟;悬浮 D. withdraw 撤退;离开 2. Gradually the balloon ____________ out and rose into the air.

A. swelled 膨胀;增大 B. expanded 扩大 C. stretched 伸展;舒展 D. enlarged 扩大,增大 3. When you take medicine, be careful not to ___________ that amount printed on the bottle.

A. exceed 超过;胜过 B. substitute 代替 C. surpass 超越;胜过;优于 D. overcome 克服;胜过 4. The current political ____


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Unit 1

1. The candidates who wish to __________ from the examination must notify the secretary immediately.

A. resign 辞职;放弃 B. remove 移动;开除 C. suspend 延迟;悬浮 D. withdraw 撤退;离开 2. Gradually the balloon ____________ out and rose into the air.

A. swelled 膨胀;增大 B. expanded 扩大 C. stretched 伸展;舒展 D. enlarged 扩大,增大 3. When you take medicine, be careful not to ___________ that amount printed on the bottle.

A. exceed 超过;胜过 B. substitute 代替 C. surpass 超越;胜过;优于 D. overcome 克服;胜过 4. The current political ____


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Unit 1

1. The candidates who wish to __________ from the examination must notify the secretary immediately.

A. resign 辞职;放弃 B. remove 移动;开除 C. suspend 延迟;悬浮 D. withdraw 撤退;离开 2. Gradually the balloon ____________ out and rose into the air.

A. swelled 膨胀;增大 B. expanded 扩大 C. stretched 伸展;舒展 D. enlarged 扩大,增大 3. When you take medicine, be careful not to ___________ that amount printed on the bottle.

A. exceed 超过;胜过 B. substitute 代替 C. surpass 超越;胜过;优于 D. overcome 克服;胜过 4. The current political ____

《英语泛读教程》1 Vocabulary of Unit 4 migratory birds and coffee

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Vocabulary for Extensive Reading 1 by WenjiLee

Vocabulary of Unit 4

1. migratory /mai'greit ri/: used of animals that move seasonally 迁移的, 流浪的 migratory bird: 侯鸟

2. shade-grown: grown in the shade. 树荫下种植 Shade-grown coffee refers to coffee grown under a canopy(树冠) of trees.

3. sanctuary /’sæ kt u ri/: a shelter from danger or hardship 圣殿, 避难所

4. fact sheet: a piece of paper giving all the most important information about something情况说明书

5. species /’spi: i:z/: a group of anim


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Unit 6

Text I

Vocabulary Change

Pre-reading questions

1.Give the meaning of the underlined words doublet and veal?

2.Give the main idea of paragraph 2, 4, 6, 9 and 10(9+10=the last two)

3.What are the causes for borrowing words according to the text?

4.How do people adapt to new borrowed words?

5.What changes are made of the meaning of borrowed words according to the text? Borrowing

Borrowing is a way of adding new vocabulary items to a language. Speakers of a language often have contact with speakers of other language. If a speaker


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Unit 6

Text I

Vocabulary Change

Pre-reading questions

1. Give the meaning of the underlined words doubletandveal?

2. Give the main idea of paragraph 2, 4, 6, 9 and 10(9+10=the last two) 3. What are the causes for borrowing words according to the text? 4. How do people adapt to new borrowed words?

5. What changes are made of the meaning of borrowed words according to the text?


Borrowing is a way of adding new vocabulary items to a language. Speakers of a language often have contact with speakers of other langu


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LESSON 13: In Praise of Flattery

Richard Stengel

· · · · 88 7

SAT 分类词汇填空categorical vocabulary

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SAT VIP Course-Vocabulary Instructor: Sophie

SAT vocabulary categories:

一 事物、人物特点 安静 vs 喧闹

aplomb calm

composure equanimity even-tempered gentle halcyon hush

impassive imperturbable peace peaceable phlegmatic placid quiescence quiet reposing sedate serene serenity silence tranquil tranquility 喧闹 agitation bedlam boisterous commotion din

disturbance flustered foment havoc miserable pandemonium perturbation restive restless

riot stormy

tempestuous turbu


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关键词:泛读课 阅读材料 选择标准

1 英语专业泛读课程的教学目的与现状





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2008-06-02 来源:新浪网


( )1.Granny looked for her book, but she couldn’t find it _____.

A. somewhere

B. everywhere

C. anywhere

D. nowhere

( )2.-When did you ______the book to the library? -Yesterday afternoon.

A. borrow

B. lend

C. give



( )3.The man took away the dictionary but did not ______.

A. pay it

B. pay for it

C. cost it

D. spend it

( )4. English teachers often encourage the students _______ English aloud.

A. read

B. reading

C. to read

D. readed

( )5.-______he ever ______abroad ?-No, never.

A. Did, go

B. Is, been