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About asking the way

1. 用英语问路的常用套语:

Excuse me, can you tell me where the railway station is? 对不起,请问火车站在哪儿? Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the train station? 劳驾,请问去火车站怎么走? Excuse me, could you tell me which is the way to the nearest hospital? 请问去最近的医院怎么走?

Excuse me, would you please show me the way to the post office? 请告诉我去邮局怎么走好吗?

Excuse me, would you mind telling me the way to the police station? 对不起,请告诉我去警察局怎么走好吗?

Excuse me, could you give me some directions? 请你给我指指路好吗?

Excuse me, can you direct me to the


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About asking the way

1. 用英语问路的常用套语:

Excuse me, can you tell me where the railway station is? 对不起,请问火车站在哪儿? Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the train station? 劳驾,请问去火车站怎么走? Excuse me, could you tell me which is the way to the nearest hospital? 请问去最近的医院怎么走?

Excuse me, would you please show me the way to the post office? 请告诉我去邮局怎么走好吗?

Excuse me, would you mind telling me the way to the police station? 对不起,请告诉我去警察局怎么走好吗?

Excuse me, could you give me some directions? 请你给我指指路好吗?

Excuse me, can you direct me to the


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1. Can you tell me the way to the station? (D) 请你告诉我去火车站怎么走?

Go straight ahead and turn left at the traffic lights. (D) 沿这条路一直向前走,在红绿灯那儿向左转。


a. Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the museum? 请你告诉我去博物馆怎么走? b. Could you tell me how I can get to the museum? 请你告诉我去博物馆怎么走?

c. Would you please tell me where the post office is? 请告诉我邮局在哪儿?

d. Excuse me, but please tell me how to get to the railway station? 请问,去火车站怎么走? e. Excuse me, but I'm trying to find


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1. Can you tell me the way to the station? (D) 请你告诉我去火车站怎么走?

Go straight ahead and turn left at the traffic lights. (D) 沿这条路一直向前走,在红绿灯那儿向左转。


a. Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the museum? 请你告诉我去博物馆怎么走? b. Could you tell me how I can get to the museum? 请你告诉我去博物馆怎么走?

c. Would you please tell me where the post office is? 请告诉我邮局在哪儿?

d. Excuse me, but please tell me how to get to the railway station? 请问,去火车站怎么走? e. Excuse me, but I'm trying to find

人教版七年级英语下册Unit8 问路和指路英语大全

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Unit8 问路和指路英语大全

一、 问路大多从“对不起”( Excuse me)开始。 例如:

Excuse me. Do you know where the post office is?对不起,你知道邮局在哪里? Excuse me. Can you point me to the nearest gas station?对不起,你能告诉我最近的加油站怎么走?

Excuse me. Can you give me quick directions to the movie theatre? 请问到电影院最快的路怎样走?

Excuse me. Do you know how to get to the Shopping mall from here?打扰一下,你知道从这里怎样去大型购物中心?

Excuse me. How do I get to the freeway from here?请问,从这里怎样去高速公路? Excuse me. I'm looking for Bank of America. I thought it was around here. Do you know where it is?打扰一下,我正在找美国

九年级英语同步作文unit 6

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Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to


生活中,每个人都有自己的爱好。 中学生关于爱好的交流非常常见,是一个十分重要的内容。 即使同样喜欢听音乐的人,也会有不同的偏爱,有的喜欢古典音乐,而有点喜欢流行音乐。本单元谈论的话题就是谈论个人偏爱(preferences)。

兴趣与爱好(Interests and Hobbies)这一话题是《英语课程标准》要求初中学生掌握的重点话题之一,也是这些年来各省、市地区中考命题的热点话题。它涉及到的内容广泛,如体育运动、美术、音乐、旅游、集邮、绘画、收藏、爬山、垂钓、看书等。本单元话题是在初二年级谈论兴趣爱好的基础进一步深入,帮助同学们更加精准、深刻的谈论自己的兴趣爱好,说出自己的兴趣爱好和它给你带来的无穷乐趣,感悟生活的愉悦与精彩。

该话题的命题形式通常采用 “Guided writing”形式,有中、英文提示的形式,有图画、图表形式等。通常采用记叙或描述性话题作文形式, 写该话题时要注意文体,通过联想将这些画面的直观内容转换成传神达意的文字形式,用于反映图中所表现的思想内容。

写作时要重点突出,确定好人称和时态 ,记住一些固定的习语和句式的


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I. Number of students in City X studying abroad in 1992, 2000 and 2008

1. 近十年来X市有越来越多的学生选择出国留学

2. 出现这种现象的原因

3. 这种现象可能产生的影响

II. Choosing Universities or Specialties

1. 进入大学之前,很多学生面临着是选择学校还是选择专业的棘手问题。

2. 对此问题不同的人有不同的看法。

3. 你对此的看法。

III. On Social Media

1. 现代社会中年轻人越来越依赖社交媒体;

2. 社交媒体带来的问题

3. 我们在生活中如何应对这些问题

IV. On Gaokao Reform

1. 高考改革已经在上海浙江试行,新旧制度的区别

2. 新制度的优点

3. 新制度可能带来的问题

V. On the Purpose of Education

1. A student’s main purpose in getting an education is to find a good job


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I. Number of students in City X studying abroad in 1992, 2000 and 2008

1. 近十年来X市有越来越多的学生选择出国留学

2. 出现这种现象的原因

3. 这种现象可能产生的影响

II. Choosing Universities or Specialties

1. 进入大学之前,很多学生面临着是选择学校还是选择专业的棘手问题。

2. 对此问题不同的人有不同的看法。

3. 你对此的看法。

III. On Social Media

1. 现代社会中年轻人越来越依赖社交媒体;

2. 社交媒体带来的问题

3. 我们在生活中如何应对这些问题

IV. On Gaokao Reform

1. 高考改革已经在上海浙江试行,新旧制度的区别

2. 新制度的优点

3. 新制度可能带来的问题

V. On the Purpose of Education

1. A student’s main purpose in getting an education is to find a good job


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篇一:英语六级作文热点预测 Optimism 乐观

英语六级作文热点预测 Optimism 乐观

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Optimism is the Road to a Promising Future by commenting on the Tagore’ saying, "If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you will also miss the stars." You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

Optimism is the Road to a Promising Future

Our history has been filled with a variety of enlightening sayings, and the following is no exception: if you shed tears when yo


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**1 渔歌子 张志和

西塞山前白鹭飞,桃花流水鳜鱼肥。 青箬笠,绿蓑衣,斜风细雨不须归。 **1 爱读书的树叶 雪野

爱读书的树叶 捧着阳光读 一天一遍 读得兴奋满脸 爱读书的树叶 捧着月光读 一夜一遍 读得平平安安 一听说 风老师来检查 每片树叶便 摇头晃脑 齐声朗读

**2 石灰吟--于谦(明) 千锤万击出深山,烈火焚烧若等闲。

粉骨碎身全不怕,要留青白在人间。 **2 早安,小松鼠 刘可武 早安,小松鼠

整个早晨 我一直看着你 怎样把每一寸 玲珑的晨光 变成七彩的跳跃 嚼成松子的果香

**3墨梅 王冕

我家洗砚池头树,朵朵花开淡墨痕。 不要人夸好颜色,只留清气满乾坤。 **3 写给母亲的诗

母亲,好久以来 就想为你写一首诗 但写了好多次 还是没有写好 母亲,为你写的这首诗

我不知道该怎样开头 不知道该怎样结尾 也不知道该写些什么

就像儿时面对你严厉的巴掌 我不知道是该勇敢接受 还是该选择逃避母亲,今夜我又想起了你

我决定还是要为你写一首诗 哪怕写得不好 哪怕远在老家的你 永远也读不到……