

unit9 public health

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Unit 9 Public Health

1. 世界上一些国家和地区持续蔓延的非典型性肺炎,是对人类健康和生命安全的严重威胁。 The




spreading in some countries and regions poses a grave threat to life and health of mankind.

2. 有关卫生部门共抽样调查了来自7个组别的10万余人,其中包括吸毒者、黑市卖血者等高危人群。 Health authorities concerned have

sampled over 100,000 people in seven groups, including high-risk population such as drug addicts and

people selling blood in the black


非典型性肺炎(SARS, a short form for severe



syndrome)=atypical pneumonia 对严重威胁(pose a grave threat to)=


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Unit 9

Nominal Clauses

Highlights of the Unit 单元要点概述 Practical Translation Training 实用翻译训练

I. Translation of English Nominal Clauses 英语名词性从句的翻译 II. Translation of Chinese Complex Sentences 汉语复句的翻译 Reflections and Practice 思考与练习 BACK


实用翻译训练英译汉:The Difference between a Brain and a Computer


I. 英语名词性从句的翻译 1. 主语从句 2. 宾语从句 3. 表语从句 4. 同位语从句

II. 汉语复句的翻译 1. 句子的合并 2. 句序



精读4 paraphrase unit9

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1,I have been studying the traits and??the result humiliating to me.

Paraphrase : I have been studying the characteristics of the so-called “ lower-animals “ in comparison with those of man. The result of this study makes me, as a man, feel terribly ashamed.

2,For it obliges me to renounce my allegiance??from the Higher Animals.

Paraphrase : Because the result of my study forces me to give up / to abandon my loyalty to / firm belief in Darwin’s theory of evolution and to change the theory of the Ascent of Man

Unit9 Happy New Year

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Unit 9 Happy New Year

the first period


Page 38 A.Learn to say


1、能听懂、会说日常用语Happy New Year!发音准确、语调自然。

2、能听懂、会说日常用语Thank you.发音准确、语调自然。


能听懂、会说日常用语Happy New Year!发音准确、语调自然。能听懂、会说日常用语Thank you.发音准确、语调自然。


A. Free talk

(1)出示课文插图,让学生观察图中人物的表情和动作,引出本单元话题。 T:Hello, boys and girls. Happy New Year!







D.Assign homework

(1)听读A.Learn to say 。



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Throughout the ages different ideas have been expressed about the working of the human brain. It is only recently, however, that science has begun to give us some idea of how the brain really works.

The Brain

The Most Powerful Computer in the Universe

Man still has a lot to learn about the most powerful and complex part of his body —— the brain.

In ancient times men did not think that the brain was the centre of mental activity. Aristotle the philosopher of ancient Greece thought that the min

精读4 paraphrase unit9

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1,I have been studying the traits and??the result humiliating to me.

Paraphrase : I have been studying the characteristics of the so-called “ lower-animals “ in comparison with those of man. The result of this study makes me, as a man, feel terribly ashamed.

2,For it obliges me to renounce my allegiance??from the Higher Animals.

Paraphrase : Because the result of my study forces me to give up / to abandon my loyalty to / firm belief in Darwin’s theory of evolution and to change the theory of the Ascent of Man

Unit9 - whats the weather like

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Unit9 What’s the weather like?

一、教学目标 (一) 语言目标

1. 词汇:能听懂、会说、认读单词windy, cloudy, snowy, weather, sunny, rainy。 2. 句型:能初步运用“What’s the weather like?”询问天气情况。 (二) 应用目标

1. 能在图片、简笔画或课件帮助下说出天气名称。

2. 能熟练运用本单元和前一单元词汇和句型与同伴谈论天气,并表达个人对天气的喜好和感受。

3. 能听懂会说A部分的对话 二、教学重、难点

1. 重点:能听懂、会说、认读单词windy, cloudy, snowy, weather, sunny, rainy,并能初步运用“What’s the weather like?”询问天气状况。 2. 难点:weather的读音。

sun和sunny, rain和rainy, cloud和snowy, cloud和cloudy, wind和windy词性的的区别。 三、教学准备

用于新授的天气单词卡片、图片或实物,,自制简明中国地图,教学图片,教学音频、动画等 四、教学过程

Step 1 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision


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大路铺中学导学案 Unit9 Do you want to go to a movie ? 95

大路铺中学七年级英语导学案(总:53 ) Unit9 Do you want to go to a 课 题 班 movie ? 级 Section A1a—2c(Pages53-54) 岑永姣 上课李方斌 审核人 费晓英 时间 1. 熟练读出,书写并利用本课时单词. 2.学会谈论自己的爱好并询问他人爱好. 学会谈论自己的爱好并询问他人爱好. 姓名 课 型 新授课 主备人 学习目标 重点难点 2011 年 月 日 【学习过程】: 一、学习准备: 1.个人自读,记忆单词. 2.小组互相检查读、写情况. 3 .写出下列单词 并展示. 去_____________电影______________动作片__________喜剧_______________ 记录片____________恐怖电影或小说____________种类_____________________ 单数________________复数_________________去看电影____________________ 4.在小组内

大学英语精读2 unit9

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精读二 Unit9

1. quitter n.轻易停止的人, 懦夫 (Ex.) quit v. 放弃quit smoking. 离开;退出He quitted Paris 2. standpoint n. 立场,观点,看法 viewpoint

3. tender adj. e.g. tender flowers 柔弱的花朵 a tender expression on her face 她脸上温柔的表情

My finger is tender because I cut it yesterday. 我的手指一碰就疼,因为我昨天割破了

(Ex.) tender-hearted adj.心肠软的; 富于同情心的tender-nosed adj.嗅觉灵敏的tender-eyed adj.视力不佳的;目光和善的

4. equivalent n. e.g. Some American words have no British equivalent.美国英语的一些用法在英国英语中没有对等的词

adj. *be equivalent to/of相等于a wish that was equivalent to a command相当于命令的请求

基础模块下册 Unit9 Advertisement

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Unit9. Advertising

I. 短语翻译

1. 被用来做某事 2. 公众

过去常常做 3. 引起, 使……成为 习惯做某事 4. 通过, 借助于 5. 等,等等 6. 大量的, 许 7. 或多或少 9. 据说 8. 例如 可以说 众所周知 10. 在……中起作用 11. 确信 12. 实际上, 事实上 II. 选择填空

( )1. Our life condition has___ improved.

A. more B. less C. more or less D. more and less ( )2. We study many courses, ___ Chinese, maths Eng