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姓名: 分数: 一、看拼音写词语:(6分)

渔夫yì rú jì wǎng 地出海打鱼,妻子桑娜在家féng

féng bǔ bǔ 。屋外传来波涛的轰鸣,桑娜感到xīn jīng r?u tiào ,于是zì yán zì yǔ :“上帝啊,保佑他··· ···”

Shū shì gē bǎn kuí wǔ dà chī yī jīng ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) qīng xīn yǎn z?u jié chū kě jiàn yī bān ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

二、下面每组词语中有一个是错误的,找出来画上 横线,并在括号中改正。(4分)

1、忧虑 包果 自作自受 ( ) 2、揭力 瘦削 疼痛锥心

牛津英语6B - Unit6单元测试卷

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牛津英语6B Unit6单元测试卷


一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍,5分) ( ) 1.A.picnic B.picture C.pick ( ) 2.A.Africa B.America C.American ( ) 3.A.contest B.concert C.camera ( ) 4.A.theatre B.cinema C.centre

( ) 5.A.their plan B.their plans C.their planes 二、听录音,用数字将下列图片重新排序。(听两遍,5分)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、根据所听到的对话及问题,选择正确的答案。(听两遍,5分) ( )1.A.28. B.38. C.18.

( )2. A.

牛津英语6B - Unit6单元测试卷

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牛津英语6B Unit6单元测试卷


一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍,5分) ( ) 1.A.picnic B.picture C.pick ( ) 2.A.Africa B.America C.American ( ) 3.A.contest B.concert C.camera ( ) 4.A.theatre B.cinema C.centre

( ) 5.A.their plan B.their plans C.their planes 二、听录音,用数字将下列图片重新排序。(听两遍,5分)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、根据所听到的对话及问题,选择正确的答案。(听两遍,5分) ( )1.A.28. B.38. C.18.

( )2. A.


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Ⅰ. 词汇(15分)


1.A train is going t________ a tunnel.

2. S______ we bring paper plates and forks?

3. Walk p______ the police station, turn left and walk on.

4. Form the park, walk a______ the field, and you’ll see a theatre.

5. When the t______ lights are red, the cars must stop.

B: 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。

6. Take the second _______(turn) on the right.

7. Could you tell me how _____(get) to the shopping mall?

8. Where shall we ______(meet) tomorrow morning?

9. I hope it won’t ______(rain) this


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Ⅰ. 词汇(15分)


1.A train is going t________ a tunnel.

2. S______ we bring paper plates and forks?

3. Walk p______ the police station, turn left and walk on.

4. Form the park, walk a______ the field, and you’ll see a theatre.

5. When the t______ lights are red, the cars must stop.

B: 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。

6. Take the second _______(turn) on the right.

7. Could you tell me how _____(get) to the shopping mall?

8. Where shall we ______(meet) tomorrow morning?

9. I hope it won’t ______(rain) this


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Unit 3单元双休自测卷




1. A. October B. DecemberC. November

2. A. fifth B. fifteenth C. fiftieth

3. A. phone B. earphone C. telephone

4. A. diary B. library C. February

5. A. blow B. grow C. brown

6. A. is B. as C. us

7. A. 1月13日B. 2月14日C. 2月13日

8. A. near the ballB. in your bag

C. under the bed

9. A. They are on the ground.

B. Are they on the ground?

C. They aren't on the ground.

10. A. The phone is on the sofa now.

B. The phone was on the desk just now.

C. The phone is


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牛津英语8B Unit 5 单元测试卷


A) 听下面四个句子,选出与句子内容相符的图画,听一遍。

( )1. A B C

( )2. A B C ( )3. A B C

( )4. A B C

B) 根据所听的句子,选择恰当答语,听一遍。

( ) 5. When did the man begin his teaching here?

A. Since three years ago.

B. About three years ago.

C. Last year.

( ) 6. Why did the man get a ticket?

A. He was speeding.

B. He ran a red light

C. He turned a corner too fast. ( ) 7. What was Tim doing when the woman saw him?

A. He was visiting his friends.

B. He was talking with a friend of his.

C. He was watching a match.

( ) 8. What can

牛津译林版八年级下册英语Unit 6单元测试卷(附答案)

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Unit 6


( )1.—Would you like to have ________ bread?

—No, thanks. I'm full.

A.a few more B.some more

C.another a few D.some another

( )2.—What are these young girls doing?

—They are training ________ volunteers ________the coming sports meeting.

A.to be; to B.as; to

C.for; for D.to be; for

( )3. The people who are more confident have more________ to make themselves successful.

A. education

B. chances

C. pride

D. excuses

( )4. It's meaningful________ us________ charities.

A. for; to support

B. of; to support

C. for; support

D. of; supp


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1.Which would you p______, tea or coffee?

2.I like singers who write their own l_______.

3.He is speaking in a g______ voice.

4.She r______ me that I hadn’t watered the flowers.

5.The music is great because you can d________ to it.

6.I have only r________ started learning French.

7.That is your business. So it isn’t really i_______ to me.

8.S. H. E is my favorite g________.

9.My little brother likes movies that about m______.

10.l u Xun is a great writer who e_____ things well.


1.Carmen prefer


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( )1.The film is quite long. It took us three hours ___ it.

A)finish B)finishing C)to finish D)finishes

( )2. ________ Greens are on ______ visit to a beautiful city in China . A) / ; a B) A; the C) The ; a D) The; the ( )3. Holidays will help you better ___yourself.

A)relaxed B)relaxing C)relaxes D)relax

( )4. A lot of tourists enjoy traveling ___ the Pearl River by ferry. A)in B)by C)on D)with ( )5.The Arc