Ⅰ 1. From her _________ I guess she's from the Northeast.
2. It was very clever of her to __________ his argument __________ himself. 3. I found __________ shoes under the bed but they don't make a pair. 4. Dr. Bright always __________ as he examines his patients and treats them with extreme care. 5. British companies are trying to avoid the __________ their American counterparts have already suffered . 6. Wilfred's remarks __________ me in my opinion that he was an honorable (诚实的)young man .
7. The ke
Unit 1
A young man finds that strolling along the streets without an obvious purpose can lead to trouble with the law. One misunderstanding leads to another until eventually he must appear in court for trial……
一个青年发现,在大街上毫无明显目的地游逛会招致警方的责罚。 误会一个接一个发生,最终他只得出庭受审……
A Brush with the Law
I have only once been in trouble with the law. 我平生只有一次跟警方发生纠葛。
The whole process of being arrested and taken to court was a rather unpleasant experience at the time, but it makes a good story now. 被捕和出庭的整个过程在当时是一件非常不愉快的事,但
测试成绩报告单 任课教师已设定暂时不显示本试卷的标准或参考答案。 请注意本页底部显示的总分和提示。在系统自动批改的客观题正确率小于60%时必须重做。 试卷:Listening Unit 9 试卷编号:ListeningUnit9 姓名: 登录: 试卷满分: 学号: 交卷: 班级: 上机地址: 图例: Right Wrong To be marked by instructor Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening! 放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦! Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions (每小题:2 分) Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you
Unit 1 A Brush with the Law
一个青年发现,在大街上毫无明显目的地游逛会招致警方的责罚。 误会一个接一个发生,最终他只得出庭受审…… 与警察的一场小冲突
一天早晨,我来到里士满。这里是伦敦的一个郊区,离我住的地方不远。我在寻找一份临时工作,以便积些钱去旅游。由于天气晴朗,当时又无急事,我便慢悠悠看看橱窗,逛逛公园。有时干脆停下脚步,四处张望。现在看来,一定是这种明显的毫无目的的游逛,使我倒了霉。 事情发生在11点半钟光景。我在当地图书馆谋职未成,刚刚走出来,便看到一个人穿越马路,显然是要来跟我说话。我以为他要问我时间,不料他说他是警官,要逮捕我。起先我还以为这是在开玩笑,但又一个警察出现在我的面前,这次是位身着警服的,这一下使我确信无疑了。
“到处游荡,企图作案,”他说。 “作什么案?”我又
Fate is sometimes not very kind to policemen like myself.Take as an example the recent trial in which i was involved.when i arrested the young lad i had felt sure he was guilty.i had been following him around for a couple of hours and he conducted himself suspiciously. He had been wandering about and it seemed to me that he was looking for an opportunity to steal. When I arrested him ,his casual manner only served to confirm my suspicions.i thought i had at last caught the the thief who had been troubling the ar
Fate is sometimes not very kind to policemen like myself.Take as an example the recent trial in which i was involved.when i arrested the young lad i had felt sure he was guilty.i had been following him around for a couple of hours and he conducted himself suspiciously. He had been wandering about and it seemed to me that he was looking for an opportunity to steal. When I arrested him ,his casual manner only served to confirm my suspicions.i thought i had at last caught the the thief who had been troubling the ar
1) accent
2) turn against
3) a couple of
4) takes his time
5) fate
6) confirmed
7) witness
8) subsequent
9) stands a chance
10) trial
1) belief
2) brilliant
3) employment
4) has saved up
5) stood a chance
6) were awarded
7) Presumably
8) conducted
9) casual
10) around (which student life) revolves
1) Joe wrote to say that he had to put off his visit because of his illness.
2) Despite the noise, they went on working as if nothing were happening.
3) Traffic was held up for
Unit 6
Fitted with the artificial leg, he walked unsteadily at first,but with practice his steos became steady.
The doctor said I had caught a bad cold and she prescribed me four kinds of medicine.Three of them are pills to be taken aftermeal, and theother is liquid tobe taken before bedtime.
I would rather go out for a walk than just stay in the room doing nothing for two hours.
大学英语精读第三册lesson 15 a drink in the passage
Lesson 15
A Drink in the PassageAlan Paton
Key wordsavert, constrained, embarrassing, exhibit, expel, insoluble, nationwide, omit, personage, renounce, reprimand, salute, segregate, slumped, suspend
1. avert vt.防止,避免I would do what I could to avert it. 我会尽力去避免发生这种情况。 Efforts are being made to avert war and find a diplomatic solution. 各方正在为避免战争、寻求外交解决 途径而作出积极的努力。 aversion (n.) avertable=avertible (adj.)可避开的 ,可防止的
2. constrained adj.拘泥的We feel quite free and easy with him, not in the least constrained. 跟他在一起很随便,一点儿也不拘束。 The mahjo
大学英语精读第三册lesson 15 a drink in the passage
Lesson 15
A Drink in the PassageAlan Paton
Key wordsavert, constrained, embarrassing, exhibit, expel, insoluble, nationwide, omit, personage, renounce, reprimand, salute, segregate, slumped, suspend
1. avert vt.防止,避免I would do what I could to avert it. 我会尽力去避免发生这种情况。 Efforts are being made to avert war and find a diplomatic solution. 各方正在为避免战争、寻求外交解决 途径而作出积极的努力。 aversion (n.) avertable=avertible (adj.)可避开的 ,可防止的
2. constrained adj.拘泥的We feel quite free and easy with him, not in the least constrained. 跟他在一起很随便,一点儿也不拘束。 The mahjo