New Words 1A
delivery n. 1. [C]分娩
2. [C, U] 递交;送货 saint n. 1. [C]极为慈爱的人; 道德高尚的人
2. [C] 圣徒,圣人 justice n. [U]正义;合理 inseparable a.不可分离的 unloadvt.卸下(货物) codevt.把...编码
n. 1. [C]代码;代号 2. [C, U] 密码
color-coded a. 带色标的;带色码的 whistle v. 吹口哨
wreck n. 1. [C] 疲惫的人; 健康状况差的人 2. [C]残骸
beneath prep. 在低于...的位置;在...之下disguise n.[C, U]伪装物;伪装;假扮 vt.伪装;假扮
disbelief n. [U] 不相信,怀疑
agreeable a. 1.令人愉快的;令人满意的 2. 可接受的
penetrate v.穿透;渗入vt.看穿 vacant a. 1.茫然的;失神的 2.空的;未被占用的 grasp vt.1.明白
quiver vi. 颤抖 long vi. 渴望
New Words 1A
delivery n. 1. [C]分娩
2. [C, U] 递交;送货 saint n. 1. [C]极为慈爱的人; 道德高尚的人
2. [C] 圣徒,圣人 justice n. [U]正义;合理 inseparable a.不可分离的 unloadvt.卸下(货物) codevt.把...编码
n. 1. [C]代码;代号 2. [C, U] 密码
color-coded a. 带色标的;带色码的 whistle v. 吹口哨
wreck n. 1. [C] 疲惫的人; 健康状况差的人 2. [C]残骸
beneath prep. 在低于...的位置;在...之下disguise n.[C, U]伪装物;伪装;假扮 vt.伪装;假扮
disbelief n. [U] 不相信,怀疑
agreeable a. 1.令人愉快的;令人满意的 2. 可接受的
penetrate v.穿透;渗入vt.看穿 vacant a. 1.茫然的;失神的 2.空的;未被占用的 grasp vt.1.明白
quiver vi. 颤抖 long vi. 渴望
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BOOK1 Unit1
reward vt.give sth in return for good and valuable doings奖赏 回报. n.sth as a return for good and valuable doings奖赏 回报
rewarding a.giving sb.satisfaction,pleasure,or profit值得做的,有益的,有意义的 frustrate vt.cause sb.to have feelings of disappointment.使沮丧,使灰心 cause the failure of sth使挫败 使受挫折
junior a.having a low position,level,or rank(地位,水平,层次)较低的 n.sb.who is younger年少者
sb.of low or lower position (地位或等级)较低者,晚辈 positive a.helpful and encouraging in
1 reward n. 报酬,酬谢,赏金; v. 奖赏,酬谢
2 frustrate v. 挫败,击败,破坏; a. 无益的,挫败的,挫折的
3 junior n. 年少者,地位较低者,大学三年级学生; a. 年少的,下级的,后进的
4 positive a. 肯定的,积极的,绝对的; a. 正面的,正数的,阳性的
5 senior n. 年长者,上司,毕业班学生; a. 年长的,高级的,资深的
6 former a. 以前的,在前的; pron.&n. 前者
7 unlike a. 不同的,不相似的; prep. 不像,和...不同
8 intimidate v. 威胁,恐吓,胁迫
9 opportunity n. 机会,时机
10 online n.联机,在线
11 communication n. 沟通,交通,沟通; [计算机] 通信
12 medium n. 媒体,方法,媒介; a. 适中的,中等的
13 phone n. 电话; v. 打电话
14 modem 调制解调器
15 access n. 通路
新视野大学英语3 读写教程 sectionA
With his index finger, Patterson pointed toward a plain color-coded box
beneatha long wooden table.
disguisedhimself as a waiter and watched what was going on around.
He often around.
whistlesa tune during the morning tea break when his boss is not
4. And again she shouted in a high-pitched voice, word by word, with no attempt to
restrainherself, \
5. There were certain people in that room, like Peter and John, who had failed to
graspwhat I was saying.
During that time I was overwhelmed with o
新视野大学英语 3 读写教程课后答案
向 21 世纪振兴行动计划”的重点工程“新世纪网络课程建 设工程”项目之一,由郑树棠教授为项目总责任人和教材总 主编。全国十几所重点院校的专家教授参加编写,胡文仲等 国内外专家为顾问。下文为大家分享的是新视野大学英语 读写教程课后答案,希望对大家考试复习有帮助哦~ Unit 1 section A III
1 beneath 2 disguised 3 whistles 4 restrain 5 grasp 6 longing 7 praying 8 faithful 9 pledge 10 drain IV 1 tell
? on you 2 track down 3 work it out 4 picking
on me5 reckoned with 6 call on 7 on his own 8 get through 9 in disguise 10 revolves around V
1 advise 2 level 3 problems 4 necessity 5 skil
新视野大学英语读写教程1 unit3
Unit 3
Preview (p53)
be faced with: “面临,面对” I am faced with new opportunities and challenges.
spirit: the part of a person that includes their mind, feelings and character rather than their body. e.g. the power of the human spirit to overcome difficulties. (人类克服困难的精神力量) further: to a great degree or extend “进一步” The police decided to investigate further. of one’s own: “属于某人的” Human is a creator, a creator of one’s own destiny.
generosity: willing to give sb. money, gifts, time or kindness. “慷慨,大方”
e.g. He treated them with g
New Words 9A
@ premarital a. happening before marriage 婚前的
@ collection n. 1. [C] a set of things that have been collected 收藏品
@ 2. [U] the act of collecting 收集
@ verify vt. make certain of or prove the truth of sth. 证实;核实
@ bride n. [C] a woman who is getting married, or who is just married 新娘
@ bride-to-be n. [C] a woman who is going to be married soon 准新娘
@ clause n. [C] a particular part of a written legal document 条款,款项
■ prenuptial a. before getting married 结婚前的
■ prenup n. [C] a prenu
New Words 9A
@ premarital a. happening before marriage 婚前的
@ collection n. 1. [C] a set of things that have been collected 收藏品
@ 2. [U] the act of collecting 收集
@ verify vt. make certain of or prove the truth of sth. 证实;核实
@ bride n. [C] a woman who is getting married, or who is just married 新娘
@ bride-to-be n. [C] a woman who is going to be married soon 准新娘
@ clause n. [C] a particular part of a written legal document 条款,款项
■ prenuptial a. before getting married 结婚前的
■ prenup n. [C] a prenu
教育,孩子忽悠老子叫欺骗,互相忽悠叫代沟。▲ 男人 这花花世界,我要用什么颜色来吸引你。 新视野大学英语读写教程第二册课文翻译.txt“恋”是个很强悍的字。它的上半部取自“变态”的“变”,下半部取自“变态”的“态”。新视野大学英语读写教程第二册课文翻译 第一章
unit 1 section a 时间观念强的美国人 美国人认为没有人能停止不前。 如果你不求进取,你就会落伍。
时间是美国人注意节约的两个要素之一,另一要素是劳力。 人们一直说:“只有时间才能支配我们。”
我们安排时间、节约时间、浪费时间、挤抢时间、消磨时间、缩减时间、对时间的利用作出解释;我们还要因付出时间而收取费用。 时间是一种宝贵的资源,许多人都深感人生的短暂。 时光一去不复返。