

ADVICE Automated Detection and Validation of Interaction by

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ADVICE:Automated Detection and Validation of Interaction by Co-Evolution

Soon-Heng Tan*,Zhuo Zhang and See-Kiong Ng

Knowledge Discovery Department,Institute for Infocomm Research,21Heng Mui Keng Terrace,Singapore 119613,Singapore

Received February 15,2004;Revised and Accepted April 30,2004


ADVICE (Automated Detection and Validation of Interaction by Co-Evolution)is a web tool for predict-ing and validating protein-protein interactions using the observed co-evolution between interacting pro-teins.Interacting proteins are

NonClinical Dose Formulation Analysis Method Validation and Sample Analysis

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White Paper

NonClinical Dose Formulation Analysis Method Validation and Sample Analysis

Monica Lee Whitmire,1,8Peter Bryan,2Teresa R.Henry,3John Holbrook,Paul Lehmann,4Thomas Mollitor,Susan Ohorodnik,5David Reed,6and Holly D.Wietgrefe 7

Received 30April 2010;accepted 6July 2010;published online 14August 2010

Abstract.Nonclinical dose formulation analysis methods are used to con ?rm test article concentration and homogeneity in formulations and determine formulation stability in support of regulated nonclinical

Validation methodology from HKMA CA-G-4

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1. Validation of Rating discriminatory power:

?Cumulative Accuracy Profile (“CAP”) and itssummary index, the Accuracy Ratio (“AR”);?Receiver Operating Characteristic (“ROC”) and itssummary indices, the ROC measure and the PietraIndex;

?Bayesian error rate (“BER”);

?Conditional entropy, Kullback-Leibler distance, andConditional Information Entropy Ratio (“CIER”);

?Information value (“IV”);

?Kendall’s τ and Somers’ D (for shadow ratings);

?Brier score (“BS”); (this is similar to RMSE which we will do in validation)


Not a

An overview of the validation approach for moist heat_part II

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An Overview of theValidation Approach for

Moist Heat Sterilization,Part II

B.M.Boca,E.Pretorius,* R.Gochin,R.Chapoullie,and Z.Apostolides


This article illustrates a

qualification–validation strategyfor moist heat sterilizationandbriefly discusses the sterility

concept and common sterilizationprinciples.In Part II,the authorsdiscuss the qualification–

validation procedure,includingthe installation,operational,andperformance qualification phases,when requalification–revalidationis required,and a system forchange control.

art I ofth

ADVICE Automated Detection and Validation of Interaction by Co-Evolution

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ADVICE:Automated Detection and Validation of Interaction by Co-Evolution

Soon-Heng Tan*,Zhuo Zhang and See-Kiong Ng

Knowledge Discovery Department,Institute for Infocomm Research,21Heng Mui Keng Terrace,Singapore 119613,Singapore

Received February 15,2004;Revised and Accepted April 30,2004


ADVICE (Automated Detection and Validation of Interaction by Co-Evolution)is a web tool for predict-ing and validating protein-protein interactions using the observed co-evolution between interacting pro-teins.Interacting proteins are


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Research paper

Validation of lateral?uid?ow in an overpressured sand-shale sequence during development of Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli oil?eld and Shah Deniz gas?eld:South Caspian Basin,Azerbaijan

Rashid J.Javanshir a,1,Gregory W.Riley b,Stephan J.Duppenbecker c,*,

Nazim Abdullayev d

a BP1St James's Square,London,SW1Y4PD,UK

b BP Building F,Chertsey Road,Sunbury on Thames,TW167LN,UK

c BP Building C,Chertsey Road,Sunbury-on-Thames,TW167LN,UK

d BP153Neftchilar Avenue,Baku,AZ1010,Azerbaijan

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:



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Research paper

Validation of lateral?uid?ow in an overpressured sand-shale sequence during development of Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli oil?eld and Shah Deniz gas?eld:South Caspian Basin,Azerbaijan

Rashid J.Javanshir a,1,Gregory W.Riley b,Stephan J.Duppenbecker c,*,

Nazim Abdullayev d

a BP1St James's Square,London,SW1Y4PD,UK

b BP Building F,Chertsey Road,Sunbury on Thames,TW167LN,UK

c BP Building C,Chertsey Road,Sunbury-on-Thames,TW167LN,UK

d BP153Neftchilar Avenue,Baku,AZ1010,Azerbaijan

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:
