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Book 1 Unit 3

New Words

1. transform vt.: completely change ….

The president of the university said that they were trying their best to transform their university into a top school in the country.

2. fleet n.: a group of vehicles, planes, boats or trains Survivors were taken to a hospital in a fleet of ambulances.

3. access n.: the right or opportunity to have or use sth.

Students and faculty in the university have free access to the computer lab.

accessible: a.: easy to obtain or use

He has made some attempts to make op

Join in book3 unit1

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Join in book3 unit1-4测试题

Class___________ Name___________ Mark__________

一、 写出下列单词,词组或句子的中文意思。(30分)

board( ) curtain( ) on( behind( ) under( ) in( in front of( ) thirty-two( ) forty-seven( shoes ( ) shirt( ) trousers( school uniform( ) tie( ) skirt( cardigan( ) blazer( ) sweater( play table tennis( ) ski( ) stand on your head(

Join in book3 unit1

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Join in book3 unit1-4测试题

Class___________ Name___________ Mark__________

一、 写出下列单词,词组或句子的中文意思。(30分)

board( ) curtain( ) on( behind( ) under( ) in( in front of( ) thirty-two( ) forty-seven( shoes ( ) shirt( ) trousers( school uniform( ) tie( ) skirt( cardigan( ) blazer( ) sweater( play table tennis( ) ski( ) stand on your head(

Book 3Unit 1单词导学案

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Unit 1 Festivals around the world单词导学案

1. take place 发生 举行 (不及物动词,无被动语态,无进行时态)

The football match _________________________tomorrow. 足球赛明天举行。 No one knows __________________(发生过什么) that night. 辨析:take place & happen & come about

1) take place 常指某事按规律、预先安排或计划而发生或进行;

2) happen常指客观事物或情况偶然、不可预料地发生,和不定式连用时,表示“碰巧


3) come about 常与疑问词how连用,侧重事情发生的过程。

When the accident __________(发生), It __________(碰巧) that a wedding ceremony

_____________ (举行) then. So people went to help the injured and called the police. No

Book 3 Unit1 Festivals around the world

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Book 3 Unit1 Festivals around the world Warming Up and Pre-reading

琼中中学 韩雅沁

Background information:

Students: Junior high school students, Grade 1 Teaching contents: Festivals around the world Lesson duration: 40 mins

Teaching aims:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to 1. say in English of the festivals in and out of China;

2. answer the questions about Chinese festivals and foreign festivals; 3. talk about Chinese festivals and customs in English;

Book3 Unit1单元检测

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Book3 Unit1


1.____weep____ n.& vt.哭泣 2.___ancestor___ n.祖先;祖宗 3.___rooster____ n.公鸡;雄禽

4.___harvest____ n.& vt.收获;收割 5.___award____ vt.& n.奖;奖品;授予

6._agriculture__ n.农业→_agricultural__ adj.农业的 7._arrive__ vi到达→_arrival__ n.到达 8._permit______ vt.允许;准许→ __permission___ n.许可;允许 9.__starve_____ vt.& vi.(使)饿死→ _starvation___ n.饥饿;饿死 10.__celebrate___ vt.庆祝;祝贺→ __celebration___ n.庆祝;庆典 11. _admire__ vt.赞美;钦佩;羡慕→ _admiration__ n.钦佩;羡慕→ _admirable_ adj.令人钦佩的 12._origin__ n.

Book 1 Unit 3 导学案(付印版)

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姓名__________________ 授课时间____________________

高一英语 Book 1 Unit 3导学案

- 1 -

Book 1 Unit 3 Travel Journal

《Period 1 V ocabulary Study 》导学案

一、Learning aims(学习目标): 1. 朗读第三单元词汇表单词,了解并记忆汉语意义。 2. 完成词汇练习及拓展。 3..(学习重点):正确拼读词汇。



二、课堂展开 Step 1: 课题导入Introduce Unit 3 to students.

Step 2: 朗读第三单元词汇表单词。 四人一小组正确拼读单词,


Step 3: 词汇队读(小组1汉语-小组2英语) Step 4 : 知识拓展 重点词汇与短语 1. transport n.&vt. 运送;运输

【原句回放】Which transport do you prefer to use? (Warming up)


(1) transport 还可作可数名词,表示―交

Book 3 Unit 1单元测试题

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Book 3 Unit 1单元测试题

1. As we all know, this island lies___________ the mainland. A. away B. aside C. off D. upon

2. We have made it a rule that whoever finds that tree first can take________________ of it. A. possession B. seize C. hold D. seat

3. Don’t move any more; in my opinion, you must______________ to live a stable life. A. sit down B. stay down C. come down D. settle down 4. To be frank, I really don’t know what SOS _________________.

高职国际英语book1Unit3 - 图文

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Lesson 1

Unit 3. Shopping

1. This unit is about… Topics:

? Kinds of retail outlets

? How supermarkets make shoppers buy ? The first supermarket

? Chinese clothing size converter

? Traditional shopping vs. online shopping ? eBay


Talking about shopping and shopping habits

? Speaking: Role-play: Shopping scenes

Giving a personal opinion about Internet use

? Writing: Comparing mail-order shopping and shopping

A guided summary

Project: A shopping guide for your neighborhood Grammar:

? Adje

Book 1 Unit 2

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Book 1 Unit 2

Listen to the recording two or three times and then think over the following questions: 1. Have you ever heard of Dionne Warwick? Have you happened to hear her sing? 2. What does a fair weather friend mean?

3. What does Dionne Warwick think friends are for?

4. Does the song give you any idea of what the stories in this unit will be about?

Just what are friends for? To have fun with, of course, to share in the good times. Yet most people would say that a real friend is more than just a fair weather friend. A f