

新概念2 Lesson 1 教案

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Lesson 1 A Private Conversation

首先,我们检查一下课文的背诵和生词的默写。 接下来我们来重点讲解课文。 1.convesation,private

我们看标题:Private Conversation,同学们还记得我们在新1哪学过conversation这个单词么?对了,在Pleasant Climate那一课,It’s our favourite subject of conversation,再记下这个词组,最喜欢的谈话主题:___________________________.下面我们重点来看private: private adj.私人的

①同义词 personal 反义词 public 译:他们的私人会议20年后被公开了。

__________________________________________________________ ②in private 秘密地,私下地 in public 公共的 eg: We can talk about this issue in private. 译:公共谈论这种话题是不礼貌的。



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The sixth lesson Too late


Name __________

were waiting at the airport all morning. They were expecting a valuable parcel

of diamonds from South Africa. A few hours earlier, someone had told the

police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield. Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs H

新概念2Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch

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Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch? 早餐还是午餐? 课文内容:

It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. ‘What a day!’ I thought. ‘It's raining again. ’ Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy. ‘I've just arrived by train, ’ she said. ‘I'm coming to see you. ’ ‘But I'm still having breakfast, ’ I said. ‘What are you doing?’ she asked.

‘I'm having breakfast, ’ I repeated.

‘Dear me, ’ she said. ‘D


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1. They cooked meals ________ an open fire. A. above B. on C. over D. under 2. ________ the pictures on the wall, please. A. Put down B. Put out C. Put up D. put off 3. It rained ______outside, so it was a ______ rain.

A. heavily, heavy B. heavy, heavily C. heavy, heavy D. heavily, heavily 4. The bottle is _______ with water. A. full B. fulled C. fill D. filled 5. He pretended to sleep _________, but I know he was _________.

A. sound, awake

新概念英语2 lesson3

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Lesson3 Please send me a cardListen and answer: How many cards did the writer send?

New words and expressions send ( sent, sent) friendly postcard waiter spoil lend (lent, lent) museum decision public whole single

☆send v.寄 寄信:send a letter 寄 寄信: 用法: 用法:send sth to sb/send sb sth 类似的用法还有give, take, pass, read, sell... 类似的用法还有 可以带双宾 Give me a book.=Give a book to me . 间接宾语在后面时,其前必须加to( 而做, 间接宾语在后面时,其前必须加 (对……而做,翻 而做 译为“ 而做, 译为“给”)或for(为……而做,翻译为“替”) ( 而做 翻译为“ 可以翻译为“ 就用for; 可以翻译为“给”,“替”,“为”的,就用 ;如 果只能翻译为“ 就以用to 果只能翻译为“给”就以用 give


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Lesson 31 Success story

★retire v. 退休

retire =stop working =stop doing this

He is getting old, He is going to retire. 他越来越老, 他打算退休了 I'm going to retire next year. 我明年会退出影坛或歌坛

I'm so tired that I'm going to retire now. (retire = go to bed) ★company n. 公司 firm n. 商行 corporation n. 责任公司

limited corporation 有限责任公司(缩略形式:Ltd.Co)

business n. 生意,公司 He works in my business. 他在我的公司工作 ★save vt. 积蓄

① vt. 挽救,救助,拯救 save one's life

The doctor saved the child’s life. / They saved the child from


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Lesson 2 Thirteen equals one

II Warm up on the title Which number is bigger, 13 or 1?

Why does the writer say “13 equals 1” ?

Can you think of a similar usage about numbersin China?

(“1 + 1 = 3”.)

III New words & Expressions equal (ST) v.等于,比得上 Phrase: equal sb/sth (in sth) eg. He equals me in strength, but not in intelligence. Many Chinese athletes have equaled the Olympic records.

III New words & Expressions equal (ST) adj.合适的,相当的,能胜任的 Phrase: equal to sth./doing sth., have the strength, courage, ability, etc for sth

新概念英语2lesson 10 grammar

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一、1. 语态是动词的一种形式,表示主语和动词之间的关系。英语动词有两


2. 由助动词be + 及物动词的过去分词(V-ed)构成。


二、 主变被解题步骤:

1. 找宾语 ----即动作的承受者

2. 判断宾语的单复数 ----即be动词的单复数.

3. 判断动词的时态 ----即be动词的时态.

4. 修改谓语的时态 ----即原句动词改为过去分词

5. 修改原句的主语 ----即by+ 主语/ 宾语.

Eg. They make shoes in that factory

Shoes are made in the factory by them.



一般将来时:will/shall (be going to) be+taught

现在进行时:am/is/are being+taught

过去进行时:was/were being+taught



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Lesson 31 Success story

★retire v. 退休

retire =stop working =stop doing this

He is getting old, He is going to retire. 他越来越老, 他打算退休了 I'm going to retire next year. 我明年会退出影坛或歌坛

I'm so tired that I'm going to retire now. (retire = go to bed) ★company n. 公司 firm n. 商行 corporation n. 责任公司

limited corporation 有限责任公司(缩略形式:Ltd.Co)

business n. 生意,公司 He works in my business. 他在我的公司工作 ★save vt. 积蓄

① vt. 挽救,救助,拯救 save one's life

The doctor saved the child’s life. / They saved the child from

新概念英语2lesson 10 grammar

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一、1. 语态是动词的一种形式,表示主语和动词之间的关系。英语动词有两


2. 由助动词be + 及物动词的过去分词(V-ed)构成。


二、 主变被解题步骤:

1. 找宾语 ----即动作的承受者

2. 判断宾语的单复数 ----即be动词的单复数.

3. 判断动词的时态 ----即be动词的时态.

4. 修改谓语的时态 ----即原句动词改为过去分词

5. 修改原句的主语 ----即by+ 主语/ 宾语.

Eg. They make shoes in that factory

Shoes are made in the factory by them.



一般将来时:will/shall (be going to) be+taught

现在进行时:am/is/are being+taught

过去进行时:was/were being+taught
