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M5U2 复习练习


1._____ the road round to the right and you’ll find his house. 2. _____ the road round to the right, you’ll find his house.

3. _____ the road round to the right, the blind man asked a boy to guide him. 4. The scientist came in, _____ by his students. 5. The scientist came in, his students _____.

A. Follow B. Following C. To follow D. Followed 6. They had a pleasant chat _____ a cup of coffee.

A. for B. with C. during D. over

7. Always acting in a strange way, Einstein must have __


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M5U2 The Environment


1. economy n. 经济, 节约, 理财

economic adj. 经济上的; 经济学的

economic depression 经济衰退

economical adj. 节俭的, 合算的, 经济的economically adv. 节约地, 节省地


economics n. 经济学 economist n. 经济学者, 经济家

n. +-ic/ical→adj.

economy(n. )+-ic→economic(adj. )经济的 【类记】 electricity(n. )电→_______(adj. )电的 science(n. )科学


→________(adj. )科学的 medicine(n. )医学→_______(adj. )医学的 Electric scientific medical 2.

(1)debate on/over/about sth.


(2)under debate 正在讨论中



题。 I


译林牛津M5U2教案 - 图文

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课 题 课 型 Welcome to this unit M5U2 The Environment 单元导入 授课时间 第__ 周 星期 ___ 第_____节 Sept ___,2014 本节(课)三维目标与教学重难点 知识与技能 过程与方法 情感态度与价值观 教学重点 教学难点 To improve students’ language skills--- listening, speaking To acquire some background information about the topic---Enviroment Listening, speaking, brainstorming and interactive activities To inspire students’ enviromental awareness and cherish the precious enviroment condition we are live in To make students know the importance of the environment to the human beings and di


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Module 5 Unit 2 We start work at nine o’clock.


1.熟练掌握本单元的单词和短语:weekday, house, start, break, go to school, get up, have breakfast, have lunch, have dinner, go to bed 等。 2.运用一般现在时态谈论一个人学校的一天。 3.用and then连接简单句子。 4. 加深对一般现在时的理解。 【重难点】

1.掌握本单元表日常行为活动的一些词汇。 2.重点句型:

1)I get up at …and then have breakfast . 2)… we have a break … and I talk to …

3.运用一般现在时态描述经常性或习惯性的动作。 【预习检测】


1. 去上学________________ ___2. 起床_______________ ___ 3. 在上午________ _________4. 吃早餐_______________ ____ 5. 开始工作________________


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外研版(新标准) 初中英语八年级上册Module 5 Unit 2 It describes the changes in Chinese society. 天津市鉴开中学


一、说教材 二、说学情 三、说模式 四、说设计 五、说板书 六、说评价 七、说开发 八、说得失





M1 How to learn EnglishM2-M4形容词和副 词的规则和不规则 的比较级和最高级M5-M6动词 不定式

M9 PopulationExperience and expression

动词 用法 动词 种类

M9 冠词和数 词

M5 Lao She Teahouse

Chinese M6 Animals in culture danger


动词 M7-M8 过去进行时 时态 M 1 复习一般现在 时、现在进行时、 一般过去时、 一般将来时 博学

Foreign culture and life M2 My home town and my country

知 识 结 构

M4 Planes,ships and trains M7 A famous story M10 The weather M12 Hel

5A M1U2小练习

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Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 2 My way to school (1)

Ⅰ. Look and write(看一看,写一写,每线一词): (1) (2) 1. --- What can you drive?

(3) (4) (5) --- I can drive a __ ________.

--- Black and white.

2. --- What colour are the zebra __________? 4. Look, the __________ light is yellow. Wait! 5. Let’s go to The Century Park by __________.

3. --- Can you ride a bicycle on the __________? --- No. I can walk on it.

Ⅱ. Choose the best answer(选择最佳答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内): ( ) 1. She’s only ten years old. She ________ ride her bicycle on

M7u4教学案5 task

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“目标—问题—活动—反馈”小组合作学习教学案 徐州经济技术开发区高级中学

年级 课题 主备人 高二 M7u4 task 蔡婷 学科 英语 总课时 第___5_课时 上课时间 备 注 [来源学科网Z,X,X, 锁定目标 找准方向 1.Spot instructive words and learn how to make notes while listening; 2.Compare information and make a choice through group work; 3.Apply what has been learnt to produce an e-mail to give information about travel to Dalian. 自我构建 快乐无限 Step1.课前预习 Ask students to a) Words finish it before 1询问___ 2.分割___ class. 3.每年的___

Oxford 5A M2U1 Period 3

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Period 3

Teaching contents: M2U1 Say and act Content analysis:

这一课时学习小朋友都非常熟悉的一个童话故事:Little Red Riding Hood。这个故事中生词不多:knock at, Little Red Riding Hood Student analysis:

学生对这个故事的中文版很熟悉,他们也喜欢表演。 Teaching aims: 1. To read the story. 2. To act out the story. PROCEDURES CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSE 复习上一课时Pre-task 1. Things I do with Ss talk like this: 内容 preparation my parents I live my grandparents. I often….with them. I don’t live with my grandparents. I visit them…a week/month/year. I often …with them. 2. Ask and a


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Test for 3B Module2 Unit 3 Clothes

Class_________ Name____________ No._________ Mark________

Part 1 Listening (听力部分) 40%

I. Listen and choose (选出你听到的单词或词组,把序号填在前面括号内) 10% ( ) 1. A. shirt ( ) 2. A. hat ( ) 3. A. blue ( ) 4. A. clothes ( ) 5. A. these ( ) 6. A. class ( ) 7. A. take ( ) 8. A. horse ( ) 9. A. a pair of shoes ( )10. A. my toy giraffes

II. Listen and choose (听录音,选出相应的答句,将序号填入括号内) 5% ( ) 1. A. That’s a robot. ( ) 2. A. Yes, I like. ( ) 3. A. Thank you.

B. This is a robot. B


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Module 5 Unit 1 Grammar and Usage

Teaching aims:

Enable the students to learn the to infinitive, the bare infinitive and the verb-ing form as a moun.

Teaching important points:

1. Learn how to use the to infinitive, the bare infinitive and the verb-ing form as a moun. 2. Learn the differences between the to infinitive, the bare infinitive and the verb-ing form.

Teaching methods:

Explaining and practicing.

Teaching procedures: Activity 1: Definition

非谓语动词 ( to do ; v-ing, v-ed )
