

Gift giving

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It is important to understand the customs concerning gift giving. The customs very greatly from country to country. In some country ,gifts are expected and failure a gift is considered an insult ,whereas in other countries offering a gift is considered offensive. Business executives also need to know when to present gift-on the initial visit or afterwards;where to present gifts-in public or private;what type of gift to present;what color it should be;and know many to present.

One basic rule of thumb in international gift

Ironies in The Gift of the Migi 麦琪的礼物 讽刺

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Advanced English Writing

Ironies in The Gift of the Migi

As we know,irony is a literary technique in which what happens on the surface differs greatly from the actual outcome.The Gift of the Magi,one of the most popular work by O Henry,is a classic example of irony in literature.

There are three obvious ironies in the fiction.The first one appears in the story when Della went out to sold her hair.The sign read “Mme. Sofronie”.This seems like a sarcasm because the real “Mme Sofronie” was too “large,white,chilly”,and s

中西方送礼文化差异Gift giving etiquette

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跨文化交际,Gift-giving etiquette中西方送礼文化差异

Gift-giving Varies Among Different Cultures

跨文化交际,Gift-giving etiquette中西方送礼文化差异

Difference s of giftgiving and gift receiving in Western culture and Chinese culture!

Gift giving is a big part of any culture. No matter in Western countries or in Eastern countries, people all pay attention to gift giving and gift receiving. They all believe etiquette requires reciprocity and exchange of gifts can leave a deep impression on each other and renew friendship.

跨文化交际,Gift-giving etiquette中西方送礼文化差异


《舌尖上的中国》第一季第一集 自然的馈赠 (双语-段段对照)Episode 1 gift of nature

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《舌尖上的中国》第一季第一集 自然的馈赠 (双语-段段对照)Episode 1 gift of nature

第一集 自然的馈赠


China has a large population, and the richest and most varied natural landscapes in the world——plateaus,forests, lakes and coastlines. These various geographical features and climate conditions have helped to form and preserve widely different species. No other country has so many potential food sources as China. By collecting, f