

人教版八年级英语下册Unit7 学案

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Unit7 学案

Task 1--复习:请同学们回顾上节课2b文章,完成写作提纲中所需的具体信息。

What they look like___________________ Basic information Where they live_____________________ What they eat_______________________ What they can do____________________ Pandas

人教版八年级英语下册Unit7 学案

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Unit7 学案

Task 1--复习:请同学们回顾上节课2b文章,完成写作提纲中所需的具体信息。

What they look like___________________ Basic information Where they live_____________________ What they eat_______________________ What they can do____________________ Pandas


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Unit 7


1. Include/including

Include: 动词;including 介词 2. Freeze/freezing

Freeze: 动词; freezing: 形容词,极冷的 3. Achieve/come true

Achieve:达到,完成,成功achieve my dream/the goal come true: 变为现实 My dream came true at last. 4. Success/succeed/successful/successfully 5. In the wall/on the wall

in the wall:在墙内,为墙的一部分,on the wall在墙上,为外来物 6. Feel free :随便做某事 7. As far as I know:就我所知 8. Take in:吸入,吞入

9. In the face of:面对(问题,困难等) 10. Even though=even if:即使,虽然 11. Walk into:走路时撞着 12. Fall over:绊倒 1


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Unit 7


1. Include/including

Include: 动词;including 介词 2. Freeze/freezing

Freeze: 动词; freezing: 形容词,极冷的 3. Achieve/come true

Achieve:达到,完成,成功achieve my dream/the goal come true: 变为现实 My dream came true at last. 4. Success/succeed/successful/successfully 5. In the wall/on the wall

in the wall:在墙内,为墙的一部分,on the wall在墙上,为外来物 6. Feel free :随便做某事 7. As far as I know:就我所知 8. Take in:吸入,吞入

9. In the face of:面对(问题,困难等) 10. Even though=even if:即使,虽然 11. Walk into:走路时撞着 12. Fall over:绊倒 1


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Unit7 Food Festival

Topic2 I’m not sure whether I can cook it well.

Section D

Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims:

1. Students are able to grasp the main points of different eating habits.

2. Students are able to express their own opinions about the topic on table manners.

3. Students are able to write a short passage about table manners. Emotional aims:

1.We should have good table manners.

2.We should do as the Romans do.

Teaching key points:

Guide the Ss to understand the details of the different eating habits in different areas, guide th


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Unit7 Food Festival

Topic2 I’m not sure whether I can cook it well.

Section D

Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims:

1. Students are able to grasp the main points of different eating habits.

2. Students are able to express their own opinions about the topic on table manners.

3. Students are able to write a short passage about table manners. Emotional aims:

1.We should have good table manners.

2.We should do as the Romans do.

Teaching key points:

Guide the Ss to understand the details of the different eating habits in different areas, guide th


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初二英语Unit 7 周测题


1.最高的/最危险的山脉 25.实现谁的梦想 2.比世界上其他任何山都高 26.3.在所有的咸水湖中 274.有一个更悠久的历史 28,5.有最多/最少的人口 29.6.世界上最古老的国家之一 30.7.主要原因之一 31.8.可以随便做某事 32.9.在今天的长城之旅中 33.10.最流行的问题 34.11.谈论/提及 35.12.正如你所看到的那样 36,13.据我所知

新人教版八年级英语下册unit7 Section A3a读写课 教学设计

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unit7 Section A3a读写课 教学设计


这是一节读写课,选取的短文是新目标人教版八年英语下册Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?SectionA 3a 部分的一篇阅读短文:Qomolangma—the most Dangerous Mountain in the World?本课时以谈论世界之巅—珠穆朗玛峰的奇险之实、登顶之绩以及登山者的不屈的精神为主题,并以此作为写作范例,进一步开展写作教学。 2学情分析

本节课谈论的是神奇的大自然的鬼斧神工——珠穆朗玛峰,虽然距离遥远,但通过观看视频及网上媒体对珠穆朗玛峰的介绍,学生对此话题并不是很陌生,再加上前面2个课时的学习及八年级上册unit3和unit4的学习,学生基本上掌握如何运用形容词比较级和最高级谈论一件事物。学生具备了一定的语言基础,本节课的学习就水到渠成了。 3重点难点

1、Teaching key points:

1) How to read the passage by using the correct reading skills and get the useful informati

新人教版英语八年级下册Unit 10

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Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years.

第一节 单词拼写


1. We had some sweet (回忆) in our childhood. 2. Mary is an (诚实的)girl,she never tells a lie. 3. We (搜查) the forest for the lost child.

4. The man standing (在......中) the students is Mr White. 5. It’s a (耻辱)to waste water.

6. I’ll (把......视为)you as my best friend. 7. The famous artist lived almost a (世纪).

8. The answer is quite (与......相对) to what I’ve thought. 9. The


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Unit 7 第一课时 课前预习

【预习内容】:Section A 1a~1c 【预习重点】:

1. 试读下列单词、短语。

1)单词:shake, blender , cut, up, peel, pour, into 2)短语:milk shake, turn on, cut up 2. 朗读下列句子:

1) Turn on the blender. 2) Cut up the bananas. 3) Drink the milk shake.

4) Pour the milk into the blender.

5) Put the bananas and ice ream into the blender. 6) Peel tree bananas. 【预习练习】


turn on __________ cut up _________ put …into… ________, pour…into… 【我不懂的地方】


【学习内容】Section A 1a~1c 【学习目标】:

掌握下列单词及短语:shake, blender , cut, up, peel, p