

外研社 英语 必修一 第一模块综合微评

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满分 100 分,用时 90 分钟

Ⅰ.单项填空(共14 小题;每小题1分,满分14分)


1.It is reported that more athletes and audiences ________ the 2012 Olympic opening ceremony in London.




解析:join的宾语多为“党派、团体、组织”等;attend的宾语多为“会议、仪式”等;enter表示“进入某一场合或团体”;take part in意为“参加集体活动,并在其中发挥一定的作用”。

2.If you take this medicine following the ________ on the bottle,you will feel better tomorrow morning.




解析:instruction “用法,说明”,一般用复数形式;direction“方向”;explanation“解释”;introduction“介绍,导言”。根据句意可知,答案为A项


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1. pretend v. 假装, 装作, 自以为

pretend that 从句或跟to do 引导的不定式。

She pretends that she likes them so that she can get their help.


She closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.她闭上眼睛,装作睡着了。

Surely he doesn't pretend to any understanding of music!


2. puzzled adj. 迷糊的,困惑的觉得困惑的(about, as, to)

a puzzled expression

He was quite puzzled about what to do next.


I was puzzled to see her behaving like that.


puzzle Vt. 困惑;苦思

This mystery puzzles me.


I am


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A Brief Instruction to the Topic of

“Producing a TV show”

Good morning, distinguished judges. Today, I feel honored to have the chance to present some of my teaching ideas to you.

My topic is Project: \a TV show\It will include: The analysis of the selected material; Teaching aims; Teaching important and difficult points; Teaching procedures and Blackboard work. First, let me talk about my understanding of the teaching material.

Part one Analysis of the Teaching Material

This is the last part of Unit 1, Module 3.It is desig


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A Brief Instruction to the Topic of

“Producing a TV show”

Good morning, distinguished judges. Today, I feel honored to have the chance to present some of my teaching ideas to you.

My topic is Project: \a TV show\It will include: The analysis of the selected material; Teaching aims; Teaching important and difficult points; Teaching procedures and Blackboard work. First, let me talk about my understanding of the teaching material.

Part one Analysis of the Teaching Material

This is the last part of Unit 1, Module 3.It is desig

牛津英语五B第一模块第一单元教 学 设 计

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课 时 教 学 设 计 首 页

Module 1 Using my five senses 课题 Unit 1 Using my eyes 一. 知识与技能 授课时间: 年 月 日 New five 课型 lessons 第几课时 课时1. 能听说认读cherry.plum.durian.glasses.in front of.inside等单词. 2. 掌握表示方位的介词. 教学3. 能用句型Where is it/are they?询问物体的位置,并会用It’s/they are inside/behind/in?回答。 目标二. 过程与方法 创设情境采用游戏、看说、问答等途径,引导学生在学习过程中感知体(三验参与感受成功,实现任务目标,提高综合语言运用能力。 三. 情感态度价值观 维) 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高英语综合运用能力。 教学重点:1.说认读cherry.plum.durian.glasses.in front of.inside等单词. 重点难点:能用句型Where is it/are they?询问物体的位置,并会用It’与 难点 教学方法与手段 使用 教材本单元的重点是让学生掌握表示位置的介词单词in\\


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一.按要求完成任务(每题5分,共15分) I.按字母表顺序写出26个字母。(大小写)


3、 写出下列词的缩略词。(5分) 1. it is 2.I am3.what is

4.you are5. name is

二.按要求完成下列各题。(每题5分,共10分) 1.连线(5分, 每题1分)

1. This is Leo. a. She’s my mother 2. What’s your name, please? b. Fine, thanks. 3. How are you? c. I’m Miss Liu. 4. Good morning. d. Good morning. 5. This is Mrs He. e. He’s my son. 三、单项选择:(每题2分,共30分) 1. -- Good morning ,


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Unit 1 The world of our senses南京市第二十九中

学 卞克

Word power

Teaching aims:1. Enlarge students’ vocabulary

2. Let students know more about weather.

Teaching important points:

Remember these words and try to use them freely.

Teaching procedures

Step1. Lead in

Questions for them to answer

Which word is used twice besides the noun street in the two sentences? 1.Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop. 2.‘Here we are, King Street.’ he stopped.

Step 2. Presentation and exercises

A Find

新标准英语第八册教案 第一模块

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Module 1第一模块

Theme主题: Factory Visit 参观工厂

Function功能:Consolidating simple present and imperative Language语言: Don’t touch the machines,please!

Don’t feed the ducks!

Wear these glasses,please! And don’t touch anything! Silence!

Vocabulary词汇: machine sir potato glasses anything wait

duck grass silence

Song 英文歌曲: At the factory.

Unit 1第一单元 Don’t touch the machines,please!

? Aims and demands教学目标: I. Knowledge知识目标:

A. Learn the new words of this module .

B. . Learn the new sentences . Don’t touch the machines,pl


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Unit 1 The world of our senses南京市第二十九中

学 卞克

Word power

Teaching aims:1. Enlarge students’ vocabulary

2. Let students know more about weather.

Teaching important points:

Remember these words and try to use them freely.

Teaching procedures

Step1. Lead in

Questions for them to answer

Which word is used twice besides the noun street in the two sentences? 1.Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop. 2.‘Here we are, King Street.’ he stopped.

Step 2. Presentation and exercises

A Find

中职 英语基础模块第一册课后答案

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1:Complete the dialogues. B:Hello! How are you? A:How are you? B:Good morning. A:It's really fun. 2.Match.

classroom. library. playground canteen. dormitory. computer lab 3.Answer the questions.

⑴I think it's very large and beautiful. ⑵Yes,there is.

⑶Yes.I want to get good grades and gain some useful society skill. 1.Pre-reading

⑴The writer learns carrepairing.

⑵The writer felt lonely and missed parents very much.

⑶The writer has three classes in the morning. In the afternoon,the writer has practice classes.After cl