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A B C (Beethoven)

D E (Edison) F G H

1. dinosaur n

2. inventor n

3. musician n

4. scientist n

9. intelligence n

10. invention n

11. ability n (中文翻译)

5. countryside n 6. notebook n 7. fossil n 8. dollar n



A. give birth

B. You defeat those people you are competing(比赛), or you do better than everyone else .

C. consider as part of something

12. win v 过去式:13. include v

牛津深圳版八年级英语上册unit1 随堂练(附答案)

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unit1 随堂练


Section A (For Reading)

I.根据句意及图片提示写单词,补全句子。 1. Edison is one of the great ________ in the world. He invented many things.

2. My little brother wants to be a________ like Beethoven in the


3. There are some ________ in the picture. One of them is quite large.

4. They are famous _______ in the world. They made

great contributions to the world.

5. This is a________. You can write notes in it. II.根据句意及首字母写单词,完成句子。 6. The price doesn't i________ tax. You s

牛津深圳版八年级英语下册Unit 6 主题阅读

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Unit 6 主题阅读


Growing up in England,____1___ (happy) thing for my classmates and I was reading stories. Among them, The Ugly Duckling (《丑小鸭》) was a popular one.

The classic story of The Ugly Duckling describes a poor young bird. All the ducks laugh __2__ him for his ugly appearance – small and grey. Feeling sad, he___3__(begin) a journey of self-discovery. Finally one day, he looks down into a pond. He is shocked by his reflection (倒影) in the water. He was never __4___ ugly duckling, but a____5___ (beauty) swan.

This gre


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(1—4) Unit1 课文(翻译)




Three teenagers['ti?ne?d??]青少年offered['?f?]提出;提供to do s omevoluntarywork during在...期间theschool holidays假期.They wrotethe following['f?l????]以下的reports[r?'p??t]报告.


Idid somevoluntary workin a children’s hospital.The children there 那里all suffer from['s?f?]遭受serious严重的;严肃的illnesses['?ln?s]疾病. We o

牛津深圳版八年级英语下册Unit 6 主题阅读

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Unit 6 主题阅读


Growing up in England,____1___ (happy) thing for my classmates and I was reading stories. Among them, The Ugly Duckling (《丑小鸭》) was a popular one.

The classic story of The Ugly Duckling describes a poor young bird. All the ducks laugh __2__ him for his ugly appearance – small and grey. Feeling sad, he___3__(begin) a journey of self-discovery. Finally one day, he looks down into a pond. He is shocked by his reflection (倒影) in the water. He was never __4___ ugly duckling, but a____5___ (beauty) swan.

This gre


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邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习

2013年春季八年级英语下册 期末复习宝典 Name ________________ School _______________

邦德老师倾心打造期末复习宝典 助你轻松备战春季期末考试





邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习 Chapter 1-2

Chapter 1

Part One Key words

1.memory 记忆 2. memorize 记住 v 3. mind 大脑 4. topic 主题 5. strange 奇怪的 6. injured 受伤的

7. imagine 想象 8. death 死亡n. die 死 v dead死的adj 9. end 结尾 10. cost 花费 11. repair 修理 12. excuse 借口

Part Two Key phrases

★get old 老了;上


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邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习

2013年春季八年级英语下册 期末复习宝典 Name ________________ School _______________

邦德老师倾心打造期末复习宝典 助你轻松备战春季期末考试





邦德·点燃孩子的梦想阿斯蒂芬邦德吧 13年春季英语期末复习 Chapter 1-2

Chapter 1

Part One Key words

1.memory 记忆 2. memorize 记住 v 3. mind 大脑 4. topic 主题 5. strange 奇怪的 6. injured 受伤的

7. imagine 想象 8. death 死亡n. die 死 v dead死的adj 9. end 结尾 10. cost 花费 11. repair 修理 12. excuse 借口

Part Two Key phrases

★get old 老了;上


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Unit 1:

term n. 学期

publish v. 出版;发行 elect v. 选举;推选

chief adj. 主要的;首席的 editor n. 编辑

suggest v. 建议;提议 experience n. 经验;经历 vote v. 投票;选举 secretary n. 秘书

responsible adj. 有责任的;负责的 section n. 部分;项 list n. 清单;目录 free adj. 免费的 pay v. 付费;付酬 consider v. 考虑

conclude v. 结束;下结论 fan n. 迷;狂热爱好者;风扇 library n. 图书馆 mayor n. 市长;镇长 march v. 齐步走;行进

( March n. 三月) circle n. 圈;圆形 air n. 天空;空中 activity n. 活动 stall n. 摊位 jar n. 罐子

instrument n. 器械;仪器 equipment n. 设备;装备 include v. 包括 band n. 乐队


牛津深圳版八年级上册Unit 1 Encyclopaedias 单元测试A卷

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牛津深圳版八年级上册Unit 1 Encyclopaedias 单元测试A卷

姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________

一、词汇测试。每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以以替换划线部分 (共8题;共16分)

1. (2分)The boy _____ his hand and asked if the sun ______ in the east every day.

A . rose, rises

B . raised, raised

C . raised, rises

D . rises, raised

2. (2分)Mrs. Smith is a good teacher. She is _______ her students.

A . good at

B . afraid of

C . strict with

D . late for

3. (2分)It is stupid of you to make such a decision.

A . correct

B . silly

C . clever

4. (2分)He gives me two pieces of advice, but ________ of

八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Lesson 1 Computers reading教案 牛津深圳版五四制

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Unit 1 Lesson 1 Computers reading

Make friends with bad people Ⅱ.While-task: 1. Listen to the tape and then finish the exercise P6. 2. Pair work: talk about your computer skills after the model. A: Were you able to do word processing before the computer lessons? B: No, I wasn’t, but I’m able to do it now. A: Are you able to surf the Internet now? B: I’m afraid not, but I’ll be able to do it after the computer lessons. What about you? A: I can do both of them, but I’m not a ble to make a homepage yet. B: You ought to learn fr