张伯伦 英
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添加义项这是一个多义词,请在下列义项中选择浏览(共8个义项) 1.美国篮球明星美国篮球明星 2.英国首相英国首相 3.英国政治家英国政治家 4.美国将领美国将领
6.四川省美术家协会资深会员四川省美术家协会资深会员 7.中国原驻安哥拉大使中国原驻安哥拉大使
张伯伦 和威尔特·张伯伦是同义词,已合并。 威尔特·张伯伦 求助编辑百科名片
威尔特·张伯伦 威尔特·张伯伦(1936年8月21日-1999年10月12日)是美国职业篮球史上,早期最伟大的球员之一,担任中锋,绰号―篮球皇帝‖。在1959至1973年先后为费城勇士(现金州勇士)、费城76人及洛杉矶湖人效力。1967年,1972年两次夺得NBA总冠军,7次成为NBA得分王,11次成为篮板王,1962年3月2日更是创下了一场独得100分的NBA纪录,也是NBA历史上第二位取得伟大成就的中锋球员(首位为乔治·麦肯)。 中文名: 威尔特·张伯伦
Wilton Norman 身高: 216cm/7尺1寸
Chamberlain 体重: 113.9kg/251
教学设计 教学目标:
1、学会本课14个生字,并能正确、规范地书写田字格中的9个生字,认识1个偏旁,知道多音字“背”在不同语境中的不用读法,理解生字组成的词语。“白霜”是本课的新词,引导学生联系生活实际理解。 2、能正确、流利地朗读课文,背诵《静夜思》。 3、认识对话的书面表达形式。
4、激发学生学习古诗的兴趣,理解诗句意思,体会诗人思乡之情。 教学重难点
2、激发学生学习古诗的兴趣,理解诗句意思,体会诗人思乡之情。 教学准备
生字词卡片 实物投影仪 教学时间 2课时 教学过程 第一课时 课时目标:
1、能正确、流利地朗读课文,了解古诗的大体意思,懂得对话书面表达形式。 2、学会本课的生字,并能正确、美观地书写田字格中的5个生字,突出对“静”的书写指导,认识1个偏旁,在一定的语境中理解字词。 教学重难点:
1、能正确、流利地朗读课文,了解古诗的大体意思。 2、学会本课的生字,并能正确、美观地书写田字格中的5个生字,突出对“静”的书写指导。
仇英是明代有代表性的画家之一,与沈周,文征明和唐寅被后世并称为“明四家”、“吴门四家” ,亦称“天门四杰”。沈、文、唐三家,不仅以画取胜,且佐以诗句题跋,就画格而言,唐,仇相接近,仇英在他的画上,一般只题名款。仇英擅长画人物、山水、花鸟、楼阁界画,尤长于临摹。
仇英在此长卷中用精细的工笔画,描绘出春季宫闱中妃子、宫娥的日常琐事,一百余人,百人百态。人物中有梳妆、吹奏、弹唱、斗草、观书、 赏画、图像、戏婴。其中还有引人注目的围棋活动。棋枰上布子寥寥,纵横棋道清晰可辨,弈棋、观弈诸人包括旁侧执扇侍从都专注棋局,眉目传神。
第4张幻灯片: 《棋卜》
阅读教程四 重点英英翻译句子
阅读教程 重点英英翻译句子 Unit one P6
1. Many children at first refuse to eat animal flesh, and only become accustomed to it after strenuous effort by their parents. Para1
Many children at first refuse to eat animal flesh. They later become used to eating it just because their parents try hard to persuade them to eat it.
2. There is not one unified attitude to animals, but two conflicting attitude that coexist in one individual, carefully segregated so that the inherent contradiction between them rarely causes trouble. Para1
There are
四英教案Unit 1 My Classroom(全英)
Unit 1 单元分析
一、 教学内容 1、本单元要求会听,说,认读的单词: window board light picture door floor classroom computer wall teacher?s desk fan what in the we have new go where
many our seat near classmate clean have a look good idea all right good job
3、帮助学生在掌握单词的基础上造出句子,编出对话,学以致用。 4、培养学生用英语交流的能力,为学生的进一步学习奠定基础。 二、教学要求
1、能听懂、会说,会用每一课会话。 2、掌握本单元出现的生词,词组和字母。 3、会唱本单元的歌曲。 三、教学重点和难点
1、对于较长的单词如classroom, classmate,
汉译英 Unit 5
1、当哈姆雷特拿不定主意该采取什么行动时,他就装疯。(feign) Harmlet feigned madness when he was hesitating what to do. 2、搪塞推诿是这生意人的惯用伎俩。(prevarication)
Prevarication is the technique that businessmen are likely to use/apply/adopt. 3、真理之光有时太刺目,于是善意的谎话随处可见。(ubiquitous)
Sometimes the light of the truth is too shining/dazzling, so white lies are ubiquitous. 4、美国许多妇女声称她们对自己二等公民的地位感到不满。(profess)
Many women in America profess that they are not happy/satisfied with their status as second-class citizens.
5、一时冲动之下,他失言抖出了自己的秘密。(blurt out)
On the
1. ______, all the sophomores in colleges and universities must take part in the College English Test.
A. Beginning that year B. Beginning on that year C. Beginning in that year D. Beginning that year on
2. I am determined that my son ______ have a better start than I did. A. can B. shall C. must D. will
3. _____ an answer, they decided to send an express telegram to them.
A. Received n
汉译英 Unit 5
1、当哈姆雷特拿不定主意该采取什么行动时,他就装疯。(feign) Harmlet feigned madness when he was hesitating what to do. 2、搪塞推诿是这生意人的惯用伎俩。(prevarication)
Prevarication is the technique that businessmen are likely to use/apply/adopt. 3、真理之光有时太刺目,于是善意的谎话随处可见。(ubiquitous)
Sometimes the light of the truth is too shining/dazzling, so white lies are ubiquitous. 4、美国许多妇女声称她们对自己二等公民的地位感到不满。(profess)
Many women in America profess that they are not happy/satisfied with their status as second-class citizens.
5、一时冲动之下,他失言抖出了自己的秘密。(blurt out)
On the
Unit 1
1. 年轻一代需要继续传承和发扬我们优良的传统和悠久的文化。
The younger generation should continue to sustain and develop our fine traditions and long-standing culture.
2. 在准备演讲的过程中,演讲者应该清楚地知道如何有效地利用数据和实例来支持其观点。
In the course of preparing one’s speech, one should be clearly aware of how one could make effective use of statistics and examples to bolster one’s point of view. 3.即席发言是大学生应该通过实践学习和掌握的一种必要的讲话技能。 An impromptu speech is one of the speaking skills that college students should learn and develop through practice.
4. 通过使用明喻和暗喻的方法你可以使你的语言
Future value of Multiple Cash Flows(differing amounts)
You deposit $1000 now, $1500 in one year, $2000 in two years and $2500 in three years in an account, paying 10% interest per year. How much do you have in the account at the end of the third year? You can solve by either:
- compounding the accumulated balance forward one year at a time; or - calculate the future value of each cash flow first and then total them. Solution 1
End of year 1: ($1 000 × 1.10) + $1 500 =$2 600 End of year 2: ($2 600 × 1.10) + $2 000 =$4 860 E