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BBC 新闻 100 篇

BBC News Item 1 政治 : 英国首相确定大选时间

The BBC has learned that the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has decided that the British general election will take place on May 6th. Mr. Brown will go to Buckingham Palace tomorrow Tuesday to ask Queen Elizabeth to dissolve parliament, and then make a formal

announcement of the election date. That will start the official election campaign, which, a BBC correspondent says, will be dominated by issues of taxation and spending in the wake of the global recession.

BBC News I

BBC 新闻100

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BBC 新闻100 篇

BBC News Item 1 政治:英国首相确定大选时间

The BBC has learned that the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has decided that the British general election will take place on May 6th. Mr. Brown will go to Buckingham Palace tomorrow Tuesday to ask Queen Elizabeth to dissolve parliament, and then make a formal announcement of the election date. That will start the official election campaign, which, a BBC correspondent says, will be domi


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BBC NEWS ITEN 政治:英国首相确定大选时间
The BBC has learned that the british prime mimiste gordon brown has decide that the british general election will take place on mau 6th . Mr brown will go to buckingham palace tommorrow Tuesday to ask queen elizabeth to dissolve parlianment,and then make a formal announcement of the election date . That will start the official election campaign ,which ,a bbc correspondent says ,will be dominated by issues of taxation and spending in the wake of he global recession.
Bbc2 政治,大选在即,布朗在于挑战


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BBC News with Marion Marshall


Witnesses have told the BBC that Libyan troops have opened fire with

machine-guns and large-calibre weapons on anti-government protesters in the city of Benghazi, killing a number of people. It describes scenes of chaos: the snipers shot from the roofs of buildings, and protesters fought back against troops on the ground. Jon Leyne has more details.

目击者告诉 BBC,利比亚班加西军队用机枪和较大口径的武器向反政府示威者开进行扫射,造成数人丧生。他们描述了狙击手在建筑物的房顶上射击示威者,而示威者在地面上反击的混乱场面。Jon Leyne报道更多的细节。

Witnesses in B


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Hello, I'm David Austin with the BBC News.

Police in the United States are searching for a whitegunman, who shot dead nine people during a prayermeeting at an African-American church in the southerncity of Charleston. From Washington, here is TomBakemen.

“Officers are now searching for the gunman,who they say was white and in his twenties, and they aretreating the attack as a hate crime. The Mayor ofCharleston Joseph Riley said it was an unspeakabletragedy.

“It is the large death totally act that one cannotpossibly imagine


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BBC News with July Chandler 朱莉·坎德勒为你播报BBC新闻。

Pope Francis has supported the right of parents to choose the size of their families, saying good Roman Catholics did not have to be like rabbits. 方济各教皇支持父母决定家庭规模的权利,称好的罗马天主教不必像兔子那样,

He says population experts recommended 3 children per family. 他说人口专家建议每家三个孩子。

The pope was on his way back from Philippines when he met several former street children who were abandoned by parents unable to afford to look after them. 教皇正在从菲律宾返回,他在那里见了几个曾经流落街头的孩子,这些孩子被无力抚养他们的父母抛弃。


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BBC News with Marion Marshall


Witnesses have told the BBC that Libyan troops have opened fire with

machine-guns and large-calibre weapons on anti-government protesters in the city of Benghazi, killing a number of people. It describes scenes of chaos: the snipers shot from the roofs of buildings, and protesters fought back against troops on the ground. Jon Leyne has more details.

目击者告诉 BBC,利比亚班加西军队用机枪和较大口径的武器向反政府示威者开进行扫射,造成数人丧生。他们描述了狙击手在建筑物的房顶上射击示威者,而示威者在地面上反击的混乱场面。Jon Leyne报道更多的细节。

Witnesses in B

BBC步入商界(原文 翻译)

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Unit 1 introduce yourself 自我介绍

GERALDINE: Good morning. Bibury Systems. Can I help you? 杰拉尔丁:早上好,Bibury系统公司。可以为你效劳吗?

JENNY ROSS: Good morning, Geraldine. 詹妮·罗斯:早上好,杰拉尔丁。

GERALDINE: Good morning, Jenny. Your newspapers and the post. 杰拉尔丁:早上好, 詹妮。这是你的报纸和信件。

JENNY ROSS: Thanks 詹妮.罗斯:谢谢

CLIVE HARRIS: Good morning, Jenny. Good weekend? 克莱夫.哈里斯:早上好, 詹妮。周末过的好么?

JENNY ROSS: Excellent, thank you. 詹妮.罗斯:非常好,谢谢。

CLIVE HARRIS: It is cold this morning. 克莱夫.哈里斯:今天上午真冷。



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录 音 新 闻中央人民广播电台广播稿




录音新闻和一般广播的的区别1.由文字报道和现场录音结合起来报道有关事件。2.更加丰富新闻报道的内容,增强真实性,使听众 有如临其境的感觉。 3.比一般广播稿能更全面、更具体、生动地报道 事件的具体情况。

本 文 背 景

1982年10月,党的十二大召 开之际,我国向预定海域发射运 载火箭获得成功,本文是当时中 央人民广播电台报道此次发射 成功的广播稿。

本 文 背 景20世纪80年代初,我国在航天 事业上取得了长足发展,以“长 征”系列火箭为主的火箭发射, 震撼了全中国人的心。限于当时 国内生活条件的制约,电视还未 能在家家户户普及,所以录音报 道这一火箭发射的盛况,显得极 为重要。为了让更多的人清晰、 形象地了解这一过程,电台作了 较大规模的实况录音报道,在报 道中,现场的声音、解说员的解 说、现场观众的欢呼聚为一体, 营造了强烈的现场氛围,让听众 如同身临其境。




你能又快又准地读出下列画线字的字音吗?á o qiá n miá o qǐn

CNN 100篇新闻

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CNN News Item政治:美国因安全问题关闭在也门的大使馆

The U.S. government closes its embassy in the Middle Eastern country of Yemen, and that is

because of security concerns. One official says that a group called al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula might be planning an attack against the facility. That same group said it was behind an attempted plot to set off an explosive onboard a plane heading to Detroit, Michigan. That took placeon Christmas day. The suspect allegedly brought the

explosives on the plane in his underwear. Theplan failed