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Unit 5 Topic1

重点语法 一般现在时(常与频度副词never, seldom, sometimes, often,usually, always等连用)

重点句型 —How do you usually come to school?

—I usually come to school by subway.

—How often do you go to the library?

—Once/Twice/Three times a week/Very often/Every day/Sedom


1.I always come to school by bus.

by+交通工具名称,表示使用某种交通方式,中间不加限定词,如果交通工具前有a, the, my 等限定词,就不能用by,而是用in或是on.

on the train=by train on his bike=by bike in my car=by car.

巧辩异同 on foot 与walk on foot “走路”,是介词短语,不能作谓语,只作巧辩异同

方式状语,位于句末。walk “走路”,是动词,可以作谓语。

  go to…o


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Unit 1 Making New Friends 交新朋友 Topic 3 How old are you ? 你多大了? Topic 1 Welcome to China! 欢迎来到中国! Section A Section A 1a 1a Hello, I’m Li Ming. What’s your name? Good morning! I’m Kangkang. 早上好,我是康康! 你好,我是李明。你叫什么名字? Good morning! 早上好! My name’s Jane. Welcome to China! 欢迎来到中国! 我的名字是Jane。 Thank you. 谢谢! I’m twelve years old. How old are you? 2a 我今年12岁。你多大了? Hello! 你好! I’m twelve, too. Hello! 你好! 我也12岁。 I’m Kangkang. Are you Michael? What clas


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Unit 1 Making New Friends 交新朋友 Topic 3 How old are you ? 你多大了? Topic 1 Welcome to China! 欢迎来到中国! Section A Section A 1a 1a Hello, I’m Li Ming. What’s your name? Good morning! I’m Kangkang. 早上好,我是康康! 你好,我是李明。你叫什么名字? Good morning! 早上好! My name’s Jane. Welcome to China! 欢迎来到中国! 我的名字是Jane。 Thank you. 谢谢! I’m twelve years old. How old are you? 2a 我今年12岁。你多大了? Hello! 你好! I’m twelve, too. Hello! 你好! 我也12岁。 I’m Kangkang. Are you Michael? What clas


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Unit 1 Making New Friends交新朋友

Topic 1 Welcome to China! 欢迎来到中国! Section A 1a

Good morning!I’m Kangkang. 早上好,我是康康! Good morning! 早上好!

Welcome to China! 欢迎来到中国! Thank you. 谢谢! 2a 1. Hello!

你好! Hello! 你好!


I’m Kangkang.Are you Michael? 我是康康。你是迈克吗? Yes,I am. 是的,我是。 2.

Hello!Are you Maria? 你好!你是玛丽娜吗? No,I’m not. I’m Jane. 不,我不是。我是简。 Oh, nice to meet you, Jane. 哦。很高兴见到你,简。 Nice to meet you, too. 我也很高兴见到你。 3.


你好,玛丽娜! Hi,Kangkang. 你好,康康! Welcome to


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Unit1 Making New Friends Topic 1 Section A

一 .学习目标

1.学习字母 Aa~Gg 的读音和写法 2. 学习一些简单的英语交际语言:

二. 学习重点:字母 Aa~Gg 三 . 学习难点:单词和问候语 四. 学习过程:

(一)导入 (时间:10分钟)

(1. 学习英语的重要性。2. 学习英语的正确方法。目的:激发学

生学英语的兴趣,提高学习效率。) (二)自学指导

一 1.学习字母Aa~Gg。


3. 看课文会跟读课文中出现的交际用语

二. 告诉学生单词是由字母组成的,而句子是由单词组成的。你们知道在英语中问候别人时应该如何去说吗?

(三) 问题导学

( )1.英语字母共有 个 A. 28 B. 26 ( )2.在英语书写中应用________ A 手写体 B 印刷体 ( )3 .大写字母D 的第一笔是________ A


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内部资料(新版) Unit 1 People Around Us

1. Cheerful

㈠ Cheerful adj. 快乐的,高兴的 Why is he so cheerful?

Cheerful是由名词cheer+ful构成。表示―充满…‖的意思。 比如说:useful,helpful,beautiful,thankful. ㈡ Cheer n 欢呼,高兴,愉快

Her help brought cheer to our hearts. ㈢ Cheer v. 欢呼,使…高兴,加油

She failed the exam,and we want to cheer her up.

2. hard-working adj 工作努力的,勤勉的 Simon is a hard-working student. 区别:work hard 动副结构 Simon works hard.

3. patient

㈠ Patient adj 耐心的 (impatient 没耐心的) 搭配:be pa


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Unit 1 My name’s Gina


Language Goals: Introduce yourself;Greet people; Ask for and give telephone number

语言目标:介绍自己;问候他人;询问和告知电话号码 1a

Write English words for the things in the picture.


1b Listen and number the conversations[1-3].听录音,为对话编号。

□A: What’s your name? □A: Good morning! □A: Hi. My name’s Gina. B: Alan. B: I’m Cindy. B: I’m Jenny. Nice to meet you!

A: Hello, Alan. I’m Ms Brown. B: Hello, Cindy. I’m Dale. A: Nice to mee

【最新版】七年级英语上册 Lesson 21 At the Market导学案1(新版)冀教版

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如果将pears 变为pear,don't需要改变吗?_____ 怎么变?_____________ Lesson 21 At the Market! 达标检测

【学习目标】 1.I like pears.(改为一般疑问句)

1.掌握7个单词(market, grape, carrot, cabbage ,watermelon, sweet, pear) 两个短语(take sb. to _______ _______ _______ pears?

sp., like very much) 和句型(Do you like ?) 2. He looks like his father.(变为否定句)

2.灵活运用所学句式编写在市场购物的对话。 He _______ ________ like his father.

【重难点】 3. I have five __________ (watermelon) and some ____________ (cabbage).

1. 掌握语言点。 4. ______________ (potato) are his favorite vegetable. (先填空再改为同义句)



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Unit 2 Looking Different Topic 1 I have a small nose.

Section A

一.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1. Learn some useful words

(1). Learn words about parts of the body:

head, hair, face, eye, ear, nose, mouth, neck

(2). Learn other useful words:

big, s mall, long, short, wide, round, have, has

2. Learn the usage of “have” and “has”

(1)I have a small nose.

(2)They have…

3.Learn to describe people’s appearances


Step 1. Review

Name: Jane

Age: 12

From: Canada

School: Guizhou School

Class: Two

Grade: Seven

Phone number: (0851


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一、根据首字母或汉语提示,补全所缺单词。(10分) 1. I have a s________ nose.

2. We have d________ looks, but we are friends. 3. Do you k________ Jane?

4. The girl i________ green is Ann.

5. These are my________(最喜爱的) clothes. 6. My father have ________ (宽的) shoulders. 7.He c______ from America. 8. Are these your erasers? -----No, they aren’t o______. 9. Please g_____ the letter to Tom. 10. He has a big ________(家庭) 二选择题

1. Is this baby (婴儿) a boy or a girl - ________.

A. Yes, it's a boy B. No, it's a girl C. It's a