

学术英语(理工)详解答案_Unit 5

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学术英语 理工Academic English

for Science and Engineering

Unit 5 Writing an Academic Essay

Unit Contents1 Definition 2 Two types of research paper 3 Writing an introduction 4 Writing the body of a secondary research essay 5 Writing the body of a primary research essay 6 Writing a discussion or/and conclusion 7 Writing an abstract 8 Writing a reference list 9 Academic writing style

10 Proofreading11 Listening

Unit 5 Writing an Academic Essay

1 DefinitionTask 1Text 15 Genetically Modified Foods—Feed the World? Text 16 Influence of Geneti

牛津英语必修2 unit2 语法详解与练习

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一、 概念


二、 将来进行时的形式

将来进行时由“动词be的将来时+现在分词”构成,具体形式见下表: 人称 单数 第一人称 第二人称 I shall/will be leaving. You will be leaving. 复数 We shall/will be leaving. You will be leaving. They will be leaving. 第三人称 He/She/It will be leaving.

三、 将来进行时的用法

将来进行时表示在将来某一时间内正在进行的动作。将来进行时有很强的推测性,因此人们往往在以下几种场合中使用它: 1. 表示将来某一时间正在进行的动作,一般带状语。 例如:

1) What will you be doing at this time next Monday? 下周一的这个时候你将做什么了?

2) When he comes to my house tomorrow, I will be writing the


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学术英语 理工

Academic English

for Science and Engineering



Unit 1 Choosing a Topic

Unit Contents

1 Deciding on a topic 2 Formulating a research question

3 Writing a working title

4 Enhancing your academic language (穿插在以上各版块中)


Unit 1 Choosing a Topic

1 Deciding on a topic

Principles of Deciding on a topic Task 1 Narrow down and evaluate topics Task 2 Discuss Task 3 Read Text 1 and Text 2 and answer questions

Text 1 How Do Computer Hackers “Get Inside” a Computer?

Text 2 Electronic Threats of a Computer

Task 4 Listen to Lecture

新职业英语2 unit2

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unit2 Business Meeting


Unit 2

unit2 Business Meeting

Conte nts





2 3 4

Reading A


Mini-project Language Lab

Reading B


Listening & Speaking

8 7

Entertainment Language Lab

unit2 Business Meeting

Wa rm1

Task Work in pairs. Read the following list of the tasks at different stages of a business meeting. Discuss with your partner and match each task with its corresponding stage.Meeting Management Tasks

unit2 Business Meeting

Wa rm1

3,5,6,8,9,10 2, 4, 7 1,11, 12

unit2 Business Meeting

Readi Reading A ng A

Text Task 1

Task 2

学术英语 医学 Unit 2

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Unit 2Resurgent and Emergent Diseases Although great progress has been made in the treatment and prevention of diseases in the last century, there is no reason for complacence. Human health is constantly threatened not only by emerging diseases but also by re-emerging ones once thought to have been controlled or eradicated. What causes new diseases? Why do the old enemies resurge? What resources are available for us to meet such challenges? What measures should we take to prevent and reduce those threats? This unit helps yo

学术英语(人文)Unit 2

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学术英语 人文Academic Englishfor Humanities

Unit 2 Literary Theory and Criticism

Unit Contents Lead-in Text A Text B Text C Academic Language and Discourse Listening Speaking Writing

Unit 2 Literary Theory and Criticism

Lead-in– Lead-in activities – Supplementary information

Unit 2 Literary Theory and Criticism


Discuss the following questions:1.What is literary theory? 2.What is literary criticism? 3. Why do we need literary theory and literary criticism?

Unit 2 Literary Theory and Criticism


学术英语人文Unit 2

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学术英语 人文Academic Englishfor Humanities

Unit 2 Literary Theory and Criticism

Unit Contents Lead-in Text A Text B Text C Academic Language and Discourse Listening Speaking Writing

Unit 2 Literary Theory and Criticism

Lead-in– Lead-in activities – Supplementary information

Unit 2 Literary Theory and Criticism


Discuss the following questions:1.What is literary theory? 2.What is literary criticism? 3. Why do we need literary theory and literary criticism?

Unit 2 Literary Theory and Criticism


牛津英语2A unit2

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牛津小学英语2A unit2 what's your father_

By : Miss Peng

牛津小学英语2A unit2 what's your father_

牛津小学英语2A unit2 what's your father_

He’s a farmer.

牛津小学英语2A unit2 what's your father_

He is a worker.

牛津小学英语2A unit2 what's your father_

He’s a waiter.

牛津小学英语2A unit2 what's your father_

He is a doctor.

牛津小学英语2A unit2 what's your father_

He’s a cook.

牛津小学英语2A unit2 what's your father_

He’s a policeman.

牛津小学英语2A unit2 what's your father_

She’s a nurse.

牛津小学英语2A unit2 what's your father_

She’s a teacher.

牛津小学英语2A unit2 what's your father_

She’s a driver.


高级英语1 unit2

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Unit Two Tourists

Nancy Mitford



学术英语 医学 Unit 2

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Unit 2Resurgent and Emergent Diseases Although great progress has been made in the treatment and prevention of diseases in the last century, there is no reason for complacence. Human health is constantly threatened not only by emerging diseases but also by re-emerging ones once thought to have been controlled or eradicated. What causes new diseases? Why do the old enemies resurge? What resources are available for us to meet such challenges? What measures should we take to prevent and reduce those threats? This unit helps yo