ielts indicator保分

“ielts indicator保分”相关的资料有哪些?“ielts indicator保分”相关的范文有哪些?怎么写?下面是小编为您精心整理的“ielts indicator保分”相关范文大全或资料大全,欢迎大家分享。


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IELTS 保 7 争 8 的必背高频词汇 IELTS 保 7 争 8 的必背高频词汇
abandon vt.离弃;放弃 abbreviation n.缩略语 abnormal a.反常的;变态的 abolish vt.废除 aboriginal n./a.土著(的);土生动植物(的) abort v.取消;流产 abortion n.流产;(计划)失败 abound vi.多;富于 abrasion n.磨损,擦伤处 abridge v.(书等)删节 abruptadj.突然的,粗暴的 absorb vt..吸收;吸引 abstractadj.抽象的 n.(书籍、演说等的)摘要 absurd a.可笑的,荒谬的 abundance n.丰富 abuse n./vt.滥用;恶习;辱骂 academic a.学术的;学校的 accelerate v.加速,变快 access n.通路 access to 接近或使用的机会 accessory n.同谋者;附件 acclaim vt.欢呼,喝彩,称赞 accommodate vt.提供住宿;使适应 accommodation n.住宿 accompany vt.陪伴,伴奏 accomplish vt

IELTS vocabulary

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List of Words Used in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 1

List of Words Used in Longman

Dictionary of Contemporary English

This is a list of the words that have been used for all the explanations and examples in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, except those words in SMALL CAPITAL letters.


a art. 一;任一;每一

ability 力;能力,本领,性能;能力,智能,才能,才干;性能

able 能;有能力的;能干的

-able [附在动词或名词后构成形容词] 表示:;“能…的,会…的”

about prep. 关于;大约 adj. 四处走动的;在起作用的;在附近的 adv. 大约;到处;周围 n. 大致;粗枝大叶;不拘小节的人

above prep. 在……上面;在……之上;超过 adv. 在上面;在上文 adj. 上


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IELTS Speaking Topics (+Real test) And Model Speaking Question and Answer.


Table of Contents

IELTS 2 Minutes Presentation Topics:................................................................................................3

IELTS Speaking: Real Test Topics......................................................................................................5

Suggested questions for stage 1.......................

Listening Strategies for IELTS text

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Unit One Listening Activity No.1

Listen to some dialogues between a caller on the phone and a secretary. As you listen write the telephone numbers and names in the spaces below. 1. Is that ?

Yes. Can I help you? I’d like to speak to ,please. 2. Hi.Is that ?

Yes. Who do you want to speak to? ,please. 3. Hello. Is that ?

Who do you wish to speak to? ,please.

4. Good morning. Is that ? Yes. Can I help you? I’d like to speak to ,please. 5. I’m sorry to disturb you, but is that ? Who do you want to speak to? ,pl

Listening Strategies for IELTS text

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Unit One Listening Activity No.1

Listen to some dialogues between a caller on the phone and a secretary. As you listen write the telephone numbers and names in the spaces below. 1. Is that ?

Yes. Can I help you? I’d like to speak to ,please. 2. Hi.Is that ?

Yes. Who do you want to speak to? ,please. 3. Hello. Is that ?

Who do you wish to speak to? ,please.

4. Good morning. Is that ? Yes. Can I help you? I’d like to speak to ,please. 5. I’m sorry to disturb you, but is that ? Who do you want to speak to? ,pl


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银 行

本场景容易考到申请表application form** 申请人applicant** 填表格fill in the form* (拓展记忆:申请一个职位apply for a position* )


it's best to open an account**with one of the major banks.


And how much would you like to open your account with?

每个银行的开账户时的最小额度minimum sum不同

要咨询一下汇率exchange rate**和利率interest rate**

英国的几个比较有名的银行有Barclays 和 Lloyds。


However, it's important to note that as an

international student you'll not necessa


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Part One Hometown

1. Where do you come from? Could you tell me something about your hometown?

2. Where are you from? / How long have you lived there? 3. Where do you live now? What are the advantages and disadvantages of living there?

4. What places would you recommend a visitor to go to in your city / hometown?

5. Have recent social changes created any problems in the place you live in?

6. What changes have you seen in the past few years in your town?

7. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown? What is the climate

中国如何保增长 课程的考试-93分

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中国如何保增长 课程的考试


1.单选题及判断题点击圆形按钮进行单项选择,多选题点击勾选框进行多项选择。 2.选择题和判断题:直接点击选项,系统将自动提交答案。



5.答题完成后,点击考试页面左侧“未答题”按钮,确认无未答题后再提交答案。 6.未提交答案的试卷在考试时间结束后将强制提交答案。

一、单选 ( 共 6 小题,总分: 40 分) 1. 收入性消费的关键是?

A.提高收入的问题 B.完善信贷制度的问题 C.提振信心的问题

D.完善社会保障机制的问题 2. 生产性投资的主体是?

A.国家 D.个人

3. 下列不属于十大产业振兴规划的十大产业的是?

A.装备制造业 B.船舶制造业 C.汽车制造业 D.房地产业

4. 一个国家经济增长依靠的“三架马车”不包括下列哪项?

A.投资 B.消费 C.资助 D.出口

5. 提高居民个人收入在国民收入分配中的比例的办法不包括?

A.免税 B.退税

C.降低保障金比例 D.提高个税起征点

6. 美国通过《社会保险法》是在


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Your Work

1. What job (or, what work) do you do? 2. What does your company do?

3. What do you do in a typical day at work?

4. Do you need to work with (= co-operate with) other people at work? (teamwork question)

5. Do you like working with them? 6. Do you like your job (or, your work)? 7. What's the most difficult part of your job? 8. Would you recommend this job to other people?

9. Do you think your (school or) university education prepared you well for the work

雅思口语IELTS Speaking Topics

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IELTS Speaking Topics

Each test lasts between 11 - 14 minutes. There are three parts to the test which give candidates the opportunity to demonstrate a range of different speaking skills.

PART ONE(speaking questions 4-5 MINS)


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

.what's your name? Is that your full name? What shall i call u?

Does your name has any special meaning? How old are you?

Are you from wenzhou? If not, which part in china? What are you studying in wenzhou university?


Describe y