兰大英语作业4He thought that

“兰大英语作业4He thought that”相关的资料有哪些?“兰大英语作业4He thought that”相关的范文有哪些?怎么写?下面是小编为您精心整理的“兰大英语作业4He thought that”相关范文大全或资料大全,欢迎大家分享。


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1. Her plane _________ at the airport right now.

arrived was arriving has arrived is arriving

本题分值: 4.0 用户未作答

标准答案: is arriving

2. Lots of people pretend that they never read advertisements, but this claim ________.

may be hardly doubted may be seriously doubted may be hard doubting may be doubted serious

本题分值: 4.0 用户未作答

标准答案: may be seriously doubted

3. Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to ______________ any further responsibilities.

take on get on put up look up

本题分值: 4.0 用户未作答

标准答案: take on

4. I ___ ping-pong quit


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一、单选题(共 15 道试题,共 60 分。)

1. I will hold your note until Christmas Day, ________ you certainly will have received your allowance. A. by that time B. at that time C. by which time D. at which time 正确答案:

2. He could be ______ about everything else in the world, but not about Manet, his loving child. A. visual B. critical C. favorite D. essential 正确答案:

3. ――\ A. me B. I for C. I am by D. me by 正确答案:

4. We thought of selling this old furniture, but we' ve decided to ___ it. It might be valuable.

兰大《大学英语(4)》15春在线作业1 答案

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一、单选题(共 15 道试题,共 60 分。)

1. ----- Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? ----- I'm afraid _____day is possible. A. either B. neither C. some D. any


2. The fire was finally brought under control, but not ________ extensive damage had been caused. A. before B. after C. since D. as


3. If you _________ some of the early writing with her late work, you can see just how much she improved. A. connect B. supply C. contrast D. present 正确答案:C

4. The painter lived more than a decade in Europe, ____


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1. Mary is my best friend.She teaches English in ___A___ school. A.a B.the C.an 2. David is a manager.Now he ____B___ the emails in his office. A.reads B.is reading C.read 3. What about ____B___ a film tonight? A.to see B.seeing C.see 4.

—— Can I speak to Franco,piease? ——____B____.

A.Good afternoon B.One moment ,please C.How are you 5. Mary runs to the bus stop and gets ___A____ the bus No.4. A.on B.off C.up 6. There is no rice left.


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◆学习目标:(Learning Aims) 1.会用本课所学四会单词和短语; seldom influence absent fail examination exactly take pride in be proud of general introduction 2.阅读理解故事,整体感受文章,并能根据课文问题正确 回答和判断对错。 3.听录音,能够正确朗读复述课文的中心内容。

看看谁在有限的时间内默写的又快又对!不常,很少 influence 影响 absent 缺席,不在 不及格,失败 fail 考试 examination 寄宿学校 boarding 亲自 in person 确切地 exactly 自豪.骄傲(名) pride 自豪的.骄傲的(形) proudseldom 为……感到自豪take pride in be proud of

为..骄傲 总的;普遍的 引起任何问题 决定做某事 建议做某事 乘坐11小时的火车 和5小时的汽车

generalcause any problems decide to do advise to do take an 11-hour train

and a15-hour bus ride

Where a


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After the Minister of… D. to answer Although he did not… B. easily enough All the evidence points .. C. that A man should not be…. A. by A pair of spectacles____ A. is A police office claimed… A. avoid Are you going to fix….. D. fixed Are these shoes___ C. large enough As a new diplomat… D. how As the bus came round… A. into A sudden noise of a …… C. hurry At the ___ of the police,.. A. sight

Because he __his work… C. had not been doing Before the final… C


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1、- Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift. - _________

A. A. Never mind

B. B. I'm glad you like it.

C. C. Please don't say so.

D. D. No, It's not so good.


- I’d like to book a room, please. - _________

A. A. Single or double?

B. B. Good or bad?

C. C. Which room?

D. D. We don't have books here.


- That’s a beautiful dress you have on!

- __________

A. A. Oh, thanks. I got it yesterday.

B. B. Sorry, it's too cheap.

C. C. Hey you can have it.

D. D. See you later.


- Excuse me, cou

北师大英语必修二精练:Unit 4 Period 4

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Unit 4 Cyberspace Period Four Lesson 4 Virtual Tourism 课时精练(北师大版必修2,广东专用)




It was to be our second Christmas in Germany and we decided to avoid the naked tree problem the year before. We wrote to my father, and he __1__ to purchase a tree for us in the States. He would ship it to us in several smaller __2__.

Two days before Christmas we were in a __3__. All the boxes had arrived except for one. The tree trunk and stand were still __4__. We decided to wait one more day. Mea


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After the Minister of… D. to answer Although he did not… B. easily enough All the evidence points .. C. that A man should not be…. A. by A pair of spectacles____ A. is A police office claimed… A. avoid Are you going to fix….. D. fixed Are these shoes___ C. large enough As a new diplomat… D. how As the bus came round… A. into A sudden noise of a …… C. hurry At the ___ of the police,.. A. sight

Because he __his work… C. had not been doing Before the final… C


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1、I’d like to ________ you to a party this Saturday.

A.send B.invite C.leave

2、Next month ________ eighteen.

A.Molly will be B.Molly is being C.is going to be

3、A: Should I take some medicine? B: No, you don’t ________ to take any medicine.

A.should B.must C.need

4、How do I ________ the gym?

A.get to B.arrive C.go

5、Would you like to ________ a reservation for dinner in the restaurant this evening?


B.give C.hold

6、There is enough time for you to catch the bus, you ________ in a hurry.
