The friendship grounded on common interest does not break up easily 2.孩子们必须学会将电脑游戏中的暴力与勇敢区分开来
Children must learn to distinguish between violence and bravery in computer games. 3.当今世界每天涌现如此多新鲜事物,要求一个人什么都知晓是不合情理的
There spring up so many new tings everyday in the world that it is no longer sensible to expect a person to know everything.
Laws do not regulate such things as betrayal to friends, that is why there is what we call the court of morality
The friendship grounded on common interest does not break up easily 2.孩子们必须学会将电脑游戏中的暴力与勇敢区分开来
Children must learn to distinguish between violence and bravery in computer games. 3.当今世界每天涌现如此多新鲜事物,要求一个人什么都知晓是不合情理的
There spring up so many new tings everyday in the world that it is no longer sensible to expect a person to know everything.
Laws do not regulate such things as betrayal to friends, that is why there is what we call the court of morality
Unit 1
1、My job varies between the extremely tedious and the annoyingly busy. On balance I think I'm happier during the really busy times; no time to think about how bored I am。
2、It is the nature of the wise to resist pleasures, but the foolish to be a slave to them。
3、I figure out a good team of dogs, hitched to a light sled, can haul 1,000 pounds of goods.
4、In the story, the little girl has a wicked stepmother, wh
Unit 1
Something for stevie
I try not to be biased, but I had my doubts about hiring Stevie. His placement counselor assured me that he would be a good, reliable busboy. But I had never had a mentally
handicapped employee and wasn’t sure I wanted one. I wasn’t sure how my customers would react. Stevie was short, a little dumpy, with the smooth facial features and thick-tongued speech of Down’s syndrome.
I wasn’t worried about most of my trucker customers. Truckers don’t generally care who buses tables as long as the food i
Unit 1
Something for stevie
I try not to be biased, but I had my doubts about hiring Stevie. His placement counselor assured me that he would be a good, reliable busboy. But I had never had a mentally
handicapped employee and wasn’t sure I wanted one. I wasn’t sure how my customers would react. Stevie was short, a little dumpy, with the smooth facial features and thick-tongued speech of Down’s syndrome.
I wasn’t worried about most of my trucker customers. Truckers don’t generally care who buses tables as long as the food i
1. 科学家应该警告人们防范PM2.5,限制他们孩子的户外活动,以避免对孩子造成哪怕
Scientists should warn people about PM 2.5 and the need to restrict their children’s outdoor activities to avoid even the minimal damage.
2. 当地政府为爬山者实施了一项可发展的计划,以使环境不受到影响。
The local government has implemented a development program for the mountain climbers to leave the surrounding region unaffected.
3. 由于我们能确定危险的地方,我们现在能把科学家的风险降到零。
We can reduce the risks to zero since we are sure of what risks they are running. 4. 为了抵制焦虑,你应该强迫自己想象一个问题已经解决的积极的未来。
To combat your anxie
1、They bound捆绑 his hands and legs with a rope so he could’t escape. 他们有一根绳子把他的手、脚捆了起来,这样他就逃不了了。
2、His bright clothes were hardly appropriate适合的 for such a solemn occasion. 他的衣着颜色鲜艳,不太适合这样一个庄严的时刻。
3、He’s been charged with possessing占有 guns and attempting to attack the police. 他被控持有枪支,并意图袭警。
4、Is this your permanent永久的 address,or are you only staying there for a short time?
5、Ten minutes before the appointed 约定time,he sat nervously outside her office. 离约定时间还有十分钟,他就紧张地坐在她办公室外了。
6、We parted分开thre
? Once transplanted abroad, we will feel anxious and uneasy and even unable to
deal with daily routines. As a matter of fact, these “symptoms” result from losing our familiar environment. Such a feeling of confusion and anxiety is referred to as “culture shock”.
? We used to feel free, easy and happy with a life style built up over so many
years. Now, to get over a series of bad feelings caused by culture shock, we must act positively/take a positive attitude.
? First, ask ourselves to be broad-minded: accepting all
Translate the following sentences into Chinese.
1、The fact was that no matter how mature I liked to consider myself, I was feeling just a bit first-gradish. 事实上,不管我如何摆出一副成熟的样子,我感觉自己还是有一点儿大一新生的菜鸟气。
2、Freshmen manuals advised sitting near the front, showing the professor in intelligent and energetic demeanor.
3、For three days I dined alone on nothing more than humiliation, shame, and an assortment of junk food from a machine strategically placed outside my room.
实用综合教程3 课文翻译及部分习题答案
实用综合教程3 课文翻译及部分习题答案 第一篇课文是( Crazy Instan Messaging) 课文翻译中会有部分错别字
Chinese Translation of Text A(参考译文),
快点想!把这段会话翻译成规范英语:"Wars^?" "N2M, U?" "JC." "G2G. BFN.”一 晕了吧?你的词典帮不了你,但我们提供的词汇表可以帮你解决问题.
如果你能马上心领神会,那么你很可能是使用即时信息的孩子中的一员.使用即时 信,息的孩子已占上网孩子总人数的60%.美国雅虎公司、微软网络在线服务以及美国在
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