新编 剑桥商务英语中级-Vocabulary
单词 新编的
Unit 1a Teamwork
toiletries:n. 化妆品厂、清洁、化妆用品公司
major brands:主导品牌
expatriate:n.侨民,放弃本国国籍的人[eks pætrieit]
creative thinking:创新思维
a survival course:生存技巧培训课程
profile:n. 简介,小传,概况,侧面,侧面像,轮廓,外形[ pr ufail]
simulation:n. 模拟训练,模仿[ simju lei n]
go for profit:追求利润 [ pr fit]
behind schedule:进度落后于计划
stick to the schedule:严格按计划进行
Unit 1b Communication
exceed:v. 超越,胜过,(在数量、质量上)突出、领先[ik si:d]
over-estimate:vt. 过高的估计
manageable:adj. 便于管理[ mænid bl]
understate:vt. 轻描淡写的说,很有节制的陈述或表达,少说、少报(数据等)[ nd steit] seminar:n. 研讨会,讨论会,研讨小组[ seminɑ:]
优马思教育-您的商务英语顾问 activity n. 业务类型 活动
actual adj. 实在的,实际的,确实的
adapt v. 修改,适应 BEC中级考试词汇必备 adjust v. 整理,使适应
administration n. 实施,经营,行政 A
administer v. 管理,实施
abroad adv. 在国外,出国,广泛流传 adopt v. 采纳,批准,挑选某人作候选人 absence n. 缺席,离开
advertise v. 公布,做广告
absent adj. 不在,不参与 ad n. 做广告,登广告 absenteeism n. (经常性)旷工,旷职 advertisement n. 出公告,做广告 absorb v. 吸收,减轻(冲击、困难等)作用或影响 advertising n. 广告业 abstract n. 摘要
after-sales service n. 售后服务 access n. 接近(或进入)的机会,享用权 agenda n. 议事日程 v. 获得使用计算机数据库的权利 agent n. 代理人,经纪人 accommodation n. 设施,住宿 allocate v. 分配
教材名称: 新编剑桥商务英语(中级)第三版 出版单位:经济科学出版社 出版时间:2008年10月 主 编: John Hughes 教案编写人:王杰
授课专业(班级):09商务英语1班 授课时间:2010-2011 第一学年
授课教师: 王杰 授课班级: 09商务英语1班 授课时间:2010.9.6 课 题 教学基本 要求与目标 方法与手段 实践性环节 课外要求 Lead-in Introduction to BEC Vantage make students to get familiar with the BEC Vantage introduction, explanation with the assistance of PPT discussion, ask and answer To read more books about business, often go on line to practise listening BEC 内容(其中:重点划“△”,难点划“﹡”) I. Introduction to BEC Readin
1.1 Ways of working
regular hours flexible hours freelance job-share job-sharer shift-work part-time full-time teleworking temping specialist advice hot-desking office gossip consultancy flextime/flexitime Office news credit MD/managing director Brainpower Worst-case Scenario Delegate Availability Parental leave maternity leave Distractions Contact Case-load Daily log Voice mail Self-organization Disruptive
正常工作时间 弹性工作时间 ['fri:'lɑ:ns]自由职业 分担工作 与人分担工作的人 轮班工作,倒班制 兼职 全职 电子化办公方式,电子办公 当临时工 专业咨询 办公桌轮用 办公室小道消息 咨询公司,顾问公司 弹性工作时间 办公
Work in progress New projects
1、Listen to the telephone conversation between Vicky and Steve. Steve is calling from Brazil. What is their relationship?
2、Listen to the conversation again and choose the best ending (A, B or C) for each sentence (1-4).
1. Steve is calling from
A his office. B the shops. C a hotel. 2. Steve is in Fortaleza because he's
A got friends there. B working there. C travelling around Brazil. 3. Vicky is
A having lunch. B watching TV. C gardening. 4. The children are
A fighting.
新编剑桥商务英语(BEC 第三版 中级)Module 1
Module 1 第一单元
1.1 Business Topic Ways of working 商务话题篇 工作方式
1) Vocabulary: different ways of working (15 mins) regular hours 正常工作时间 flexible (working) hours/flex(i)time 弹性工作时间 freelance n. 自由职业 teleworking n. 电子办公;在家中上班 job-share v. / n. 分担工作;工作分担制 job-sharing n. 分担工作 job-sharer n. 与人分担工作的人 shift work 轮班工作,倒班制 temping n 当临时工,任临时雇员 consultancy n. 咨询公司 specialist advice 专业咨询 hotdesking (hot-desking) n. 办公桌轮用(指将职工分成不同的班次,以便他们能共
office gossip 办公室小道消息,办公
新编剑桥商务英语(BEC 中级 第三版)Module 5
Module 5
5.1 The workplace Vocabulary
to source art (为商务用途)选择艺术装饰品 to commission art 定制艺术品 regeneration n. 重建,再生 referral推荐人
expertise n. 专家意见,专门技术或知识 reference database n. 参考数据库 premise 楼宇,单位,处所 direct speech 直接引语
reported speech n. 间接引语 anecdotal things 轶事 social norm社会规范 interaction n. 交际
office decoration 办公室装饰 trade fair 商品交易会 exhibitor n. 参展商 accommodation 住宿
sponsor 主办方,主办单位 evening buffet自助晚餐
International Art Consultants 国际艺术顾问公司 Seattle 西雅图
5.2 Participating in a meeting Vocabulary
chairperson 主席the person
Module 33.1Business topic: Starting a business
3.2 Business skills: Leaving and taking messages
3.1 Business topic: Starting a business
Vocabulary: Types of business
Reading: We wanna hold your hand
Listening: Advices on franchises & Planning a seminarSpeaking: Discussing a schedule
Vocabulary: Types of businessHere are three different ways to start your own business. Work in pairs and think of one advantage and one disadvantage for each approach.
Sale trader you are self-employed and set up the business on your own. Partn
Module 8
8.1 Training12 3Reading: Training courses
Listening: Assessing training needsSpeaking: Giving reasons for and against
Grammar: -ing form and infinitive Speaking: Discussing training needs
Warming up1. What part-time jobs have you done?
Did you get any training? 2. If yes, what do you think of these training? Necessary / unnecessary, effective or ineffective?
3. What do you think makes an effective training? The teacher (the trainer) the students (the trainees)
The facilities The approach/methods How much it r
aggressive adjective 敢作敢为/侵略性的 aggression - noun 进攻,侵略 appointment noun 约会,指定 badge noun 徽章,证章 colleague noun 同事,同僚
head of department noun 部门经理 department- noun 部门,科,处 managing director noun 常务懂事 personnel noun 人员,职员 public relations noun 公共关系 sales office noun 营业部,销售部 sincere adjective 诚挚的,真诚的 small talk noun 闲聊
superior noun 长者,上级 surname noun 姓
vice-chairman noun 副主席 vice - prefix 副的 chairman - noun主席
visitor noun 访问者,来宾 visit - 拜访,参观
whereabouts noun 下落,行踪