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Text A:

Reading Comprehension

I. 5, 1, 7, 11, 2, 4, 6, 9, 8, 10, 3

II. 1. a freshman

2. to others that she was not

3. make a timely entrance

4. Freshman manuals

5. American Literature

6. she was in the right classroom

7. had stepped on a piece of cheese

8. no one had noticed

9. decided to go back to the cafeteria to eat

10. bad fate would only fall on her

11. silly

12. popularity

III. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T 7


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Answers To




Text A:

Reading Comprehension I. 5, 1, 7, 11, 2, 4, 6, 9, 8, 10, 3 II. 1. a freshman

2. to others that she was not 3. make a timely entrance 4. Freshman manuals 5. American Literature

6. she was in the right classroom 7. had stepped on a piece of cheese 8. no one had noticed

9. decided to go back to the cafeteria to eat 10. bad fate would only fall on her 11. silly 12. popularity

III. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. F 11. T From Reading To Speaking (Le


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Answers To




Text A:

Reading Comprehension I. 5, 1, 7, 11, 2, 4, 6, 9, 8, 10, 3 II. 1. a freshman

2. to others that she was not 3. make a timely entrance 4. Freshman manuals 5. American Literature

6. she was in the right classroom 7. had stepped on a piece of cheese 8. no one had noticed

9. decided to go back to the cafeteria to eat 10. bad fate would only fall on her 11. silly 12. popularity

III. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. F 11. T From Reading To Speaking (Le

创新大学英语预备级Unit 2教案

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Unit 2 Dreams

Text C: Flying with the Dream

Teaching Objectives(教学目的)

Students will be able to

1. Grasp the main idea and structure of the text

2. Master the key language points and grammatical structures

3. Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.

Teaching procedures(教学步骤)

(1) Pre-reading activity (Period1)

a. Information related to the text

b. Introduction to the Text

c. Pre-reading questions

(2)While-reading activity(Periods2-4)

a. The organiza

创新大学英语预备级Unit 2教案

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Unit 2 Dreams

Text C: Flying with the Dream

Teaching Objectives(教学目的)

Students will be able to

1. Grasp the main idea and structure of the text

2. Master the key language points and grammatical structures

3. Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.

Teaching procedures(教学步骤)

(1) Pre-reading activity (Period1)

a. Information related to the text

b. Introduction to the Text

c. Pre-reading questions

(2)While-reading activity(Periods2-4)

a. The organiza


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…注意:密封线内不要答题 广东外语艺术职业学院成人高等教育 2012学年第 二 学期 三年 制2012级 学前教育专业 创新大学英语综合教程1课程 期末 考试试题 试卷类型:B 考试形式:闭卷 本试题共 四 大题, 4 页,满分 100 分,考试时间为 120 分钟,答案请写在答卷上,否则无效
























…一、单项选择。(每小题3分,共15分) 1.Studies have shown ___A____ teenagers often suffer form depression. A.that B.which C.in which D.in that 2.The party has failed to ___C____ the majority of voters that it is capable of governing the country. A.trust


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…注意:密封线内不要答题 广东外语艺术职业学院成人高等教育 2012学年第 二 学期 三年 制2012级 学前教育专业 创新大学英语综合教程1课程 期末 考试试题 试卷类型:B 考试形式:闭卷 本试题共 四 大题, 4 页,满分 100 分,考试时间为 120 分钟,答案请写在答卷上,否则无效
























…一、单项选择。(每小题3分,共15分) 1.Studies have shown ___A____ teenagers often suffer form depression. A.that B.which C.in which D.in that 2.The party has failed to ___C____ the majority of voters that it is capable of governing the country. A.trust


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Unit 3 Celebrating the Joys, Mending the Tears

Part One Lead-in


1.Try to describe your friends with your own words in terms of personality, physical appearance, age, build and etc.

2. Try to tell your story with your friends

Part Two Intensive Reading

I Pre-reading Leading-in

a.Background Information--Friendship quotes A friend is one who walks in when others walk out

A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. -Walter Winchell A friend is one who believes in you when yo

创新大学英语综合教程2 复习资料

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创新大学英语综合教程2 复习资料

(Unit 1) vocabulary 1, directions

1) Despite a number of setbacks, they persevered in their attempts to fly around the world in a balloon.

2) The two countries have always maintained close relations. 3) He quickly sketch the view from the window.

4) I met the old lady as i was walking down a steep path out of the village. 5) She carefully adjusted her clothes and her hair before going out. 6) I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help. 7) The swimming pool is drained and cleaned every winte


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1、 这起交通事故在很大程度上是由于粗心大意引起的。(to a …extent) To a great extent, the car accident was caused by carelessness. 2、 无论你去哪儿、无论你做什么,我都会在这里等你。(wherever, whatever) Wherever you go, whatever you do, I’ll be right here waiting for you. 3、 我们必须限制这次会议的开支。(limit)

We must set a limit to the expense of the conference. 4、 她又改变主意了,这让我们大家都很生气。(which)

She changed her mind again, which made us all angry.

5、 因特网可以为不同的学习者提供更灵活多样的学习方式。(provide)

Internet can provide different learners with more flexible and versatile ways of