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更为重要。首要的一条忠告是,要慎重地选择祖先。虽然我的父母皆属早 逝,但是考虑到我其他的祖先,我的选择尚好。我的外祖父在六十七岁风华正茂时早逝,这是事实,可我的外祖母,还有我的祖父、祖母,都活到了八十多岁。在那些与我血缘关系稍疏些的祖先中,我只发现有一位不长寿的,他死于一种当前罕见的病:被砍了头。我的一位曾祖母是吉本的朋友,活到九十二岁,其精神状态之好自始至终都让子孙们敬畏,一直到她撒手人寰的那天。我的外祖母,生养了十个孩子, 其中一个夭折,另外九个健康成长。此外,她还有过多次小产。她守寡之后,即刻投身于妇女的高等教育事业。她是格顿学院的创始人之一,为促使医疗事业向妇女敞开大门而不遗余力。她过去常讲这样的一个故事:她在意大利遇见一个满面哀伤的老绅士,便询问他为何如此忧伤,老绅士说刚刚和自己两个孙子道别。“天哪!”她叫道,“我有七十二个孙子孙女,如果和其中的一个分别一次就伤心一次,那我的生活岂不太凄惨了!”“非同寻常的母亲啊!”老绅士回答道。 但是,作为七十二子孙中的一员,我更喜欢她的这一处世秘诀。外祖母八十高龄后感到入睡有些困难,她便常常在


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更为重要。首要的一条忠告是,要慎重地选择祖先。虽然我的父母皆属早 逝,但是考虑到我其他的祖先,我的选择尚好。我的外祖父在六十七岁风华正茂时早逝,这是事实,可我的外祖母,还有我的祖父、祖母,都活到了八十多岁。在那些与我血缘关系稍疏些的祖先中,我只发现有一位不长寿的,他死于一种当前罕见的病:被砍了头。我的一位曾祖母是吉本的朋友,活到九十二岁,其精神状态之好自始至终都让子孙们敬畏,一直到她撒手人寰的那天。我的外祖母,生养了十个孩子, 其中一个夭折,另外九个健康成长。此外,她还有过多次小产。她守寡之后,即刻投身于妇女的高等教育事业。她是格顿学院的创始人之一,为促使医疗事业向妇女敞开大门而不遗余力。她过去常讲这样的一个故事:她在意大利遇见一个满面哀伤的老绅士,便询问他为何如此忧伤,老绅士说刚刚和自己两个孙子道别。“天哪!”她叫道,“我有七十二个孙子孙女,如果和其中的一个分别一次就伤心一次,那我的生活岂不太凄惨了!”“非同寻常的母亲啊!”老绅士回答道。 但是,作为七十二子孙中的一员,我更喜欢她的这一处世秘诀。外祖母八十高龄后感到入睡有些困难,她便常常在


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Unit 4

Checking your Vocabulary p. 111


1) isolate 2) issue 3) contract 4) ignorance 5) broken 6) segment 7) applause 8) prejudice 2.

1) bring… to an end 2) infect 3) threats 4) leading 5) at risk 6) wept 7) tolerate 8) set aside 9) make room for 10) appealing

Words in Action p.115


1) indifferent 2) prejudice 3) appealing 4) rendered 5) threats 6) respect 7) isolate 8) sucked 9) infected 10) ignorance 11) namely 12) probable 13) relu


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Unit 1 III.

1. idle 2. justify 3. discount 4. distinct 5. minute 6.accused 7. object 8. contaminate 9. sustain 10. worship IV.

1. accusing... of 2. end up 3. came upon 4. at her worst 5. pay for 6. run a risk of 7. participate in 8. other than 9. object to/objected

10. at best V

1. K 2. G 3. C 4. E 5. N 6.O 7.I 8. L 9. A 10. D Collocation


1. delay 2. pain 3. hardship 4. suffering 5. fever 6. defeat 7. poverty 8. treatment 9. noise 10. agony Word building VII.

1. justify 2. glorify 3. exemplifies 4. classifi


【bwwdw.com - 博文网】

Unit 1 III.

1. idle 2. justify 3. discount 4. distinct 5. minute 6.accused 7. object 8. contaminate 9. sustain 10. worship IV.

1. accusing... of 2. end up 3. came upon 4. at her worst 5. pay for 6. run a risk of 7. participate in 8. other than 9. object to/objected

10. at best V

1. K 2. G 3. C 4. E 5. N 6.O 7.I 8. L 9. A 10. D Collocation


1. delay 2. pain 3. hardship 4. suffering 5. fever 6. defeat 7. poverty 8. treatment 9. noise 10. agony Word building VII.

1. justify 2. glorify 3. exemplifies 4. classifi

全新版大学英语综合教程课后练习答案 第四单元

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全新版大学英语综合教程课后练习答案 第四单元答案

Unit 4

After listening

1. An employee

2. Surfing the net

3. He acted all surprised, as if he didn’t know why the computer had died suddenly

Content questions

1. She used to be a television producer, but now she is a writer

2. She writes and edits articles online, submits them via email, and communicates with

colleagues via the Internet, too

3. She could stay computer-assisted at home for weeks, going out only to get mail, newspapers

and groceries

4. They feel as if they had become one with the computer, and li

全新版大学英语综合教程课后练习答案 第四单元

【bwwdw.com - 博文网】

全新版大学英语综合教程课后练习答案 第四单元答案

Unit 4

After listening

1. An employee

2. Surfing the net

3. He acted all surprised, as if he didn’t know why the computer had died suddenly

Content questions

1. She used to be a television producer, but now she is a writer

2. She writes and edits articles online, submits them via email, and communicates with

colleagues via the Internet, too

3. She could stay computer-assisted at home for weeks, going out only to get mail, newspapers

and groceries

4. They feel as if they had become one with the computer, and li


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Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.

1. By 2002, the corporation was making a loss, for prices had fallen catastrophically as advanced economies underwent a profound transition.(catastrophe)

2. Johnson isn’t tired of Tokyo, it seems, but appearances can be deceptive.(deceive) 3. Although a step forward had been taken, their religious convictions prevented them from

taking up arms.(convict)

4. Many young men are not allowed to leave the country, apparently because of fears that they may join the


【bwwdw.com - 博文网】

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.

1. By 2002, the corporation was making a loss, for prices had fallen catastrophically as advanced economies underwent a profound transition.(catastrophe) 2. Johnson isn’t tired of Tokyo, it seems, but appearances can be deceptive.(deceive) 3. Although a step forward had been taken, their religious convictions prevented them from taking up arms.(convict)

4. Many young men are not allowed to leave the country, apparently because of fears that they may join the


【bwwdw.com - 博文网】

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.

1. By 2002, the corporation was making a loss, for prices had fallen catastrophically as advanced economies underwent a profound transition.(catastrophe) 2. Johnson isn’t tired of Tokyo, it seems, but appearances can be deceptive.(deceive) 3. Although a step forward had been taken, their religious convictions prevented them from taking up arms.(convict)

4. Many young men are not allowed to leave the country, apparently because of fears that they may join the