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在听写考试中,我们发现不少考生由于过度紧张而忽视了题意,所以本应该完成得非常好的题从手中错过。今年Dictation考试从one to seven应填single word;从eight to ten则要求use your own words to finish the sentence.有的考生在做第8一10个填空时,由于没弄懂题意,只想着全部听写下来,结果感到速度太快,记不下来。听写部分意思虽然理解了,也没用自己的话表达,白白地丢掉了好几分。




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(每小题:2 分)


A. Her first big art project in college.

B. Her final grade in art.

C. Her new college life.

D. Her strong love for art.


A. She has always been successful in art class.

B. She drew wonderful pictures of a cat when young.

C. She is already as mature as other university students.

D. She behaves like a real artist after becoming a college



A. Take life as a destination not as a journey.

B. Gain experience through traveling widely.

C. Learn through trials, errors and some risks.

D. Be careful with new ideas to create


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大家网 1 / 5


Short Conversations

11. W: There were more than a hundred people at Kate's birthday party. How come she's got so many friends?

M: It's really no surprise. You know she was popular even when she was a child

Q: What does the man imply about Kate?

12. M: They say there'll be a snow-storm tonight, and the cold weather will last quite a few days. W: Oh! We're so lucky, we'll be getting away for a while, and having a holiday in Florida. But let's call right now to confirm our flight.

Q: What do we learn abou


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一、across 1、表方位。

Let’s go to the restaurant across the street and get something to eat. 让我们去街对面的餐馆买些吃的。 2、表动作,穿越。

You must go across the bridge and then turn right. 你必须先过桥,然后再往右拐。 二、age

1、年龄。最一般的表达。在此不赘述。 2、衰老。

the aging people = the old people

现代社会出现越来越严重的aging problem(人口老龄化问题)等。 三、all

1、shake all over 浑身颤抖

2、all of a sudden 突然地

All of a sudden, I remembered her name. 我突然想起了她的名字。 3、by all means 一定

I’ll come by all means. 我一定会来的。 4、all night long 整晚

My present neighbor plays piano all ni


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● 宾馆场景

宾馆 hotel

小旅馆,小客栈 inn

汽车旅馆 motel

订房间 book / make a reservation

订满 booked up / occupied

客房服务 room service

单人间 single room

双人间 double room

浴室 bathroom

前台 front desk / reception

行李搬运工 porter

叫早服务 wake up call

● 租房场景

房租 rent

房东 landlord

房客 renter / tenant

契约 lease / agreement


水电费 utilities

门厅 hall

家具 furniture

风景画 poster

橱柜 cabinet

书架 book case / shelf

淋浴管道 shower pipe

修理 fix / repair

坏了 break down

裂缝 leak

管道 pipe

离合器 clutch

木匠 carpenter

加热器、电暖气 heater

修理公司 roofing company

修理工作 repair job

修理工 maintenance


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● 宾馆场景

宾馆 hotel

小旅馆,小客栈 inn

汽车旅馆 motel

订房间 book / make a reservation

订满 booked up / occupied

客房服务 room service

单人间 single room

双人间 double room

浴室 bathroom

前台 front desk / reception

行李搬运工 porter

叫早服务 wake up call

● 租房场景

房租 rent

房东 landlord

房客 renter / tenant

契约 lease / agreement


水电费 utilities

门厅 hall

家具 furniture

风景画 poster

橱柜 cabinet

书架 book case / shelf

淋浴管道 shower pipe

修理 fix / repair

坏了 break down

裂缝 leak

管道 pipe

离合器 clutch

木匠 carpenter

加热器、电暖气 heater

修理公司 roofing company

修理工作 repair job

修理工 maintenance

大学英语四级考试听力经典100句(1) - 图文

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林明金主编 清华大学出版社

1. Now you’ve got me. (你可把我难住了。)

You’ve asked me a question I can’t answer. (你问我一个问题,我答不上来。)

2. That’s the last thing I needed. (那是我最不需要的东西。)

I certainly didn’t need that. (我当然不需要那个东西。)

3. It is easier said than done. (这是说起来容易做起来难)

Doing is more difficult than saying. (做的要比说的难)

4. Susan is anything but poor. (苏珊除了贫穷什么都有)

Susan has a lot of money. (苏珊很有钱)

5. Diane looks up to her teacher. (黛安很尊敬她的老师)

She respects h


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⑴《短对话6大正解规律》1.相关出答案(你中有我,我中有你) 2.相反出答案(你死我活)

3.四级特征词易为答案(高中少见,大学常有的四级词汇) 4.时尚话题易为答案(前沿科技,高端网络,网络购物) 【①健康:饮食/减肥/运动/作息 ②:电影/科技/网络/时尚 ③digital/programming/data/processing/surf the internet/online shopping/be on diet/heat control/no dessert/sugar/chocolate/cream/fat/avoid stay up/do more exercise/movement/release fatigue/fashion show/Kungfu movie/Christmas eve gala】 5.积极(人生态度),阳光(情感),轻伤(天灾人祸),女神原则(女生建议优先考虑)【正能量】

6.建议句型易为答案 [①Why not...?②Why don’t


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Test 1 Section A

1. A) He watched the film on TV with his friend.

B) He watched the film with his friend in a cinema. C) He and his friend went to visit their school. D) He talked with his friend at home.

2. A) Whether the meeting is certainly to be held on Monday.

B) Who has to attend the meeting.

C) What they are going to discuss at the meeting. D) Where the meeting is to be held. 3. A) The man comes to book a room.

B) The man had a reservation at the hotel some time ago.

C) The man wants to move to another room on t


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751. What’s your nationality?Are you American? 752. What part of the world do you come from? 753. I’m an American by birth.

754. I was born in Spain,but I’m a citizen of France. 755. Do you know what the population of Japan is? 756. What’s the area of the Congo in square miles? 757. Who is the governor of this state?

758. According to the latest census,our population has increased. 759. Politically,the country is divided into fifty states. 760. The industrial area is centered largely in the north.

761. The country