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Amazing people

-------(高中英语模块二unit 3 牛津版)

warming up

of all time 自古以来,有史以来常与最高级连用.

Adison was one of the greatest inventors of all time

2 make changes to sth 对…作改动

The government plans to make important changes to the tax system.

3 have an effect on/upon

have a goog/bad effect on

Punishment had very little effect on him.

The children were suffering from the effects of the hot weather.


effect 见效,实施

put into effect 实行,使生效

come into effect 开始生效,开始实施

be of no effect 无效,没有作用


1the world “世界上的人,


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Amazing people

-------(高中英语模块二unit 3 牛津版)

warming up

of all time 自古以来,有史以来常与最高级连用.

Adison was one of the greatest inventors of all time

2 make changes to sth 对…作改动

The government plans to make important changes to the tax system.

3 have an effect on/upon

have a goog/bad effect on

Punishment had very little effect on him.

The children were suffering from the effects of the hot weather.


effect 见效,实施

put into effect 实行,使生效

come into effect 开始生效,开始实施

be of no effect 无效,没有作用


1the world “世界上的人,


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Unit 3 Amazing people (35分钟) Ⅰ.阅读理解 (2017·山西平遥第三次质检)

When Steve Jobs was born on February 24,1955,in San Francisco,California,his unmarried mother decided to put him for adoption because she wanted a girl.So in the middle of the night,his mother called a man named Paul Jobs and said,“We have an unexpected baby boy;do you want him?” But his mother told his future parents to promise that they would send Jobs to college.After Steve Jobs graduated from high school,he went to college but decided to drop out because it was so ex


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Unit 3 Amazing people (35分钟) Ⅰ.阅读理解 (2017·山西平遥第三次质检)

When Steve Jobs was born on February 24,1955,in San Francisco,California,his unmarried mother decided to put him for adoption because she wanted a girl.So in the middle of the night,his mother called a man named Paul Jobs and said,“We have an unexpected baby boy;do you want him?” But his mother told his future parents to promise that they would send Jobs to college.After Steve Jobs graduated from high school,he went to college but decided to drop out because it was so ex


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一 四个步骤

替换 (俗词;主题词 -弱势群体)

转变 (高雅—官腔;华夏儿女;雨后送伞;雪过送碳

低俗—丁字户;宠儿;守活寡;榨出油;雨过地皮湿-走形式;有钱出钱有力出力) 质变 “ 六法 五戒”

实践 看图分析culture intergration-文化融合;热词—十八大,中国梦china dream ,北京精 神sprint注意:人名后面不能用sprint表示魂,正能量posive energy)


1俗词 (1)人们 Folks Individuals Inhabitants (2)认为 Assert Contend 主张 I convinced坚信 Deem Harbor (3) 非常

Intensively Remarkably Extraordinarily Adv+adj+n+定语 (4)重要 Essential Vital


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篇一:英语作文my day8篇

My day8篇

1.My Day

Today is sunny. I get up early and read some English. Then I have breakfast and go to school. In the morning we have four lessons, they’re two Enlish lessons, one Chinese lesson and one history lesson. I like English best.

At noon we have lunch at school, we have rice and vegetables, but we don’t like them very much. In the afternoon we have two math lessons and one music lesson. Math is difficult, but I study hard. And we sing a beautiful song.

We finish school at a quarter to five. I play bask


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一 四个步骤

替换 (俗词;主题词 -弱势群体)

转变 (高雅—官腔;华夏儿女;雨后送伞;雪过送碳

低俗—丁字户;宠儿;守活寡;榨出油;雨过地皮湿-走形式;有钱出钱有力出力) 质变 “ 六法 五戒”

实践 看图分析culture intergration-文化融合;热词—十八大,中国梦china dream ,北京精 神sprint注意:人名后面不能用sprint表示魂,正能量posive energy)


1俗词 (1)人们 Folks Individuals Inhabitants (2)认为 Assert Contend 主张 I convinced坚信 Deem Harbor (3) 非常

Intensively Remarkably Extraordinarily Adv+adj+n+定语 (4)重要 Essential Vital


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The family planning policy, known as the one-child policy,is the basic policy of our country.The policy was introduced in 1978 and enacted in 1980 to alleviate social, economic and environmental problems in China.But it brings new problems:The aging of the population, labor shortage, imbalance between men and women, families increased risk, and so on.

In the years of the implementation of single two-child policy after the new deal, a separate two child this year throughout the country has landed, the surrounding many of my


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You are required to write a composition within 200 words. Please follow the outline below:

1. who is dupposed to pick up the bill, men or women? 谁应该买单

2. Is it good to split the bill on dates? 约会中AA制怎么样

support your opinion with arguments


我认为在男女约会的场合应该由谁来买单,以及是否应该采用AA制,这主要是取决于双方的关系如何。如果双方的关系仅仅是普通朋友,这种情况的大多数场合是由男士买单,当然在双方进行商务谈判的过程中应该由邀请方支付,如果是在双方都有约会意向的情况下,就会采取AA制。 另一种情况,如果是在一方对另一方有追求的欲望时,这种约会通常情况下是由追求方买单的,当然要是被追求方的态度是拒绝,可能也会提出AA制或是他们自己支付。



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Last Saturday, I went to climb a mountain with my friends. We talked happily as we climbed. It took us three hours to reach the top of the mountain, where we had a rest. Half an hour later, we started to go down the mountain, which was faster. Feeling hungry when we reached the foot of the mountain, we couldn’t wait to eat in a restaurant. After a full meal, we headed back home by bus. I was so tired that I fell asleep on the way. Upon returning home, I washed myself and wrote a diary about what happened that day. What a