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一.Fill in the blanks (用所给词的适当形式填空). 1.They re Peter's ______________(classmate).

2.Look at the____________(girl) dress. It __________(be) pink and white. 3.Supergirl can_________(fly). But she __________(can) cook. 4.You re both __________( nurse).

5.—Are you hungry, Ben and Kitty? —Yes, __________(I) are.

—Have some __________.( sandwich).— Thank you, Mum. 6.Jim and Paul __________( have) some toy cars. Their mother __________(have ) a car.

二.Rewrite the following sentences (按要求改写句子,每空格—词) 1 My name is Alice.(对划线部分提问


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上海牛津英语4A单词表(默写版) 单词 afraid always April around August aunt Australia aviary B back bakery behind beside best between bin bird biscuit bite blouse bookshelf both bottle bowl bright building bus busy camera canteen cap centre China chocolate Christmas city 音标 [?'freid] ['?:lweiz] ['eipr?l] [?'raund] [?:'g?st] [ɑ:nt] [?s'treilj?] ['eivieri] [bi:] [b?k] ['beik?ri] [bi'haind] [bi'said] [best] [bi'twi:n] [bin] [b?:d] ['biskit] [bait] [blauz] ['buk?elf] [b?uθ] ['b?tl] [b?ul] [brait] ['bildi?] [b?s] ['bizi] ['k?m?r?] [k?n'ti:n] [k?

英语小学上海牛津单词卡片 打印

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小学牛津英语教案 1A-6B 2012-9-19 13:29

3.热狗 4.果汁 5.水 hot dog juice water [h?td?g] 5.星 [dзu:s] ['w?:t?] 7.树 star tree [sta:] [prez?nt] [tri:] 6.礼物 present

猫 cat 狗 dog

Unit 3 1.玩 play 2.跑 run 3.睡觉 sleep 4.游泳 swim 鸡蛋 egg 鱼 fish Unit 4 1.飞机 plane 2.渡轮 ferry 3.火车 train 4.出租车 taxi 5.小汽车 car 6.公交车 bus 7.厢式货车 van

女孩 girl 手 hand Unit 5 1.停 stop 2.光 light

中文 英文 母鸡


[k?t] 风筝 kite



Unit 7 1.帽子

hat [h?t] [plei] 2.手套 gloves [glΛvz] [rΛn] 3.围巾 scarfs [skɑ:fz]

英语小学上海牛津单词卡片 打印

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小学牛津英语教案 1A-6B 2012-9-19 13:29

3.热狗 4.果汁 5.水 hot dog juice water [h?td?g] 5.星 [dзu:s] ['w?:t?] 7.树 star tree [sta:] [prez?nt] [tri:] 6.礼物 present

猫 cat 狗 dog

Unit 3 1.玩 play 2.跑 run 3.睡觉 sleep 4.游泳 swim 鸡蛋 egg 鱼 fish Unit 4 1.飞机 plane 2.渡轮 ferry 3.火车 train 4.出租车 taxi 5.小汽车 car 6.公交车 bus 7.厢式货车 van

女孩 girl 手 hand Unit 5 1.停 stop 2.光 light

中文 英文 母鸡


[k?t] 风筝 kite



Unit 7 1.帽子

hat [h?t] [plei] 2.手套 gloves [glΛvz] [rΛn] 3.围巾 scarfs [skɑ:fz]


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Module1 Unit 1 (第一课时)

I. Copy the sentences with the correct forms(正确抄写下列句子): how are you kitty i am very well thank you

________________________________________________________________ II. Read and change the words(根据要求改变单词): 1. I (同音异义词) _________ 2. he (物主代词) _________ 3. hello (近义词) _________ 5. cat (同类词) _________ 7. classmates (单数) _________ 4. brother (同类词) _________ 6. her (主格) _________ 8. see (同音异义词) _________ III. Choose the best answers(选出最恰当的答案) ( )1. This _________ our dog. A. is B. am C. are ( )2.


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

what is what's your name my I am I'm in row one number two too three are you yes four five no not hi class grade six seven eight nine ten zero plus it it's how old eleven twelve minus thirteen fourteen fifteen hello please can spell that secret this in

pron 什么 v是 what is的缩写形式 pron 你的,你们的 n 名字 pron 我的 pron 我 是 I am的缩写形式 prep/ 在...里(内,上) n (一)排,(一)行 num 一 n 数字,号码 num 二 adv 也 num 三 v 是(复


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教师: 学生: 年级: 4 日期: 2015.08.19星期: 五 时段: 10:10-11:40 第15次 学情分析 课 题 学习目标与 考点分析 学习重点 学习方法 4AM1U2新知识讲解 学习目标:重点单词词组句型。 考点分析:1.人称代词物主代词。 2.三单形式疑问句否定句。 人称代词物主代词 讲练评改相结合 本节课教学内容简介 详见教学过程。 课后作业介绍 你这次课一定有不少收获吧,请写下来: 学生对于本次课的评价: ○ 特别满意 ○ 满意 ○ 一般 ○ 差 学生签字: 教师评定: 1.学生上次作业评价:


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_____________ football _____________piano _____________basketball _____________violin


They can run fast. (G Question, Wh questions, like)





My mother can sing well. (N question,G Question, Wh questions)





My mother sings wel


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Oxford English 5BModule 4More things to learn

Unit 1 Museums

学习任务 1. 我能听懂并正确读,背,默science museum ,art museum,history museum, insect museum, car museum, railway museum, perform, dance, useful, really 2.我能正确书写What can he do?等并用He can play the piano very well句型正确应答。 3.我能听读并理解P59儿歌内容和P60介绍卢浮宫的内容。 4.复习音标和含有音标的单词 5.我能说出5种博物馆 学生自评 口语练习

I. Read the words and phonetics (准确朗读下列单词)

bought culture beautifully famous Piano Prince The Louvre Museum ugly bugs II. Quick response (快速应答): 1.Which museum d


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〔 〕⒈close go 〔 〕⒌chair hair 〔 〕⒉room book 〔 〕⒍girl first 〔 〕⒊come dance 〔 〕⒎bike ice-cream 〔 〕⒋father bathroom 〔 〕⒏woman man 找出画线部分读音与众不同的一项。

A B C D ( ) 1、 bus student use excuse ( ) 2、 after dance black mask ( ) 3、 fish pig milk bike ( ) 4、 girl