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Learning Aims and requirements of the unit

Practise talking about belief and disbelief

Use adverbial clause of time

Use adverbial clause of reason

Write an essay about favorite newspaper or magazine


Grammar and usage

Step1: General introduction

1. Introduction of adverbial clause of time ( 时间状语从句)

Warming up

Warming up by reading. Turn to page44 and read the sentences in Ex1,2and do the Ex3

1. Read the sentences and choose the correct answer.

2. Do Ex3, try to use the correct tenses in each sentence.

Summary of t

外研版高中英语必修2 Module 1

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Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits


① fit adj. 适合的;健康的,强健的;能胜任的,合格的 v. 适合,使(衣服)合身,使适应,使合格,使胜任 (回归课本P52)...I take a lot of exercise and am very fit. ……我锻炼很多,身体很健康。 【归纳总结】

①Keep fit,study hard and work well. 身体好,学习好,工作好。

②He’s been ill and isn’t fit for work yet. 他一直在生病,尚不能工作。

③The water in this river isn’t fit to drink. 这条河中的水不适合饮用。

④This jacket fits her well.这件夹克非常适合她。 【例句探源】

match,suit,go with,agree with,fit (1)match“和……匹配,适合”,多指色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配。 (2)suit“适合(常指衣服颜色、样式适合某人);适宜”,还可表示“合某人的

高中英语外研版必修5Module 2 Section Ⅳ Other Parts of the Module

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Other_Parts_of_the_Module [原文呈现][读文清障]

Growing Jobs

What sort of jobs will people be doing ten years from now? According to① a survey published by an American university②,the ten fastest growing jobs will be related to③computers and health. They include computer systems analysts④,data analysts and database⑤ managers. But there will also be a rise in⑥ the demand⑦ for health care professionals. Some of these will be new jobs, such as bioinformaticians⑧,who combine computer skills with⑨knowledge of biology⑩. Others wi

高中英语 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab学案2外研版必修1

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浙江省嘉兴市秀州中学高中英语 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab学



1.Two thirds of the earth’s surface is water.


特殊: 1/2 _______________

1/4 _______________ 或 _______________

3/4 _______________ 或 _______________

试练:1/3 _________________ 4/5 _______________

注:分数/百分数 + of + n 作主语时,谓语动词单复数与of后的名词保持一致。

e.g. One third of the students in our class ________ girls.

Two thirds of the earth’s surface _______ water.

2.The pronunciation of large numbers in English is different from th

外研版高中英语必修三 Module5 单元精品教案

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Module 5 单元精品教案

Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge and Skill

a. To make them know something about some great people and inventions in ancient China such as: Confucius, Mencius, Mozi and their teaching thoughts. b. Enable Ss to express their opinions about philosophers. c. Learn how to describe a famous person in ancient China. d. Grasp the usage of defining attributive clause. 2. Difficulties and Importance:

a. Use the expressions of giving reasons freely.

b. Help the students understand the text exactly and retell the text in stu

外研版高中英语必修三 Module5 单元精品教案

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Module 5 单元精品教案

Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge and Skill

a. To make them know something about some great people and inventions in ancient China such as: Confucius, Mencius, Mozi and their teaching thoughts. b. Enable Ss to express their opinions about philosophers. c. Learn how to describe a famous person in ancient China. d. Grasp the usage of defining attributive clause. 2. Difficulties and Importance:

a. Use the expressions of giving reasons freely.

b. Help the students understand the text exactly and retell the text in stu

高中英语 Module 2 Traffic Jam全套教案 外研版必修4

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Module 2 Traffic Jam Using Language---教案


1. 知识目标:复习拓展与话题Traffic Jam有关的词汇:

1) Some means of transportation. eg. coach, trolleybus, cab….

2) Some compound nouns eg. ring road, traffic lights, rush hour, bicycle lane, road works, city center…

3) Some adjectives related to the speakers’ feelings eg. funny, ridiculous, annoying

2. 听力技能目标:学会对听力材料进行一般性信息与重要信息的划分。 3. 口语技能目标:学会谈论自己所在的城市的交通状况。

4. 学会准确地使用 imperatives, 并用should, shouldn’t, Why not和 Why don’t you


5. 文化意识与情感态度目标:在了解自己所在城市的交通状况的基础上发现存在的问题,并提出可行的解决办法,从而构建绿色家园。

2015年高中英语 Module5综合设计教案(2)外研版必修5

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英语必修5外研版Module 5综合设计教案(2)

Module 5 The Great Sports Personality------Introduction &

Reading and Vocabulary


●课标技能要求 重点词汇的理解与应用。 ●教学目标




(4)通过对本课文的理解,让学生进一步掌握状语从句的用法。 ●教学地位




Do you know who is the best gymnast in 1980s?Look at the photo on Page 4 2.What's the name of this gymnast?(通过看图发问,引出本课的主题——A life in Spo


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必修二Module2 Ⅰ. 单词荟萃

1. addict n.入迷的人;瘾君子→ adj.使人上瘾的,使人入迷的→ adj.上瘾的,入迷的→addiction n.瘾,入迷,嗜好

2. danger n. 危险→ adj.危险的 → vt.危及;使遭到危险

3. adj.有力的;有功效的→ adj没有力量的→power n.力量,权利 4. n.联系;关系;关联→connect v.联系→ adj.有关联的 5. vt.减少→reduction n.减少

6. adj.违法的,不合法的→legal adj.合法的

7. v.不同意,意见不合→ n.不一致,争论→agree vt.同意→ n.协议;(意见等)一致 8. treatment n. 治疗→treat v.治疗

9. v.影响→ n.影响,作用

10. participant n.参与者;参加者→ v.参加

外研版高中英语选修6《Module 5 Cloning》

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Module 5


Before ReadingRead these words and decide which ones you are likely to see in the passage. (possibly) acid bacteria embryos enzyme experience gene human tissue organism plant psychological stem cell structure upbringing

Fast-readingpara 1—3

1. DNA ? 2. Enzyme ? 3. A clone ?

DNAA transparent 透 明的twisting ladder (which is made of the fundamental component of life)

enzymechemicals formed

in the body



a clonean organism which is genetically identical to another

Careful-reading 1. who discovered the structure of DN