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1.Which would you p______, tea or coffee?

2.I like singers who write their own l_______.

3.He is speaking in a g______ voice.

4.She r______ me that I hadn’t watered the flowers.

5.The music is great because you can d________ to it.

6.I have only r________ started learning French.

7.That is your business. So it isn’t really i_______ to me.

8.S. H. E is my favorite g________.

9.My little brother likes movies that about m______.

10.l u Xun is a great writer who e_____ things well.


1.Carmen prefer


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一、 选出划线部分发音与其它三个不同的单词。

( )1. A. horse B. world C .sport D.morning

( ) 2. A . young B. house C. touch D. double ( ) 3. A . window B. brown C. how D.now ( ) 4. A . cook B. foot C. food D. good ( ) 5. A . goat B. boat C. coat D.koala ( ) 6. A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Thursday D. way

( ) 7. A. bread B. great C. sweater


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姓名_________________班级_________________分数_________________ Unit 1 Where’s you pen pal from?


1.Tom and Tim are from different _______________. (country)

2.Julie is from the USA. She‘s an _______________ girl.(America)

3.We ____________ people all love China. (China)

4.–_______ Pedro ___________from Australia? –Y es, he does.(come)

5.They are ___________. They speak English and French.(Canada)

6.My pen pal ______________ New Y ork.(住在)

7.I like _______________ and basketball.(踢足球)

8.They are in the same s


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五年级英语下册第五单元测试卷unit 5 look at the monkeys

B卷 综合能力测试

一、找出画线部分的读音与其他三个不同的选项,把序号填在括号里。 1. A. half B. fast C. map D. class 2. A. take B. great C. play D. vase 3. A. slap B. wait C. name D. stay 4. A. that B. carry C. Mary D. car 5. A. hurry B. card C. farm D. star 6. A. carry B. last C. heart D. class 7. A. small B. snail C. smoke D. smart 8. A. sleep B. swim C. sledge


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五年级英语下册第五单元测试卷unit 5 look at the monkeys

B卷 综合能力测试

一、找出画线部分的读音与其他三个不同的选项,把序号填在括号里。 1. A. half B. fast C. map D. class 2. A. take B. great C. play D. vase 3. A. slap B. wait C. name D. stay 4. A. that B. carry C. Mary D. car 5. A. hurry B. card C. farm D. star 6. A. carry B. last C. heart D. class 7. A. small B. snail C. smoke D. smart 8. A. sleep B. swim C. sledge


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姓名: 分数: 一、看拼音写词语:(6分)

渔夫yì rú jì wǎng 地出海打鱼,妻子桑娜在家féng

féng bǔ bǔ 。屋外传来波涛的轰鸣,桑娜感到xīn jīng r?u tiào ,于是zì yán zì yǔ :“上帝啊,保佑他··· ···”

Shū shì gē bǎn kuí wǔ dà chī yī jīng ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) qīng xīn yǎn z?u jié chū kě jiàn yī bān ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

二、下面每组词语中有一个是错误的,找出来画上 横线,并在括号中改正。(4分)

1、忧虑 包果 自作自受 ( ) 2、揭力 瘦削 疼痛锥心


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1.h__ m__(家) 2.t__m__(时间) 3.cl__ __k (钟表) 4.h__ __se(房子)

1.dry the dishes_______________ 2.做晚餐_______________ 3.in the fridge_______________ 4.看电视_______________ 5.k__tch__ __(厨房) 6.fl__ __r(地板) 7.th__ __ __(在那里) 8.m__k__(制作) 9.c__ __k (煎,炸) 10.d __ sh(盘子)


( )1.A.study B.living room C.bedroom D.house

( )2.A.milk B.rice C.bread D.egg

( )3.A.me B.him C.mine D.you

( )4.A.breakfast B.lunch


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一、写出下列单词的反义词(10分) old tall thin quiet big 二、完成句子(8分)

1. ____________ your new English teacher? Miss Ye. 2. ____________ he like? He's young and strong. 3. Is your Chinese teacher strict? Yes, ____________.

4. Who's that young man? ____________ is your P.E. teacher. 三、读一读,选出每组中发音不同的单词(8分) ( )1. A. peach B. tea C. bread ( )2. A. black B. lake C. apple ( )3. A. strong


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一. 单项选择 (30分)

( )1.Tom never went to bed he finished his homework last night. A.because B.if C.until D.while

( )2. — Excuse me, could you tell me where I can buy some ? — Sure. There’s a post office at the first crossing.

A. snacks B. stamps C. umbrellas D. bananas ( )3. — Whom would you for the job? — Tom, I think. He’s always careful and serious. A. suggest B. remind C. remember D. explain ( )4.Our teacher told us to the old.

A.to be poli


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一、写出下列单词的反义词(10分) old tall thin quiet big 二、完成句子(8分)

1. ____________ your new English teacher? Miss Ye. 2. ____________ he like? He's young and strong. 3. Is your Chinese teacher strict? Yes, ____________.

4. Who's that young man? ____________ is your P.E. teacher. 三、读一读,选出每组中发音不同的单词(8分) ( )1. A. peach B. tea C. bread ( )2. A. black B. lake C. apple ( )3. A. strong