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初一英语上册 Module 1 My classmates

Ⅰ.单项选择 (30 分)

()1. Liu Wei is _____ China. He is _____ Class Three Grade Seven.

A. from ;in

B. / ;in

C. /;/

D. from ; / ()2. Nick and I _____ 12 years old,but Jack is 13 years old.

A. be

B. are

C. am

D. Is

()3. Hello! My name is Daming _____ I am Chinese.

A. and

B. but

C. with

D. so

()4. Tom is _____English boy and Daming is _____ Chinese boy.

A. a; an

B. an;a

C. a;a

D. an; an ()5. Jim is _____ friend. _____ in Class One.

A. my; He ’ s

B. my;His

C. I;He’ s D I his

()6. ---_______? ---No, I a


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初一英语上册 Module 1 My classmates

Ⅰ.单项选择 (30 分)

()1. Liu Wei is _____ China. He is _____ Class Three Grade Seven.

A. from ;in

B. / ;in

C. /;/

D. from ; / ()2. Nick and I _____ 12 years old,but Jack is 13 years old.

A. be

B. are

C. am

D. Is

()3. Hello! My name is Daming _____ I am Chinese.

A. and

B. but

C. with

D. so

()4. Tom is _____English boy and Daming is _____ Chinese boy.

A. a; an

B. an;a

C. a;a

D. an; an ()5. Jim is _____ friend. _____ in Class One.

A. my; He ’ s

B. my;His

C. I;He’ s D I his

()6. ---_______? ---No, I a


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MODULE 1 Lost and Found 重点单词 1.[??re?s?] 2.[ɡl?v] 3. [main] 4. ['p?:pl] 5. ['k?m?r?] 6. [f?un] 7 [li:v] 8. [plein] 9. ['h?ndr?d] 10.. [streind?] 11. [piɡ] 12. ['krei?n] 13. ['w?l?t] 14.[ w?:t?] 15. [hu:z] 16. [lu:z] 17. [faind] 18. [j?:z] 19. [teip] 20. [h?:z]

21. ['kε?ful] 22. ['t?ksi] 23. [hwai] 24 ['ε?p?:t] 25. ['θauz?nd] 26. [b?ut] .27[d?k] 重点短语 1.失物招领箱 2 欢迎回来 3.首先 4.这有... 5.从现在开始 6.小心保管 7.谁的包 8.与某人交谈 9.移动电话,手机 10.上车 11.两千 12.数以千计的... 13.现在 14.匆忙地

15.许多,大量 16.数以百计的 17.在火车上 18.每天 19.例如

20.列一张...的清单 21.问/回答问题 22.寻


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( )! Lucy her homework..

A. does

B. is doing

C. do

D. are doing

( )2. Are you getting ready Spring Festival.

A. for

B. of D. on

( ) and Jingjing are waiting a bus.

A. to

B. for D. from

( ) are students on the playground.

A. a lot

B. lot of

C. lots of

D. a lots of

( ) a football match in our school next week.

A. is gonging to have

B. is gonging to be

C. is

D. are

( ) am going to a plane to shanghai.

A. by

B. sit

C. take

D. have

( ) is looking forward to the great wall.

A. visiting C. visits D. visited


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MODULE 1 Lost and Found 重点单词 1.[??re?s?] 2.[ɡl?v] 3. [main] 4. ['p?:pl] 5. ['k?m?r?] 6. [f?un] 7 [li:v] 8. [plein] 9. ['h?ndr?d] 10.. [streind?] 11. [piɡ] 12. ['krei?n] 13. ['w?l?t] 14.[ w?:t?] 15. [hu:z] 16. [lu:z] 17. [faind] 18. [j?:z] 19. [teip] 20. [h?:z]

21. ['kε?ful] 22. ['t?ksi] 23. [hwai] 24 ['ε?p?:t] 25. ['θauz?nd] 26. [b?ut] .27[d?k] 重点短语 1.失物招领箱 2 欢迎回来 3.首先 4.这有... 5.从现在开始 6.小心保管 7.谁的包 8.与某人交谈 9.移动电话,手机 10.上车 11.两千 12.数以千计的... 13.现在 14.匆忙地

15.许多,大量 16.数以百计的 17.在火车上 18.每天 19.例如

20.列一张...的清单 21.问/回答问题 22.寻


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外研版(三起)五年级英语下册Module 1测试题

一、读单词找出划线读音不同的一个。( 共10分)

( ) 1.A. farm B. postcard C. party D. warm

( ) 2.A. play B. rain C. any D. wait

( ) 3.A. hear B. air C. hair D. pear

( ) 4.A. sad B. badly C. catch D. glass

( ) 5.A. control B. shop C. home D. hold



2.is ____

3.are ______

4.live ______

5.have ______

6.watch ______



9.help_______ 10.go_____

11.run_____ 12.play______13.dance_______14.listen_______15.take__


1.( )There weren?t ___bu


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B: Hi Mum, can you hear me? BM: Yes, I can. Where are you?

B: I’m standing on the Great Wall of China and talking to you. BM: Really?

B: We’re on a school trip and we’re having a good time. BM:That’s great, Betty. What are the others doing?

B: Well, Tony is eating an ice cream. Wang Hui is taking lots of pictures and Lingling is buying some presents and postcards. And Daming is eating lunch and lying in the sun.

BM: Can you send me a postcard, too?

B: Yes. Lingling and I are writing postcards. We’re enjoying the school trip


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Module 12 Unit 2 Vienna is the centre of European classical music. 一、教学目标 【知识目标】 一、学习并掌握本课时生词及短语。 二、掌握关键语言结构:In the eighteenth century... / ...,called... / He played not only ... but also ... 【能力目标】读懂并理解文章对维也纳及三名作曲家的描述,复述其内容,进而进行人物介绍。 【情感目标】通过了解国外 著名音乐大师和西方音乐来了解不同文化, 热爱音乐,热爱生活。学习音乐家刻苦努力的精神,实现自己的理想。 二、教学重点 掌握人物介绍的基本方法。 读懂并理解文章对维也纳及三名作曲家的描述,复述其内容,进而进行人物介绍. 三、教学难点 复述课文信息。 四、教学资源 PPT 五、教学过程

说明:教学活动具体描述包括教学任务的描述,教师的关键语言,板书呈现,教学资源的使用等。 教学环节 教学活动具体描述 1. 师生互相问候 Hello, class. Do you like music? Who's your favourite singer? Please wa


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班级_____________ 姓名______________

一、 英汉互译:

1、 大风________________ 2、未来的生活__________________________ 3、做

重活__________________ 4、一周三天___________________________ 5、变暧____________ 6、大雨__________________ 7、许多自由时间_____________________________ 7、在农场_______________________ 8、通过邮件发送___________________________8、移动电话________________________9、没有人___________________ 10、在工厂_________________ 二、 词形变化:

1、vacation(同义词)______________ 2、work (同义词)_________ 3、interesting(反义词)____________ 4、rough(反义词)____________ 5、 busy(反义词)_____


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六年级上册Unit1 单元测试

姓名:__________ 分数:____________

一、 英汉互译 (10分)

1. 超过 _______________ 2. 看 _______________

3. 一张长城的图片_______________ 4. in the south of China _______________ 5.多长_______________ 6. 多大 _______________

7. tell sb. more about sth. _______________ 8. a big country _______________ 9. in the west_____________ 10. every day and night _____________

二、 单项选择 (20分)

1. Tell me _______ about the school.

A. how B. what