2016考研英语一大作文重点话题预测:文化类 1. Directions:
Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture. In you writing, you should 1) describe the picture briefly,
2) interpret its intended meaning, and 3) give your comments.
You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)
Here is a picture, interesting but with profound implication. As is vividly depicted in the photo, a cute little boy and an old man are talking about a book, which successfully captures our eyes. After a close watch, it is not diffic
2016考研英语一大作文重点话题预测:文化类 1. Directions:
Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture. In you writing, you should 1) describe the picture briefly,
2) interpret its intended meaning, and 3) give your comments.
You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)
Here is a picture, interesting but with profound implication. As is vividly depicted in the photo, a cute little boy and an old man are talking about a book, which successfully captures our eyes. After a close watch, it is not diffic
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td{border-right:1px #99CCFF solid; border-bottom:1px #99CCFF solid; text-align:center;FONT-SIZE: 12px; COLOR: #000000; LINE-HEIGHT: 22px; FONT-FAMILY: ‘微软雅黑’} 2013年考研真题、考研答案汇总 2013考研真题 考研英语真题 考研政治真题 考研数学真题 考研专业课真题 2013考研答案 考研英语答案 考研政治答案 考研数学答案 考研专业课答案 考研英语作文 考研英语大纲 考研政治大纲 考研数学大纲 考研专业课大纲 >>>>点击查看更多考研真题、考研答案信息 【英语一大作文范文】
Emerging from the cartoon is an eye-catching scene that a mass of graduates are at a cr
Top 1:社会民风专题(诚信、共赢、勤俭、节约)
必背表达 互信 mutual trust
诚信 credibility
品德 morality
创新 innovation
共赢 all-win
欺诈 fraud
代价 cost
社会文明 social civilization
假冒伪劣产品 fake commodities
社会危害 harm to society
学术造假 academic cheating
诚实为上策 Honestly is the best policy.
减少浪费 reduce waste
促进改革 promote reform
减轻负担 reduce the burden of
调整产业结构 adjust the industrial structure
物质文明、精神文明一起抓pay equal attention to the material progress and cultural progress 形成文明、健康、崇尚科学的良好社会风尚 form civilized, healthy and science-upholding social practice
I. 考试性质
英语(一)考试是为高等学校和科研院所招收硕士研究生而设置的具有选拔性质的全国统一入学考试科目,其目的是科学、公平、有效地测试考生对英语语言的运用能力,评价的标准是高等学校非英语专业本科毕业生所能达到的及格或及格以上水平,以保证被录取者具有一定的英语水平,并有利于各高等学校和科研院所在专业上择优选拔。 II.考查目标
考生应掌握下列语言知识和技能: (一) 语言知识 1. 语法知识
本大纲没有专门列出对语法知识的具体要求,其目的是鼓励考生用听、说、读、写的实践代替单纯的语法知识学习,以求考生在交际中能更准确、自如地运用语法知识。 2. 词汇
考生应能掌握5500左右的词汇以及相关附表中的内容(详见附录1、2)。 除掌握词汇的基本含义外,考生还应掌握词汇之间的词义关系,如同义词、近义词、反义词等;掌握词汇之间的搭配关系,如动词与介词、形容词与介词、形容词与名词等;掌握词汇生成的基本知识,如词源、词根、词缀等。 英语语言的演化是一个世界范围内的动态发展过程,它受到科技发展和社会进步的影响。这意味着需要对本大纲词汇表不断
I. 考试性质
英语(一)考试是为高等学校和科研院所招收硕士研究生而设置的具有选拔性质的全国统一入学考试科目,其目的是科学、公平、有效地测试考生对英语语言的运用能力,评价的标准是高等学校非英语专业本科毕业生所能达到的及格或及格以上水平,以保证被录取者具有一定的英语水平,并有利于各高等学校和科研院所在专业上择优选拔。 II.考查目标
考生应掌握下列语言知识和技能: (一) 语言知识 1. 语法知识
本大纲没有专门列出对语法知识的具体要求,其目的是鼓励考生用听、说、读、写的实践代替单纯的语法知识学习,以求考生在交际中能更准确、自如地运用语法知识。 2. 词汇
考生应能掌握5500左右的词汇以及相关附表中的内容(详见附录1、2)。 除掌握词汇的基本含义外,考生还应掌握词汇之间的词义关系,如同义词、近义词、反义词等;掌握词汇之间的搭配关系,如动词与介词、形容词与介词、形容词与名词等;掌握词汇生成的基本知识,如词源、词根、词缀等。 英语语言的演化是一个世界范围内的动态发展过程,它受到科技发展和社会进步的影响。这意味着需要对本大纲词汇表不断
2013年考研英语大作文十大模板 来源:考试吧() 2012-8-10 9:00:50 【考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户】 模拟考场 专业硕士精英计划
国内首家专业硕士定校定专业辅导机构 顶级名师授课 全程答疑 一对一辅导 双丰锻压折弯机型号全价格低
通用性强、精度高、性能可靠、便于操作 30多年生产经验,质量有保证
It seems to me that the cartoonist is sending a message about _______(图画主题), which is ______________(进一步的说明)。 He seems to be saying that_______________(给出细节)。 In my opinion, ___________(个人阐述)。
This simple picture is a wake up call for ______(所涉群体,如the whole of the human race)。 Therefore, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures to put an
a child shows no interest in traditional learning, even though he is talented in other fields, he will be considered as an idle person without big dreams and be severely
This education principle wasfruitful(有成效的)when university students were highly valued by the job market but no longer productive since the job market has greatly changed. The job market requires more than academic ability nowadays. People with admirable educational background will also fail because of lack of other abilities.There are many forms of
a child shows no interest in traditional learning, even though he is talented in other fields, he will be considered as an idle person without big dreams and be severely
This education principle wasfruitful(有成效的)when university students were highly valued by the job market but no longer productive since the job market has greatly changed. The job market requires more than academic ability nowadays. People with admirable educational background will also fail because of lack of other abilities.There are many forms of
It seems to me that the cartoonist is sending a message about _______(图画主题),which is ______________(进一步的说明)。He seems to be saying that_______________(给出细节)。In my opinion,___________(个人阐述)。
This simple picture is a wake up call for ______(所涉群体,如the whole of the human race)。Therefore,it is imperative for us to take drastic measures to put an end to _____________(问题所在)。One the one hand,we must _________________(建议一)。It is clear that the drawer of the illustration is urging us to _________(进一步说明)。On the other hand,________