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第一单元 Put in use 1. Robert Thank you pleasure Here is this is How do you do call me journey the hotel very kind

2. Hi, are you Miss Mary Green? I’m Li hong from Foreign Languages School. How do you do, Miss Green? Nice to meet you. Did you have a good journey?

Oh, yes. Let’s go to the hotel of our school. Everything is ready for you there. Well, Miss Green, here is my card. Please call me or email me if you need any help. 3. Excuse me How do you do, Mr. Smith Welcome to our company you are the g


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1. 今天上午你干了多少活儿?(work)

How much work have you done this morning?

2. 开凿隧道需要大量的劳动力。(labour)

To dig a tunnel will need a great amount of labour

3. 他做了最少的工作。(work)

He’s done the least work.

4. 处理这一问题有几种方法。(method)

There are several methods of approaching this problem

5. 我不懂多少语法。I know little French.

6. 少说空话(empty talk)多干事实(practical work)

There must be less empty talk but more practical work.

7. 有多少人出席招待会吗?

There must be less empty talk but more practical work.

8. 我可以和你谈几句话吗?(words) May I have a few words with you?

9. 今天参观展览会


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The bomb exploded 1,000 ft. above the groun. 3. SVO

On August 6, 1945, an American aircraft dropped a bomb on the Janpanese town of Hiroshima. 4. SvoO

Three days later, yet another bomb of the same kind gave the town of Nagasaki the same fatal blow.


The explosion made one and a half square miles of the city an expense of reddish rubble. 6. SVA

Within the fraction of a second, the bomb changed from a metal cylinder into an immense mass of expanding gas, millions of degrees hot. 7. SVOA



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The bomb exploded 1,000 ft. above the groun. 3. SVO

On August 6, 1945, an American aircraft dropped a bomb on the Janpanese town of Hiroshima. 4. SvoO

Three days later, yet another bomb of the same kind gave the town of Nagasaki the same fatal blow.


The explosion made one and a half square miles of the city an expense of reddish rubble. 6. SVA

Within the fraction of a second, the bomb changed from a metal cylinder into an immense mass of expanding gas, millions of degrees hot. 7. SVOA


新编实用英语综合教程3 unit(1-6) 课后答案

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Unit 1

Put in Use : Practice 1

1、are going to apply for a patent on it 2、ve you made the necessary preparations

3、e model has yet to undergo / receive the final test, but the technical drawings are ready

4、w long will it take to get the patent Put in Use : Practice 2

1、at findings have you got from the market research 2、e mini-type of mobile phones are selling well in the market

3、you think this new type of mobile phones will take the place of the older ones

4、people's living conditions have been improved greatly in recent

新编英语语法教程(第五版)练习答案 章振邦主编

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新编英语语法教程 第01讲 练习参考答案 Ex. 1A

1. A. his home work B. quickly, to play 2. A. The huge black horse B. the race

3. A. have thought about B. going into space 4. A. warms up and crawls B. out of the bag

5. A. one of the most beautiful planets to look at through a telescope B. because of the many rings that surround it 6. A. 165 years

B. to complete its path, or orbit,around the sun 7. A. you and your brother

B. How many pairs of shorts

8. A. the most expensive meal listed on the menu B. What

9. A.


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学习情境一 财务管理基本认知

学习子情境一 财务管理目标的确立 【职业能力训练】 一、单项选择题 1、B 2、D 3、A 4、B 二、多项选择题:

1、BC 2、ABCD 3、ABCD 4、BD 5、 ABCD 三、简答

1. 企业财务管理是研究一个企业如何组织财务活动、协调财务关系、提高财务效率的学科。从不同的角度划分,财务管理有不同的范畴分类。从财务管理活动的内容划分,主要分为筹资管理、投资管理和股利分配管理等;从财务管理的层级来划分,主要分为财务管理原理、中级财务管理和高级财务管理等;从财务管理的地域划分,主要分为一般财务管理和跨国财务管理等;从财务管理的广义主体划分,可分为宏观财务管理和微观财务管理;从财务管理的狭义主体划分,可分为所有者财务管理、经营者财务管理和财务经理财务管理等。

2. 所谓企业价值就是企业总资产的市场价值,也是企业债务价值与所有者权益价值(股东财富)之和。投资者在评估企业资产的价值时,一般以资产能够给企业带来经济利益的折现值来计量,它反映了企业资产的潜力或预期获利能力。其优点表现在:(1)考虑了资金的时间价值和风险价值;(2)反映了对企业资产保值增值的要求;(3)有利于克服企业的短期行为;(

新编实用英语综合教程4 unit8答案

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1.there are really differences between Chinese and American cultures. 2.But we also have a lot in common. 3.Chinese people are very modest 4.American people are more practical

5.Americans will say \6.People's behavior and habits are closely related to culture. 1.I went there ten years ago.

2.You should go to see Beijing again. 3.great changes have taken place there.

4.new things keep coming up and growing fast. 5.spring up like mushrooms.

6.If you go back to visit Beijing this time. 7.kill two birds with one arrow P14

新编实用英语综合教程2 -Unit 1 Invitation Etiquette教案

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新编实用英语综合教程2 -Unit 1 Invitation Etiquette教案

Unit 1 Invitation Etiquette

Unit Goals

What you should learn to do

Make an oral invitation to:

Invite people to join daily activities

Invite people to formal occasions

Make a written invitation

(write an invitation card or a letter) for:

Personal invitation

Official occasions

Give a reply to:

An oral invitation

A written invitation

What you should know about

Invitation culture: western and Chinese

Word order in a subordinate clause


After learning this unit, students should grasp:



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1. Jerry is very generous_______ (at, in, on, with) his money.

2. Please don’t get mad ________ (on, to, at, against) me.

3. Dane was quite agreeable_______ (with, to, in, about) my suggestion. 4. He was always attentive _______ (to, with, on, at) my ideas. 5. Fruit is rich_____ (with, in, of, for) vitamins.

6. She was very quick______ (about, at, on, in) bringing the dinner.

7. John was understandably awkward_____ (with, in, on, at) washing up. 8. She was eligible______ (to, at, for, about) an increase in salary. 9.