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ther never stopped for my sister frances, who died when she was four. of clients(委托人).

4. over a period of years, the drug will the body and eventually damage the nervous system.

5. he said he wouldn’t give me the money unless i got down on my knees and died of natural causes. 7. 超过) the car in front.

8.he had gone from being student to becoming a millionaire(百万富 翁).

9.paul’s job was mainly 堆放) them.

10.she came home to find she’d had her tv and video.

12.having served the fam


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适用专业: 课程大纲:

学 时 数: 学 分 数:

开课学期:第一、二、三学期 大纲执笔人:大纲审核人:

第一部分 考试说明






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适用专业: 课程大纲:

学 时 数: 学 分 数:

开课学期:第一、二、三学期 大纲执笔人:大纲审核人:

第一部分 考试说明





21世纪大学实用英语教案2册 - 图文

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第 页

Unit 2 Inspiration Listening & Speaking Step 1. Preview Lead the students to look at the “Preview” so as to make sure that the Students have some ideas of what this unit is all about. Step 2. Part I Listening 1.Listen to the upcoming short talk and complete the related statements below accordingly. Getting to know the following useful language first might be helpful. Useful Language delivery n. 传递 transmission n. 传播 character n. 品格 influence n. 影响 per


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Unit One To Five Sentences Translation

Unit one ㈠

1、I explained the problem to him, but he did not believe what I said.(我说的话) 2、You look tired.What you need is a whole week’s holiday.(你所需要的) 3、George always does his best, and that’s what I like about him.(我喜欢他的地方)

4、I don’t know what’s wrong with John, but I do hope that he can come to our party this evening.(约翰怎么了)

5、In my view, what has happened is not important, but what we should do next is.(已经发生的事)

6、I heard the noise and went to see what was going on in the classroom


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Unit One To Five Sentences Translation

Unit one ㈠

1、I explained the problem to him, but he did not believe what I said.(我说的话) 2、You look tired.What you need is a whole week’s holiday.(你所需要的) 3、George always does his best, and that’s what I like about him.(我喜欢他的地方)

4、I don’t know what’s wrong with John, but I do hope that he can come to our party this evening.(约翰怎么了)

5、In my view, what has happened is not important, but what we should do next is.(已经发生的事)

6、I heard the noise and went to see what was going on in the classroom


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Unit One To Five Sentences Translation

Unit one ㈠

1、I explained the problem to him, but he did not believe what I said.(我说的话) 2、You look tired.What you need is a whole week’s holiday.(你所需要的) 3、George always does his best, and that’s what I like about him.(我喜欢他的地方)

4、I don’t know what’s wrong with John, but I do hope that he can come to our party this evening.(约翰怎么了)

5、In my view, what has happened is not important, but what we should do next is.(已经发生的事)

6、I heard the noise and went to see what was going on in the classroom


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Unit One To Five Sentences Translation

Unit one ㈠

1、I explained the problem to him, but he did not believe what I said.(我说的话) 2、You look tired.What you need is a whole week’s holiday.(你所需要的) 3、George always does his best, and that’s what I like about him.(我喜欢他的地方)

4、I don’t know what’s wrong with John, but I do hope that he can come to our party this evening.(约翰怎么了)

5、In my view, what has happened is not important, but what we should do next is.(已经发生的事)

6、I heard the noise and went to see what was going on in the classroom


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21st Century College English: Book 1

Unit 4: Text A

The Washwoman

Unit 4: Text A

Lead-in Activities Lead Text Organization Reading & Writing Skills Language Points Guided Practice Assignment

LeadLead-in Activities

Questions for Discussion Do your grandparents live with your parents? What’s the possible advantages and disadvantages of elders living together with their children’s families? Think of a person you know who continues to work hard in his / her old age. Describe this person to others. What is he / she


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教 案

2010 ~ 2011 学年第 一 学期

课程名称: 大学英语


课程所属系(部): 应用外语系

课程名称: 大学英语 授课班级:10食品(1)班

课程类型: □理论课 □实践课 总学时:64 学分:4


翟象俊主编《21世纪大学实用英语综合教程》(1) 复旦大学出版社 2007年4月第一版

教学方法、手段:讲授、讨论、练习 考核方式:考试 主要参考书目:

1. 《21世纪大学实用英语综合练习》(1)总主编:翟象俊 余建中 陈永捷 复旦大学出版社出版(普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材)

2.《21世纪大学实用英语教学参考书》(1)总主编:翟象俊 余建中 陈永捷 复旦大学出版社出版(普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材)

Date: Sep. 25, 2010 Period: 2

Content:Unit 1 listening and speaking Teaching aims:

After studying this unit, the students a